Deazie and Robert doing a Bench Press

STS Meso #3 is all about strength and Heavy Weights. You are going to work out using weights that are about 80% to 90% of your one rep max. You will be doing four exercises for your chest alternating with four back exercises using a technique known as the five percent method.
To take full advantage of this technique you will want to select the heaviest weight you can lift for about nine reps. The first week you are going to do four sets of eight reps for every exercise, resting two to three minutes between each set of the same muscle group. Do the same for weeks two and three….but increase your weight by five per cent each workout and decrease your reps by one. On your fourth and final workout for this mesocycle, we want you to do 8 reps again just like in week one…..But use the weight you used in your second workout. If everything goes as planned you should be 5% stronger at the end of this mesocycle.
In the above picture Deazie and Robert show two ways of doing an Incline Bench Press. Robert is using a Bench Press and a barbell while Deazie is doing the same exercise on a step with slanted risers using dumbbells. As soon as the patent attorneys give us the okay (hopefully in just a few more days) we will show you another way using the first product we have designed since the High Step.