Living a Healthy Life because of Cathe by Lacy


I discovered Cathe’s workouts on FitTV three years ago. I remember seeing one and thinking it looked really fun and challenging so I decided to try it. The first workout I tried was a step workout and, having never done anything like it before and not being the most coordinated person, I was so frustrated I almost quit. I’m so glad I didn’t! After watching the workout several times and working on short sections over and over, I finally got the steps down and became familiar with many of the combinations used in several of Cathe’s workouts.

I began doing all of Cathe’s workouts on FitTV and felt I was in the best shape of my life at 116 pounds and a size 0-2 (even after having one child)!
I became pregnant with my second child and continued doing Cathe’s workouts throughout the pregnancy and even did one the day I went into labor. The pregnancy and delivery went beautifully and I believe much of it was due to working out with Cathe regularly. I was also able to get back down to my pre-pregnancy size very quickly.
I have tried other workout programs but none of them compare, in my opinion, to Cathe’s workouts. Her workouts are so fun and challenging at the same time and I appreciate the focus she puts on living a better life by becoming stronger and healthier. I recommend her workouts to everyone I know. I have now purchased several of Cathe’s Shock Cardio downloads and love them! My favorite workouts are the step workouts (even though I had so much trouble learning step) because they are so fun! I also love doing weight training with Cathe because she always challenges me to become stronger…and let’s face it, with two energetic little boys I need all the strength I can get!

I have just turned 32 and am in the early stages of my third pregnancy. I plan on continuing with Cathe’s workouts throughout the pregnancy, as I have before, in order to maintain a healthy pregnancy and encourage quick recovery. I am looking forward to starting Cathe’s STS program after having the baby and am excited to see what new levels of fitness I will reach.