Gluten-free Goji Berry Scones

Gluten-free Goji Berry Scones


¼ cup buckwheat flour
1 scoop brown rice protein powder (Garden of Life RAW)
½ tsp of ground cinnamon
dash of sea salt
½ tsp of baking soda
½ tsp of guar gum for thickening and holding together
¼ cup of lite canned coconut milk
¼ cup water
1 tbsp coconut nectar or pure maple syrup
1 tsp of coconut vinegar (I like Coconut Secret brand)
1 dropper full of liquid stevia (I used orange flavored)
2 tbsp of goji berries, or any other dried berry


Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Combine dry ingredients, then add wet ingredients stirring until you have a thick heavy batter. Place on parchment paper on a baking sheet, and spread batter into a 4 inch round. Bake for about 10 minutes or until crispy on outside yet a little soft on inside. Cut into 1 inch thick long pieces and enjoy eating them all! This makes one serving! High protein, gluten-free and good for eye health as gojis are great for the eyes! You might also sub in raisins, blueberries, dates, nuts, or even dark chocolate chips! Yum!