Cathe as Inspiration After the Loss of My Son

This is not a success story about weight loss, but more about inspiration. My son took his life on January 31, 2011.

I have been an avid Cathe fan for about eight years. Of course, after my loss had absolutely no motivation for anything. However, exercising was such a routine in my life, I felt odd not doing my Cathe DVDs. I had to continually push myself everyday to work out. Some days I had good intentions, but to no avail I did not workout. Other days, I tried to talk myself into excising. The days I actually did get the motivation and energy to exercise, I got tired very easily and just did not have the energy. I began to dislike working out because it was so hard and draining. I had no energy and I did not find it fun anymore.

However, after about six weeks after my son’s passing, I pushed and pushed myself to workout. I started out with very easy step and weight training workouts and then started doing them daily again. I used to wo rkout seven days a week, but now I only workout five days, which to me is a huge accomplishment. Believe me there are days when I DO NOT want to exercise. I would rather stay in bed, but I motivated myself (almost every morning lol).

Performing Cathe DVDs motivated me a great deal. Doing her workouts have helped me both physically and especially mentally. Of course, I miss my son horribly every day and would do anything in the world to have him with me. I can not emphasize how much Cathe and her crew has helped me feel a little bit better each day! I want to thank Cathe for all her dedication to her fans and I want to especially thank her for making such a difference in my life!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Categories: Blog, Success Stories

12 Responses

  • I am so sorry for your loss. I’m very happy that you were able to find inspiration in the midst of such tragedy. My thoughts and prayers are with you, and thank you for sharing.

  • I’m really sorry to hear about your loss. My heart goes out to you. I lost my brother a few years ago and watched my mother go through that grieving process and it is very difficult. You’re blessed that you had Cathe to get you moving again. I know what exercise means to my life so I can only imagine how it must have helped you. I wish you well.

  • Having lost two family members to suicide, I understand your grieving process, and offer you my sincerest condolences. And I understand the need for the physical outlet of exercise – it truly will help you get through this time, especially on those days you’d rather stay in bed. How wonderful that you have Cathe and her crew to help you accomplish that, I can’t imagine a better group. Warm regards, Ellen

  • Your story brought tears to my eyes but hope to my heart. I too am grieving terribly and find that Cathe is more helpful to me than doctors and meds. The hardest part is picking the dvd, putting it IN the DVD player. Pushing play and the warmup is the best medicine for me. I can’t express the feeling during the last stretch. I feel like I can conquer anything. That is what motivated me to keep going no matter how sad life can be. Thank you for sharing your story.

  • It is so strange that I find your post today. I lost my daughter 10 months ago. You describe exactly what I’ve been feeling and doing. Being able to do Cathe dvd’s gives me a sense of purpose and direction in my life. With each passing month I try to refocus my efforts on eating better but, it doesn’t always work. I know that Cathe will be there smiling, pushing me everyday. Thank you, Cathe

    I’m so sorry for your loss and I know what you are going through. Our lives will never be the same but, with Cathe as our physical guide we are able to face each day a little stronger.

  • Bless your heart. Thank you for telling us your story. I, too, have dealt with the loss of my son and it is difficult to find the energy to take care of myself. I have also found Cathe’s DVD motivational and helpful. Bless you and your family as you remember your son during the holidays and in the first anniversary month of January. Be kind to yourself.

  • Iam so sorry for your loss, I don;t think I could motivate myself to do anything after that, just thinking about what you did makes my heart break

    Take care of yourself

  • Thank you so much for your touching story, while most of us will never know what you go through in a day its good to know ther are such strong people like you for the rest of us to look up to.

  • We almost lost my son this October to sepsis and it was a harrowing time. I can’t even begin to imagine your pain. Please accept my love, hugs and prayers for you and your family and thanks for sharing such a personal experience.

  • I lost my brother 9 years ago this May… I am the sibling, and watching my parents go through what you are experiencing has been one of the most difficult things I have ever done. You are not alone, many of us know your pain, and are awestruck by your story. Your son in certainly looking down on you smiling. He is proud of you, as am I. Thank you so much for sharing your story.

  • I cannot even imagine your loss, and I will pray for you. Two years ago, I almost lost my beloved son, and for ten days, the doctors would not tell us if he would live. He was in the hospital for five months. My experience cannot even compare to yours, and tears are coming to my eyes.

    A year after this experience, I lost my boyfriend of nine years who had a heart attack. I believe in a higher being, and I hope your son and my boyfriend are in a better place.