5 Exercise Excuses You Should Stop Making and Why

You’ve heard all the excuses people make about why they don’t exercise. You may have even made some of those excuses yourself! But if you managed to talk yourself into and do it anyway, you found that you felt better afterward. Plus, you had a sense of accomplishment that only a good sweat session can bring.

Ask the average person why they don’t exercise, and they’ll give you one of several excuses that include phrases like “too busy” or “don’t enjoy it.” Sound familiar? But anything worthwhile for your health takes commitment and consistency. Remember, you’re doing it for your present and future health. Let’s debunk some of the most common exercise excuses and show why they don’t hold true.

Exercise Excuses #1: Insufficient Time

You have 24 hours in a day and spending at least 30 minutes exercising is only a small part of your day. If time is your biggest excuse, set your alarm 30 minutes early and devote that extra 30 minutes to working out. When you exercise in the morning, you get a workout before life gets in the way.

Too much too fast? Choose one day a week to get up earlier and exercise for 30 minutes before heading off to work. Once you’re accustomed to that, add another day until you’re exercising 3 or more mornings per week. There are extra perks to working out in the morning. Studies show that people who exercise in the morning sleep better at night.

Exercise Excuses #2: Too Exhausted

If you say you’re too tired to exercise, it’s probably because you’re waiting until the end of the day to do it. Again, doing it first solves the problems. Plus, exercising in the morning can give you energy for the rest of the day. Studies show that people who exercise have more energy.

A morning workout is a way to loosen up those stiff muscles and joints. Think about how you feel when you sit too long or lie in bed too long. Your muscles are stiff, and you feel weak. Exercise breaks that cycle of fatigue and helps regain your mojo.

One study found low-intensity exercise reduced fatigue by 65%. When your energy level dips, a short low-intensity burst of exercise will give an immediate energy boost and even help your productivity. Try it and see how it works for you. When you feel that energy surge, you’ll be hooked!

Exercise Excuses #3: Exercise is Boring

If you think exercise is boring, it’s time to change how you think. Reframe exercise as something you “get” to do, rather than something you “have” to do. Picture it as a chance to celebrate what your body is capable of. Then remind yourself that not everyone has the privilege of doing a workout due to physical limitations. Also, know that staying physically active is how you build and maintain strength and stamina, so you can continue to do the things you enjoy. The quote about “use it or lose it,” couldn’t be more accurate.

Be flexible with your workouts too and keep adding new challenges. If you’re bored with straight strength-training sets, try doing a circuit workout where the exercises are constantly changing. Also, stay challenged even when you aren’t doing structured exercise. Download the Fit Bit app and track how much exercise you’re already doing. Tracking your numbers is motivating. Keep setting new goals, so you can have something to work towards. Don’t let your workouts become routine or stagnant.

Exercise Excuses #4: No Access to a Gym

These days, the gym is at home. More people than ever are working at home, since there are fewer distractions, and they don’t have to drive anywhere. Plus, the pandemic forced people to turn home into an exercise studio to comply with social distancing. Too many people still believe you can’t get a good workout unless you join a gym. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Home exercise is the wave of the future. You don’t even need to invest in much equipment. Start with your own body weight, by doing exercises like push-ups, and using inexpensive resistance bands for strength training. Studies show you can build strength and muscle mass as effectively with bands as you can weights. With online exercise instruction, you can tackle diverse workouts at home. Plus, you can wear whatever you exercise. No fancy exercise clothes are required, and you can even make funny faces when you work out!

Exercise Excuses#5: You Think You’re Not Athletic

What is anyone ever good at before they do it? You don’t have to be an athlete to get the health and fitness benefits of exercise. The key is to get started and keep building. Keep a fitness journal so you can follow your progress. Seeing how much strength you gain and how much more stamina you have month over month is all you’ll need to keep going. Over the weeks and months, you’ll become stronger, gain stamina, and become more proficient. Those benefits will make the tasks you do daily easier too because you’ll be fitter.

Exercise helps you do the things you enjoy and slows the aging of your muscles and bones. Scientists say it’s the best natural prescription there is. You’ll feel better, sleep better, have more energy, and better deal with stress. Knowing these things and watching them take place in your own life will help you stay on track.

Exercise has so many benefits, why not get started today? You couldn’t pick a better investment in yourself.


  • ScienceDaily.com. “Low-intensity Exercise Reduces Fatigue Symptoms By 65 Percent, Study Finds”
  • “Exercise Fights Fatigue, Boosts Energy.” 03 Nov. 2006, webmd.com/diet/news/20061103/exercise-fights-fatigue-boosts-energy.
  • “Increase Energy Levels and Cure Fatigue Through Exercise.” 08 Sept. 2011, acefitness.org/education-and-resources/lifestyle/blog/6589/increase-energy-levels-and-cure-fatigue-through-exercise/.
  • “How Exercise Affects Sleep | Sleep.org.” 24 Mar. 2021, sleep.org/exercise-affects-sleep/.
  • “Exercise in the morning and sleep better at night.” 05 Sept. 2016, sciencenordic.com/a/1436958.


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