From Motivated to Motivator! – by Michelle Schultz


I’m 41-year-old mother of two and in the best shape of my life, thanks to Cathe Friedrich!

I was never an athletic child. I dreaded gym class like most people dread visits to the dentist. I had allergies, asthma and very pale skin…three characteristics that kept me indoors and inactive for much of my youth.

In college, I “dabbled” in physical activity…sporadically participating in aerobics classes, swimming and running as a reactive measure against the dreaded ‘Freshman 15.’ Because I was a fashion design major, I experienced abnormally heavy exposure to waif-sized models and distorted body imagery. I hated my body and felt “fat” most of the time. I employed methods familiar to many women dissatisfied with their figures…yo-yo dieting, shakes, supplements and even (oh, the horror!) skipping meals. Nothing I did ever gave me any visible results or motivation to continue. To make matters worse, I was miserable DOING it. I saw the prospect of fitness as nothing more than drudgery. I also felt I would hate my body forever.

During my dating career, my weight fluctuated almost 30 pounds…UP when I was happy, DOWN when I was depressed. (I was one of those people who lost their appetite during emotionally stressful situations, and there was no shortage of those back then!) After a particularly painful break-up when my weight had hit an all-time low, I decided to focus on myself and began working out. I was 22.


Using some videos that were popular at the time (the FIRM series), I started working out at home. I began to see some results and was motivated to continue, but still considered working out to be a chore. I suspected that these instructors on my television screen MUST be doing something other than what they were teaching me, because mimicking their Every Move had not provided me the results I was seeking.

Then I discovered Cathe Friedrich! Everything changed!

I learned about Cathe after reading a few video reviews on Collage Video’s website. According to the comments, the videos I was doing at the time were good, but if I wanted GREAT, I had to try Cathe Friedrich. I did a bit of research and was intrigued. I purchased Body Max and Maximum Intensity Strength and that did it.

This woman had an amazing physique! She used real weights and had an approachable demeanor! She didn’t just lead you in movement, but she taught you what muscles you were engaging and how! The best part was that I had never done ‘step aerobics’ before and discovered it was really fun! This was it! I loved her music, her style, her “Crew” and her variety. I began buying DVDs like crazy. I sold all my others on eBay.

Today, after two pregnancies (with which I gained 50 and 75 lbs. respectively), I am in the best shape of my life and am a confirmed ‘Cathlete.’ I absolutely love to work out now! My body image has vastly improved! I love my healthy muscles and strong body, and I’ve lost all desire to be a waif! I exercise with Cathe 5-6 times a week and, because of her expert inspiration, education and motivation, had the confidence to begin teaching fitness classes at my local gym twice a week. I’ve been teaching now for over two years.

I’ve been lucky enough to meet Cathe twice, attending both the ’05 and ’07 Road Trips and can say, without a shadow of a doubt, that she is even MORE friendly and genuine in person that she is in her DVDs. She is my inspiration!

Thank you, Cathe!

7 Responses

  • Your story made me tear up. I agree with you about Cathe. I have never met her, but would love to. She really is the best of the best and very fun to work out with. Congrats on your success!

  • Awesome testimonial. I can nearly duplicate your exact words in my own story (minus the two pregnancies). I met Cathe in 2008 on the road trip and found her to be warm and personable and brought the workouts to life even more. Best wishes in your ongoing fitness journey!!

  • I recently quit smoking and decided that instead of giving up and allowing myself to gain weight just because I quit I was going to start working out. UGH!! I have never enjoyed working out. I started with jogging but that hurt my knees. Then I found Fit TV and discovered Cathe. Yeah. The workouts wer’e fun, challenging, and kept me interested. It has been 4 1/2 months since I quit smoking. I have been working out regularly for 4 of those months. Some days are harder than others but over all I can see more muscle definition and I feel better. I find It’s easier to get out of bed and that I have more energy.

    Thank you Cathe

  • Good for you! I’ve been working out with cathe for awhile. I just bought sts strength. And i hope i get the same results you did. Did you do anything different with your eating habits?

  • @ mary: I try to eat smaller meals throughout the day rather than the usual three – breakfast, lunch and dinner. When I’m at my best, I eat equal amounts of protein and carb at every sitting, and I avoid the usual pitfalls: alcohol, sugar (the toughest for me) and white flour. I take healthy snacks with me to work so I always have something ready. When doing STS, the after-workout snack is very important…with protein as the most important part. If you have a shake like Myoplex or a protein bar, that’s fine…otherwise a tall glass of skim milk and an apple, or a handful of raw nuts and Craisins. STS is fabulous! Good luck!!