Cycle Max Workout Video Clip

So  are you ready for the ride of your life? Well let me take you there with a rocking custom made soundtrack and a calorie blasting indoor cycle workout.. Consider yourself the rock star of your living room as you burn countless calories, shape and define your legs and glutes and become one sweaty mess.

This is the ultimate Zero impact fat burning indoor cycle workout and once completed, youll wring out your shirt to prove it! This workout also features a custom made rock’in soundtrack and our “vocals only” option allows you to play your own music if desired.

Cycle Max is filmed at a level not normally seen in cycle videos and features multiple camera angles and close-ups that will help to keep you visually stimulated and motivated during your ride. And best of all you will get to see 8 of your fellow Cathletes in this zero impact workout!

The total workout time of Cycle Max is 56 minutes. ( warm up 5:02, ride 45:11, stretch 5:51)

Pre-Order the Low Impact series individual DVDs. – Pre-Order the Low Impact series individual DVDs. –  Pre-Order Now

Categories: Blog, Newest Workouts

20 Responses

  • awesome ride soundtrack sounds amazing I have a question what type of bike is yours and are you selling them

  • I have a question? I have a bike peddle bike that I use to workout with. It has a bunch of different gears that has a unit on the back I can ride stationary in the house in the winter. Do you think I can do this workout with that? Should I get different pedals to hold my feet in like you have?

  • @janet…We’re not selling spin bikes. We used Star Trac V-Bikes, but these are commercial spin bikes made for health clubs. There are some very good home units that are much cheaper. Hopefully, some cathletes will respond with the bike they use at home.

  • I use a Schwinn Spin bike and I am happy with it. It is not the top of the line by any stretch but it works and I can’t wait to do this video. Looks great Cathe!!

  • @Sandra…Yes, there is one express Premix included on the DVD. You can also just use our Chapters menu and start at any Interval you like. The workout will play from that point on.

  • Hi Cathe! WOW!!! Cycle Max looks great!
    I have a Recumbent bike @ home ” LifeFitness”
    For a Spin workout, would type of bike work for me??

  • WOW! This looks awesome, I don’t have a stationary bike at home, but this dvd is what will convince me to buy one. I ordered it with all the other low impact workouts in the pre-order bundle, and it looks like a blast! Wheeee!

  • Has anyone used the as seen on tv spin fit bike? it cost 599 and before i spend that I would like some reviews

  • I am so excited for this video and I am thrilled that there is an option to have vocals only (I wish ALL workout videos had that option).

    I live in NYC and single spin classes are $30 a pop. So I finally got my own bike and I am so glad I did.

    I bought a schwinn ac sport spin bike from Amazon and it was pricy but in my research I found that the Sunny Health & Fitness Indoor Cycling Pro was very highly rated and $280, a fraction of what I spent. It’s what I am recommending to my friends and family who want to get in on spin.

  • Cannot wait for this video. I have been spinning for about13 years. For the first few years or so I went to the gym. I decided to buy my own bike and I ended up with the Revmaster by Gregg Lemond(Tour de France winner). I love the bike , it has paid for itself many times over. I have had it for about 11 years. There are some great video’s avaiable but I was so excited to hear that Cathe finally was making one. I have missed out on a lot of great Cathe cardio video’s as I have had both my knees replaced before age 45.