Filming Begins on Cathe’s Low Impact Series

Now joint pain will no longer stop you from enjoying the high intensity workouts you love!

Hi Everyone! I have some very exciting news that I’m dying to share with you. Well, as most of you know, a request for a low impact workout series has pretty much topped the charts on the Suggestion’s forum on our website. In fact, I’ll even go so far as to say it is “the hot topic” over there.

Knowing this for quite some time now, I have been secretly designing an ALL LOW IMPACT series that gives intensity a whole new name. Forgive me for not sharing it with you sooner but I wanted to be sure that I had everything in order to make this series rock with new energy, new choreography, new formats and yes even a new fitness “toy”…hence my new Fitness By Cathe Slide and Glide Discs. Yes, you heard right….I’m creating an ALL NEW, ENTIRELY LOW IMPACT SERIES. But wait there’s more….filming has already begun!!! Yes, we already have production underway and it sizzles with energy, intensity, and with totally new choreography featuring my sliding discs.

My new Fitness by Cathe Slide and Glide discs are the inspiration behind many of my new ALL low impact, ALL high intensity series and I actually had them made specifically for this new series. In my past workouts I’ve used discs and paper plates but usually with just one disc at a time to enhance a standard lower body exercise. In my new Low Impact series we often use both discs simultaneously to enhance the intensity for the lower body, upper body and core. But equally exciting is that we will use both discs for cardio in some of the workouts….and I’m not just talking any ol’e cardio….I’m talking FUN, HIGHLY INTENSE, LOW IMPACT cardio.

If you’re the type of person who has done my workouts in the past and still loves a good intense workout, but your joints no longer allow you to do high impact plyo moves – you’ll love my new Low Impact Joint Friendly Series! It has

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everything you’re looking for, including high intensity. And while I still love and value Plyo-based workouts and plan to continue making them in the future (as they are listed as the highest rated type of intense workout out there), I also realize many of us need or want more joint friendly, high intensity alternatives. And even if you still can and do love plyo based routines you too will love how my new series gives your joints a break, but still challenges your body in a new and unique way. To be blunt, you will be a sweaty mess when you are finished, lol.

As I mentioned above, the Low Impact series is now in production and features a variety of different workouts that I’ll tell you about later. My plans are to finish filming in

several stages over the next several months. This way I can make sure each workout gets my complete focus and the crew and I will have time to perfect and rehearse each workout. Though I’m only releasing a few details about my next workout series at this time, I will share more with you as the production continues to move along. I’m so ready to get super sweaty with you in a joint friendly kind of way …are you up for the challenge?… and if you love high intensity workouts, but not the impact  make sure to click the “Like” button below.

Cathe, Lorraine, Brenda, Amanda and Jai during the filming of the Low Impact Series Slide and Glide.

140 Responses

  • Woohoo!!!!!!!!! Thanks for listening to us Cathe!! The series sounds awesome. My credit card is ready for the pre-sale 🙂

  • I knew it! You’d been too quiet on a new project… 🙂 Thank you, thank you, thank you for low impact! I’m so excited!

  • WOW! Cathe I’m so happy for this. Thank you so much for listening. Ready for the pre-sale.

  • I’m very excited about the new low impact series, especially with the inclusion of the discs. As a physical therapist, I love the lateral motion training possibilities of the slide, and know that the double disc gliding will be great!

  • Where’s the “love” button??? Because I L-O-V-E this!!! I train for marathons 5 out of the 12 months of the year, and I run recreationally the rest of the year. I need low-impact cross-training alternatives and I miss my Cathe workouts. I’m so happy I get to incorporate you in my cross-training again!!

  • OMgosh! This totally made my already wonderful week into an over the top week!!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!!

  • I don’t pre-order anything anymore. I have enough DVD’s that I can wait….but I am ready for this one!!! Yippee!! I want to order now!

  • I’m so excited and so are my 48 year old joints! I LOVE LOVE LOVE me some Cathe, but the high impact moves have been getting tougher and tougher to do, and my mind thinks I’m younger than my body does! So this will be the perfect fit…..the Cathe and Crew I know and love and moves that my body will love, too! I can’t wait!

    Thanks Cathe!

  • thank you, thank you, thank you; my joints thank you. Oh, did I say thank you. Loving it!

  • THANK YOU for low-impact/high-intensity. And THANK YOU for already making headway on preparation before announcing the series.

  • Wonderful, I love the HIIT series, but definitely need to add high intensity low impact to my routine. Will these disks work on the rubber floor mats? I only have a small area of hard floor surface in my workout room.

  • Exciting news, and I’m very happy to see Amanda is continuing on in your dvds, I really liked her in the last batch of new workouts!

  • This made my Monday! I am thrilled to have this option from Cathe. I want to order it today!!!!

  • This is amazingly exciting news! I love your DVDs, Cathe, and in fact, review them on my blog, but I have bad knees and can’t seem to find intense, low-impact exercises/workouts that I don’t get bored with. So I’m very excited for your new DVDs 🙂

  • A low impact workout sounds great, i would also LOVE an all upper body workout does anyone agree.

  • I can’t wait for this new series. I do the high impact workout tapes at age 56 but I modify them to make them low impact. Can’t wait for the pre-sale. I seem to achieve so much with Cathe’s workout tapes. Thank you Cathe!!!!

  • Sounds wonderful! Can I ask that these glide discs please be available for international shipping as well? I’m using tiny towels (yes…) at the moment, as they make less scraping-the-floor-noise than the paper plates (which are occasionally used as well), but they’re not ideal.

  • Great news!!!!! I am 58 and have no problems with the most difficult choregography but those plyo moves just don’t work for me anymore. I am so looking forward to this workout. Thank you!

  • Well, sign me up!!! After seriously injuring both knees several years ago, high-impact was out of the question – love all your videos, Cathe, even if I had to modify – this series sounds absolutely wonderful! I can’t wait to pre order! (Is there such a thing as pre-pre-ordering????)

  • FINALLY!! Some new workouts for those of us with wonky knees. I cannot wait to get my hands on these!

  • Great news! Even if you don’t have joint issues it’s nice to have a low-impact option without giving up the intensity! I hope the series will include routines without the step and some fresh moves!

  • Yes, our Fitness by Cathe Slide and Glide discs will work great on carpet. The included black fabric wrap will also make them work on wood and most vinyl floors

  • Any new workout announcement sounds awesome to me. I’m hoping there will be a preorder discount as with previous releases!

  • Woo hoo!! This is awesome news. I was hoping Cathe would film something new this year! Even though I love HiiT and high-impact, I also love to mix in lower impact workouts for variety, so this really will fit the bill. Thanks Cathe!

  • Low impact, work on carpet, intense workout… now where’s the order now button? Thanks for listening to my old(er) joints request!

  • YAHOO!!!! Thanks Cathe. You always surprise us with just what we need. My 54 year old joints SALUTE you!! I actually was rebounding during the high tuck jumps on your other WO. LOVE LOVE the gliding disc’s element. It will be fresh and so exciting. Can’t wait!!! YOU ARE THE BEST!!!

  • Yeah! I’m also very, very excited about this. I love Cathe cardio workouts, but definitely need less jumping. Thanks so much Cathe for listening to us! Hope they will be ready soon. I am also a fan of gliding discs and am so excited about the slide! I love those!!

  • thank you so much for doing this. You are the best. I have about 20 of your dvds or more. have been working out with you for 10 years now, but now I am 57 and need more of low impact high intensity workouts. I still do the higher workouts but sometimes I need to modify which is fine, I still can do them its just nice to have options. I have low max and low impact ciurcut. and really like them alot. can’ t wait to get the low impact sereis. Thanks again. I also would like to know if you do any spinning classes. Maybe you could think about doing a couple of spinning workout dvds. I have a couple of them with another instructor but they both stink so much I can’t use them. you always have geat music and have a great personality. Just giving you something new to think about. I can’ thank you enough. Rita lassandrello

  • WOOT WOOT!!! I am so excited – I can alternate – the HiiT workouts and Low impact Intensity workouts {LiiT} workouts!! PERFECT .. thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU!!!

  • WooHoo! I know what to get for my birthday now.

    Another suggestion for gliders until we can get Cathe’s is to use a Frisbee with Feltac on the bottom.

  • I always look forward to your new DVD’s and they seem to be perfectly timed with my needing to shake up my routine and start something new which I’m feeling is building and building….until the pre-sale. Then I will have something in the exercise section of my life to lanticipate.
    Many thanks.

  • I am so looking forward to another workout series as usual Cathe, and i am glad it will be low impact. As much as I love the other , I am 42 with osteoarthritis in my knees and a few other joints. They have been “feeling” it lately too. So thank you for the effort and I know it will awesome as usual!!!!

  • Having just gone through a $6,000, four-month laser back treatment, I am thrilled with the prospects of a low-impact workout! Thank you, Cathe!

  • Great Motivation to have the opportunity to get something NEW – both for our muscles and our minds. Thank you!

  • I love love love it!!!! I have a slight tear in my miniscus and a stress injury to the inside of my right knee. I’m told not to do as much high impact, so this is eactly what the doctor ordered. (It sucks getting old, but I’m going done with a fight!!!!!) Love you, Cathe!!!

  • I am SO excited! Seriously, this has made my week! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!

  • LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! You wonderful sneaky thang, you! :-_

  • Yahoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! New tough Cathe workouts!!!!!

    Cathe you’ve spoiled us so much with such excellent and tough workouts that I pretty much don’t bother working out with any other DVDs. I can still do your high impact workouts (not step of any kind though), but relish the thought of having more variety in the form of low impact workouts.

    Thank you Cathe!!!!

  • What timing – this is just what I need right now! (My knees are with Mona’s….) I’m coming back from double shoulder surgeries and can really use the low impact. Thank you, thank you!

  • Falls over onto back and toes straight up…did I read that correctly??? I’m speechless….I cannot wait!!!!! Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!

    When does the Pre-ordering begin????

  • Thanks Cathe this is the news I have been waiting to hear from you…you never disappoint!

  • I am SO excited! When I was at my goal weight, I used to work out with you all the time, but no more since I regained it all back + more. My overburden, nearly 47-year-old knees will surely thank you for this new series. Can’t wait for more details!

  • Thank you!!! I’m 54 and still loving the high impact workouts, but every now and then get a little twinge in the knees…… It will be great to have some high intensity, low impact options.

  • Great Cathe, my almost 55 year old joints can’t take it either! I was going to order High Intensity & take a chance on killing myself. But, I got your new email & am so excited-so I definitely will wait for these!!

  • Great! I am 36 years old and my knees are bad!! (soccer and ice skating injuries). I am so bummed that I can’t do your workouts as often as I liked!!! I need to get in shape…I am still trying to go back to my pre-baby weight…(2 years now!) Just wondering how intense it is going to be. When I do the HITT series my heart goes to 180 beats per minute (oh yeah…that’s the vomiting stage for me)…but I love it! I need to burn some butter without destroying what is left of my knees….looking forward to these new series!

  • Cathe, whatever you put out, I will buy and use! I am looking forward to your new series…I am 55 and have gotten to the point where if I do a long, high impact workout one day, I need to do a “lighter” impact the next. It is mainly my feet. (I have and love your low impact circuit workout, the low impact step one that is kind of old and of course, the new kickbox one fits the bill mostly for low impact for me too.). Many thanks for always changing it up.

  • Great news about the low impact series. I have knee issues, so I cannot do high impact. I already have some glide discs, but they don’t really glide much, hope yours are better.

  • Thank you so much Cathe!!!! I’m sure I’m going to love these. Great timing… Happy 40th birthday present to me,(5/21),and mother’s day.

  • You havent disappointed me yet, Cathe. And turning 50 this year, as much as I love the higher impact workouts, I cannot wait for this one!

  • I could not think of anything better for workouts. Thank you, Cathe! Can’t wait!

  • Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t wait!!! I hope we get to see previews of the videos at the Disney Road Trip!!!!! Rock on Cathe! You’re the best!

  • WOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so excited and can’t wait to order. THANK YOU SO MUCH CATHE… YOU GO GIRL!!

  • A new challenge! Definitely getting the series! Thanks, Cathe, for listening to us!

  • Sign my 50 year old ex-dancer joints up! I’m skeptical about the Slide and Glide Discs but you’ve never disappointed, Cathe so I’m giving it a whirl.
    Thank you for all the great workouts over the years!!!

  • aaaahhhhh………thank you. I have been wishing for another high intensity/ low impact series. At 55, my knees have recently “retired” after many years with the Postal Service as a letter carrier. Hope the presale starts soon – I will be there! Thank you!

  • Another reason to get excited about wellness, fitness, challenging ourselves, and trying new things! Can’t wait to see it – and have it in my home! Even your low intensity versions challenge our muscles (and spirit) and many ways! Thanks Cathe!

  • i always look forward to my Cathe workouts but I too have days when my joints look forward to something less jarring. Cathe you always deliver and am sure you won’t disappoint with this new series!
    thank you!

  • Yoohoo!!! I am sooooo excited!!!! I love, love, love Low Max and I can hardly wait for the new series!!!! Thank you Cathe!!!!

  • Yeah!!!! Cathe, you have saved my life!! I have Permanent Nerve Damage and 4 blow neck discs, but I still try and do your workouts. I have had to tone them down, but I’m so excited by this new series!!!! I have ALL your Dvds and I can not wait for this new series and I have not been able to fine those sliders, so I’m so happy that you are going to sell your own brand, very awsome!!!

  • I have loved Cathe and worked out with her for many years. At 60 years old and an advanced exerciser, I have loved ALL of Cathe’s workouts and use them daily. However, at this point, I want all the intensity and less of the impact. This new series is exactly what I have been waiting for and it cannot be released a day too soon!!!! Hurry up so we can enjoy!

  • Well done Cathe – very impressed! I will be ordering all Low Impact dvd’s as soon as available – all the way to Australia. My participants need low impact more often than not and I need new ideas.

    You are only getting better with every year 🙂

  • Cathe i am so excited to know you are launching a new low impact serie…We all need to give our joint a break sometimes. It is good to have a choice between an intense low impact workout and an intense high impact. Bring it on cathe i can not wait 🙂

  • FANTASTIC!! A true wish come true….low impact, but still high intensity workouts! Absolutely cannot wait. Thanks for listening Cathe!!!

  • Cathy, I am soooo glad you are responding to the low impact w/o. I love all your w/o’s but yes all the jumping (no matter how I land) is killing my knees. I look forward to this new series. I will be on the list to get it.

  • Thank you! As much as I love the effects of plyo, I have to pace myself because of my right knee. This series sounds like the ticket!

  • Oh, THANK YOU!!!!! I love your workouts, but my poor knees just can’t handle all of the high impact moves. I am so looking forward to this series!

  • Thank you SOOOOO much! I have plantar fascitis in one foot –I haven’t been jumping for quite sometime. It will be wonderful not to have to modify the moves in a workout 🙂 I can’t wait!

  • Thank you Cathe for listening, with arthritis and bone on bone I look forward to getting a high intensity workout without having to have 3 days of recuperation afterewards – you (and your crew) totally ROCK!! 🙂

  • Whoo hooooo.I have some knee issues and I do love to work out to Cathe but always need to modify. I am sososososososooooo excited. ( Did I mention I was excited? ) SIGN ME UP NOW

  • Just to echo the previous posts……

    I CAN’T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Happy Dance!!!
    xx, Denise 😀

  • Will there be some snippets on YouTube that we can start looking at?

    I am sooooo excited; I have every workout, beginning from the VCR tapes up through the latest. As more workouts get made my knees get worse. I thought I was the only one who ached but still worked out around it!

    Did I say……I am soooooo excited!!!!!

  • I met you about 4 years ago when I had some business meetings in the Philadelphia, Pa area. I had come down from the Boston area and did a workout with you before my meetings. After, we talked at length and I suggested that myself and many like me with age, knee or joint issues would love a low impact workout from you.

    Since then I have had 2 total knee replacements and have continued to work out with your DVD’s, but I could not do the high impact workouts without modification. I am very excited to hear about your low impact series. Now I can have a good alternative to my resistance training other than an exercise bike or walking.


  • YES! YES! YES! I’m 47 and this old girls joints are achin;. But I still get up to do those incredible awsome body changing workouts every day! It’s like Christmas all over again! Thanks Cathe!

  • Can’t wait!! I have a great number of your workouts and have been working out for 25 years. At age 59 and working full time would like some low impact series. Thank you sooo much!!

  • Thanks this is going to come at the right time! I will be 6-8 months along in my pregnancy at that time and i am allways looking for new workouts. Thanks Cathe you are the best!

  • Yes Amanda the discs work great on carpet. Looking forward to this workout as I have had to have both knees replaced ( I am only 48) Not comfortable doing high impact exercises. My cardio has consisted of spinning only for the last 10 years. I love spinning but would love to have an alternative that gives me the results.

  • I cannot wait for this series, I have always tried to make the workouts I have low impact for days that were bad for my feet, now I won’t have to. Thank you Cathe, you truly are the leader in fitness.


  • Thanks so much, Cathe. I haven’t been pre-ordering your last few series because of the impact and thought that I’d reached that point where I just needed to stick with your older workouts, which my body is familiar with and I’ve learned to modify if needed. I’m excited for this new series!

  • I’m so happy about this! I’m in love with STS.. I’ve lost 30pds with the series so far:0)

  • Even though I love plyo (thanks to the amazing and unexpected knee-strengthening effects of working out with Cathe’s DVDs) I am thrilled to hear about this, because knees are fragile and if I can get the intensity without the impact, COUNT ME IN! THANKS, Cathe!

  • Will you be sending an e-mail to advertise the pre-sale? Please! Sign me up! I need low impact, my knees are in bad shape!

  • Yay! One suggestion: Since all the respondents seem to be close to my age (50) it would be good if you could make the music for this series appropriate for our age group. 🙂

  • I agree with PJ above – lots of seasoned exercisers who can’t do high impact anymore so music for the older crowd would be great.

  • Cathe – I like your music just the way it is……..and I am of a certain age.

    I do NOT want a Dancing Grannies set. I want intensity and a challenge.

    And I don’t want a Jane Fonda as she is now DVD set.

  • I ordered both the DVD’s and the DL’s! I am sooo psyched and can’t wait for all of them. Thanks Cathe!!!!!!!

  • I own most of Cathe’s DVD’s and have some requests for the new videos. I hope you use the older format for moving through menus. I found the way the cursor moved through the menus was hard to read in the last series. Also, please consider indicating the amount of time each premix item is..this is so useful when selecting the workout for the day.

  • I agree with another poster not wanting the music to be “a dancing grannies set”. Let it fly Cathe! And I’m of a certain age too, and completely clueless what age-appropriate music is, cuz my generation rocked the house down.

  • My idea of age appropriate isn’t granny anything. How about something like “Hair of the Dog” during the hard parts and “Goin to California” during the cooldown? I just didn’t care for the techno type stuff in some of the latest workouts.

  • i’m excited for these low impact workouts even though I just modify her current workouts when there are moves i can’t do. i love the music in all her dvds so i dont care what music she uses as long as it complements the workouts and it always does so do whatever Cathe feels is best for the workouts is fine by me!

  • So excited about this series, please don’t use old fogie music. I am 30 and still totally into this type of workout.

  • “Hair of the Dog” and “Going to California” are Old Lady Music to me.

    I want techno, exciting music!

    Also, where is Cedie?