Xers - ~~Tuesday~~


Please note I dropped the ' from Xers....Grammar details have never been my thing...Thanks Sandra!;)

Lower body is toasty from Tony Leg Fest so I'm a happy camper! Decided that April 1 I'll start a new P90X round. Today was going to do a new DVD from TaeBo but it didnt get delivered yesterday so I'll either wait to workout to see if it comes today or I'll figure out something else...maybe Kenpo.

Back with personals from last night in a bit!
Xer graduates and soon to be graduates,

I noticed that you dropped the ';it does look better! Those sort of details are not my thing either, so please ignore my poor spelling. If I don't put the reply in Word first, there are bound to be spelling errors.

I hope to get in some yoga this evening, but I have to stay late at work. I'm not sure that I'll have the time when I get home. It just depends on how bad the evening communte is.

Traci - Planning another rotation huh? I'm not sure what I'll do, but I'm leaning towards continuing to venture out on my own. Someone on the hardcore thread recommended a weight training book and I think that I'm going to buy it. I had been to that site before and printed off some info. I think I have my rotation dialed in right now, although we all know that could change in a heartbeat. The hanging knee raises are probably one of the best ab exercises I've found so far; especailly if I bring my feet up to my hips, which helps me to engage the lower abs. Interestingly, there is an article on that website (Alyn Cosgrove sp???) that says that crunches are not all that effective, well, I know they are not effective for me; they didn't work for years and I kept doing them!

BBl, with other personals,

Wanted to share my experience yesterday with New York Body Plan (NYBP) Circuit workout by David Kirsch. It is pretty fast paced but he uses the stability ball, medicine ball & 3-5# weights. I was surprised by how quickly the 45 minutes flew by and the level of difficulty. Not one I'd reccomend for someone new to exercise as there is little to no breakdown of moves / pointers. I enjoyed that aspect actually. Lots of core burning ab moves, planks, pikes, pushups, terminator thrusts etc... He doesnt spend a ton of time on any 1 thing...lots of variety. My core is actually feeling the workout today pretty darn good...Thats a first post X! He also has an Upper&Abs + Lower that are just 15 minutes. Designed to be done every other day between the full program. Stretch is 5 minutes and is totally separate from workout so the 45min, 15 min are true workout times. I broke a great sweat and as I said am surprised by how much I feel this workout.

FYI: Interesting post on Open called Fat Loss Advice or something... Debbie (FitnessFreak) replied and I thought it was again a great reminder for many of us....


Hope you are feeling much much better today! Seems all the crazy weather patterns are kinda getting everyone...Knock on wood NOT ME this year! So happy you have Powerstrike thats really working it for you! Its awesome to find some stuff that "compares" to the X! On your new rotation.... I guess my question is: What are the benefits to switching to all upper? I'm sure there are some but I dont know enough about how that all affects the muscle growth process. If you're happy with the X format then I would stick with that and just change up the exercises periodiclly. LOVED hearing that Gauntlet was easier for you! That says so much about the fear we all had about losing endurance both cario & strength wise! On the hanging knee raises...years ago when I had a personal trainer those were by far the most effective for my lower abs and lower back. I gained strebgth quite easily by doing them intensely 2x a week... I just dont have that kind of equipment at home or our community gym. GO FOR IT!

What in the world did you do to that elbow? It sounds so very painful! One of those body parts you rarely think about ubtil its injured then you realize how often you use it! Glad you have the trainer friend to give good solid advise! Cant wait to hear about your class last night! I love my daily meditation time. Has helped keep me centered for many years. What a great "park" for the boys...Rock Climbing! My goodness we lack that kind of stuff in texas! Hope you didnt try climbing with that elbow.

Youre gonna be an X soon!!!!!!!!!! ^5! Hopefully all the bad food is out of your system today...Will it ever stop being appealing to us? My body reacts the same way to too little protein in morning... makes me barbaric by 4pm. We do indeed eat alot odf what we catch! I have become quite the fish lady in past few years. Our second freezer is over flowing with home caught Redfish, Trout, Snapper and because DH goes offshore 2x a year we have Tuna, King fish, and other stuff.... I love it - just wish we could catch salmon around here but water is too warm for that. had to LOL at how excited you were about your rotation for this final recovery week.... You have really missed your Cathe I can tell! Happy happy happy for you Sandra! You done good!

Still loving that new job? Sounds like you did all the hard parts of Yoga X! LOL ...ya KNOW I would have done all the easy parts! }(
What are your plans for Life after X? I am really curious as to what all of you will be doing.... OBVIOUSLY I am still in chasing my tail mode but at least I have 4/1 I am looking forward to as my new Start date again!

OMG....How did I miss that this is your FINAL week as well? I am so sorry!!!! ^^^^^^^5!!! Oh oh oh ...I know why I missed it.... You were not near the squeeky wheel all the rest of us have been!:+ I think I squeed the loudest but must say Sandra is right up there with me! LOLOLOL...Just my nature... all my talk takes more time than the actual workouts! Anyway...Congratulations to you for accomplishing such a worthy goal! What are your plans for next week?

Happy OFFICIAL recovery week! I am smiling so big right now as Recovery Week takes on a whole new meaning when I use that phrase for YOU!!!! You are so funny for thanking us for all the encouragement... Its I that thanks you!!! I cannot tell you how much I looked forwrad to reading your posts every day just to take my focus off my DOMS! Who cares how many push ups ya gotta do today if you are reading about Miss Debras latest visit to triage! I can only laugh about all of it because for the most part you werent seriously injured. In week 4 (Hell Week) I started dropping dumbells - tripping on things in workout room etc... I thought of you every minute! So are these YOUR bunnies that your pup loves to follow? We had bunnies when I was a kid and gotta say they had a blast with the dog...I think whatever creatures get raised together just naturally get along...We humans could learn so much from the animal kingdom! On the threads...been really negative energy for me so I stopped reading yesterday... my BP goes up and I clench my jaw ... not worth it to read the venom. Glad we are in our own little world here...feels safe and comfy but with all the honest feedback and challenge questions just at the right time. I so value that with everyone here. I am really looking forwrad to reading your thoughts on Takeways from X.... For me it was so much more than just a rotation. I LOVE how life works that way!

Monica.... Steph...... I miss you and hope all is well!
Morning Xers,

Yes I have adapted to the new ways too. :D So my vote is the V1505 Xers. Too bad we can't all see each other in them on the road trip. I'm not able to go on the road trip. My family and I reenact 16th century England during the summer, and my DH is the guildmaster of our acting troupe. I'm in charge of all the ladies. Just wish the road trip wasn't during the summer. x(

Anyway today is Core Syn. So I get to do the Dreya rolls. Of course not the way Dreya does them. :D

Debra, I read yesterdays post and I can see the same thing on the boards. Since I've been coming here I've seen this happen periodically. I'm one of those that reads it, but sits by watching. :7

Traci, Don't worry about forgetting me, I usually don't do alot of talking on the thread. :D I'm not very good with the memory thing. I think it is something my Dad passed down, because it can't be old age. ;-) I have been wanting to do some circuit type workouts for a long time. I want to start up my running again also. So I'm thinking of doing circuits, kickboxing and running. Then starting a Doubles Cathe/P90X rotation, only doing a 30 min run on my weight days. I'm going to have more time after work now that my oldest DD is done with swimming. Of course she will be starting track fairly soon.

Have a great day!

CL/PH3/WEEK5/Day2: CoreSynergistics

Good morning X''''''''''''''''''''''''ers!!!!! Squeak squeak!!

My gosh, I didn't mean to make anyone feel self-conscious about their speling and grammmmer yesterday. When it comes to online writing, I could care a wit about it, and make more than my share of mistakes. But when it's permanently stamped on a shirt that I plan to wear 24/7, 365 days a year until everyone in the city has seen it, I kind of want to get it right. P'lease feel free to put apostrophes where ever your heart desires!

TraciX - Wow, between the fish and the big game that DH hunts, you probably only ever have to buy chicken breasts! Do you have a zillion different recipes for preparing all that fish, or just a simple steam-with-lemon approach for all? I always feel better the next day when I have fish for dinner. We should eat it more often, but I don't have a lot of recipes that appeal to the family (or myself). That NYBP Circuit sounds very, very interesting. How does it compare to DrillMax? Another round of X starting in 2 days?! Oh, that's exciting! There's a small piece of me that says "Do it with her!", but no, that would be dumb. I've squeaked too loud about wanting to live a post-P90X life for a bit that you all would probably eject me from the check in. Which rotation are you going to do? Are you going to do anything differently this time? What is your goal(s)? What was *your* takeaway from the first rotation? I know you gave an oscar-worthy speech when you finished, buy my mind is a sieve. Are you going to continue to check in with us, on the upcoming post-P90Xers thread?

TracyX - Gauntlet felt easier? Wonderful!! Now please do the Viper and let me know how that feels. I find that one to be the hardest of the three on that dvd. I haven't done those in aaaages. I agree with you that muscle endurance is not a priority for me either, these days. I used to use Power Hour, ME, etc fairly regularly just because I own them, but now that I'm getting more picky about using my workout time efficiently and for specific goals, I'm not sure when or if I'll ever use them again. They're *great* workouts; just don't think they have a place in the line up anymore. I hear you about being tired of all the cooking when trying to eat healthy. I think I spend more time every day with food preparation than anything else. For so many reasons, I wish I had a wife. I love the idea of doing the hanging leg raises, and plan to give them a try some time. Crunches do zilch for me, too. Even before the X I noticed that workouts with the medicine ball and long-lever movements did so much more for my core than the crunch-filled workouts. What's the name of the weight training book?

Debra - LOL!!!! HURRAY!!!! No more LB!!! No more moaning Dreya!!! WOOHOO!!!! That's so funny about the dog! I high-fived the baby when I finished last Friday. I'm glad I wasn't alone in my weekend splurge. Thanks for your support!! You say you tracked your BF%; do you think it's changed at all? Yup, negative threads seem to worm there way into the forums on occaision. For the most part I ignore them. They go away eventually. I rarely post non-fitness related questions or comments on the OF because I just don't want to hear the opinions of a bunch of people I don't truly know. I consider these forums the place to release my inner-fitness-self, and the rest of my life doesn't belong here (except for light comments in the idle chit-chat amongst my check-in friends). If you think your life is "exciting", then let me assure you that mine is "fabulous"! Did you know that hamster pee is *creamy* yellow?

Last night I threw on XStretch. I was just craving a good stretch, and that's an excellent one, IMO. I don't find StretchMax nearly as beneficial, although I've never done all three in one session. So, I got a bit of Tony yesterday after all.

Today is supposed to be CoreSyn, and while I won't guarantee that I won't do that one, right now I'm leaning towards DrillMax. I get to use more toys!

Have a great day,
Good morning everyone. Happy Tuesday!!! Just wanted to drop in and say that I just did Cardio Coach V.4 today and absolutely loved it!!! Thanks Jeanette. I think that I am going to purchase V.6, since believe it or not, V.4 was a little short for me. Yippee.

I am in a great mood this morning. I will drop by later with personals, but first have to take a shower, get kids ready, do some errands.

Talk to you guys soon.

Hi guys. I have a little time before I drop my kid off to school, so time for some personals.

Miss Traci X - You know, I have no idea about grammar either. And now I am suppose to teach my kids??? LOL. Hey, mind if I start with you April 1st? That sounds like a great date. Just in time for summer. Bikini, here I come. I have never heard of New York Body Plan until you. I shall check it out. I am glad that you are getting a variety of dvd's to hold your interest. Yeah, I have no idea what happened to my poor little elbow. I decided to take a break from the weights this week and concentrate on cardio and stretching. Hopefully that will help, hopefully. The park was fun yesterday and it would have been beautiful with all of the rocks if it wasn't for kids tagging and breaking beer bottles everywhere on the rocks. Very disappointing. But my goal is to try out a new park once in while with the kids and let them see a little more of nature. It's so awful that gangs feel the need to spray paint there gang tag on rocks in huge letters. Just want to give them a big spanking. My class last night was incredible. Very enlightening. I am definately going to take the class again and I will probably enlist my older DS to the kids and meditation class. He is very sensitive, and I hope that this will ground him a little more. I am very inspired. I hope that I can get to the point where you are at and do it every day. I felt so relaxed.

Miss Tracy X - I hope that you are able to get your yoga in today. Very interesting on the lower abs. I agree with the crunches. After doing ARX, I have a whole new attitude about doing core. Let us know what you think about the weight training book when you read it. Sounds great.

Laurie - Wow. Your family reenactment sounds fun. How long have you been doing this and where do you do this? Have a great time with Core Syn. I love that workout. I lurk on the dramatic posts too. It's very hard to see people not getting along, but somehow addictive to see how it is going to be resolved.

Sandra - It's great that you can correct our grammar. I don't think you made anyone feel self-conscious. We need to relearn these things. There is a game show coming on tv with Jeff Foxworthy that I am very interested in checking out. It is adults against 5th graders. I bet the 5th graders win every time. LOL on the hamster pee you!! How is that hamster doing by the way? Only a few more days to go. Great job.

Debra - Ouch taking the kitty to the vet. They get so skiddish don't they? Good luck with that and hope everything is well. I agree that the ladies here are awesome. I wouldn't change any of you. I think it would be neat that we all get together and Miss Traci X host. Maybe one day when we all win the lottery, we can swing it.

Jeanette - Just wanted to say hi and hope that everything is all right. Again, thank you so much for all of the info on Cardio Coach. It really helped the workout today and I loved it!!! Thank you Thank you Thank you.

Big hi to Steph and Monica. Hope all is well. Until later.


Still contemplating doing Kenpo or to wait in my TaeBo's.... Maybe I'll just go to Pestmart & the grocery store!

Laurie: I wont be road tripping it either this year but thats OK... Cant fit everything in I want to do.Your summer sounds much more exciting anyway! WOW... Is this like a Renaisance Festival that you all work all summer? Enjoy those Freya Rolls and I'm SURE you look even better than Dreya does! Your thoughts of circuits, kickboxing and running sounds TERRIFIC! Are you looking to still lean out after X? What type of results did you track? Your DD sounds like a very active youndg lady! good for you for raising fit children!!!

Sandra: Yeah I'm royally ticked off at you for correcting the ' in xers! I walked around all day yesterday with steam coming out my ears! You are so MEAN sometimes- I almost ate Chips Ahoy I was so mad :p BTW: When exactly do you plan on washing that tank?????
You are right on the groceries...Chicken Breasts & Pork Loin - thats all I normally buy. Gotta say tho that DH likes his food masked with bread crumbs and BBQ Sauces and such...not me, I like to actually taste my food so I have to cook 2 batches of everything. I usually keep chicken & fish simple...Wrap in Parchment paper (for moisture) toss on some fresg lemon wedges, arugula or spinach, a bit of salt and lemon pepper. Wrap and cook! YUMMY
NYBP is not at all like Drill Max... Its more of a core syn feel but using SB, MB and lite wts. No mega reps of anything but everything hit multiple ways every few minutes. My legs & tushie are sore sore sore today - Cant figure out if it is from Legs Mish Mosh or the NYBP but it hurts soooooo good! I dont start the X until April 1. I am doing a few weeks of circuits (NYBP & TaeBo) to try and get my BF% closer to 16-17%. Then I'll be REALLY ripped looking by summer!
On checking in- Shoot I'm hanging with you guys as long as we all want. I see nothing wrong with forever being the Xers (with or without the ') :+ ROFL.... "I wish I had a wife" Put me down for one as well!!!! Thanks for hamster info! Very exciting as I was eating my creamy egg whites! EEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWW Enjoy DM- ya know you're gonna sub! lol I think I subbed all but 1 day of my recovery week!

LEA: So happy you like CC! I just adore Sean... His voice sends me to dreamy land! Oh yea!!! Start with me April 1st again!!!! That will be fun fun fun! I gotta get this butt ready for summer! No jiggles in 2007 is my motto! On your elbow... Does it feel like a cracked bone or more like a tendon? Ouch! & good deal on holding back on weights this week. Oh my on all the gang grafitti.. When you said it made you want to spank those kids I thought OMG they'd be heaven if you showed up in your tank and said bend over boys!:+
WAY COOL on your class! I wish we had places out in my part of the woods to go to but all those places are way out in the heart of old houston and I'm a good 45 minutes out with traffic. Since "retiring" I am so adamant about staying out of the nightmare traffic here. Very nice that it could be a resource for you with your kids. GOOD MOMMY! (even if you wont let them have a wall all their own!)

TO ALL: Anytime ya'll want to come hang with me you just come on out! Would LOVE to have everyone of you anytime at all!
Hi guys,
Sounds like everyone is doing well. I liked the link that was included above as a reminder from Debbie "fitness freak" not to overtrain. This would have been week 12 for me in P90X, but I stopped. What I am doing is the following:

Day 1: Back & Core & 30 minutes cardio
Day 2: Chest & Yoga
Day 3: 30 min cardio & Yoga
Day 4: Shoulders & Core, 30 min cardio
Day 5: Arms & Yoga
Day 6: Legs & Core
Day 7: Rest

I like doing 1 body part per day because it leaves me time to do something else with it. My goal is to hit each body part 1 x per week, Yoga 3 times per week (1 - 30 min session, 2 - 60 min sessions), and Cardio 3 times per week. Honestly - the above schedule is very flexible to changes and it is only a goal. I will insert rest days as needed, or change it up as my body tells me it is needed. I may use videos for my weighted work some days, some days not. Definitely will use videos for Yoga though.

TRACI -- How impressive to start another P90X round in April. That will take you right into the middle of summer - you'll be looking good in your swimming suit!

SANDRA -- I also find Stretch X to be more beneficial than Stretch Max. I need to pull that one out.

LEA - I'll have to check out that cardio coach -- I just tried 6 last week and loved it. It really makes the time fly on the treadmill!

TRACY -- I hope that traffic isn't bad tonight so that you can fit in your yoga session. Yoga is the perfect thing though after sitting in traffic!

Hi Debra and Laurie.

Everyone have a great day.
Good morning, or is it afternoon, ladies!!!!!!

I am here with bells on this afternoon....Had a lovely breakfast out of Heurvos Rancheros (sp?) and then went to the mall to pick a couple of things for DD's birthday and went to VS and got some of their "pink" sweats as a little reward gift for myself...Then I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer and came home and took a little nap. How about that for a busy morning?!? Anyway, I am planning on doing some yoga this afternoon after kitty's vet appointment. DD has a playdate at a friend's so I have a free afternoon!

here's some personals.....

Monica...sounds like you have a great workout week planned...I like doing one body part per day, too. I think it's great you can do weight work with out a video...I would leave out things I should do...And my form would probably be awful!

Traci...No...not my own bunnies....we just have TONS of them in our area...They are actually kind of pesky since they are bad about eating all the plants...they really like the baby things coming up in the spring! I do have a nest of them by the foundation of my house...You can see their little prints coming and going in the snow. My dog loves to watch them through the window! I will have to try the David Kirsh video..I just joined flickety fit so that I could test out new dvds before I buy them...In an attempt not to buy dvds that just end up collecting dust!

Tracy..Good luck on fitting yoga in this evening...Be careful on that commute!

Laurie...That is so interesting that your family is an acting troupe! Do you just do it locally, or do you guys travel around in the summer too? Hope you are enjoying your recovery week! Don't worry about not doing the rolls just like Dreya...You just don't have all the experience of flying through the air with the greatest of ease that she does!

Sandra...LOLOLOL....you crack me up! I love the comment on having a wife...We should all be so lucky as to have a wife that takes care of US! And no, I did not know that hamster pee is a creamy yellow...Thanks for enlightening me! You learn something new everyday...and I think that might be my only tidbit for today! Have fun with Core Syn or Drill Max...whatever you chose! I am looking forward to doing Drill Max after my recovery week is over...I got Cathe's new videos right about the time I started the X...so I never did them all in their entirety.

Lea...Glad you enjoyed your class last night! I think it is great you are so willing to try new things like that and the snowboarding! Glad you are resting your elbow this week...Have fun with the cardio. I got a funny mental picture of you with a gang member over knee as you give him a whipping!

Okay ladies...I have some laundry to get accomplished today...and I have to fish cat poop out of the litter box to take to the vet! Where is that wife of mine to do the dirty work! Hi to Jeanette and Steph...I'll check back later for you guys!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
Afternoon Accountability Post!

I did Drill Max as-produced today. I'm laughing on the inside. I feel so GOOD!!! I love that workout. It sure wasn't easy, but it was a ride! While I didn't feel it at the time, now that it's been a couple of hours, I realize that my entire body feels weary. Not an area left untouched. I think there's a 2xcardio only premix that would make a great sub for PlyoX. TraciX, didn't you do a cardio/lower body premix with this one, in place of PlyoX? That would work great, too!

I'm ready to take it easy for a day. Tomorrow I'm going to try one of Shiva's yogas. I'll skim through one this afternoon and get a feel for her approach.

TraciX - So, what did you do today? KenpoX or the new taebo? 16-17% bodyfat?? Oh myyy! That's an interesting link posted by Debbie. I do definitely want to train smarter (harder) and not longer. That's one of the things I'm trying to take away from P90X: keep it short, sweet, and intense. In the current issue of Oxygen magazine, there's a short blurb that reports a study on post-workout metabolism. The researchers found that people who did short, intense cardios (eg 30-40 min interval training) burned more calories for the rest of the day than did those who did longer, steady state cardios. Interesting, hey? It looks like a HIIT cardio approach combined with heavy, split weight workouts might be the best way to get it all: calorie burning, cardio training, muscle building and definition, and efficiency. This is how I will structure my next few weeks, and I'll see how it goes. I'll throw in a lighter week every 4th week. Oh, I made a mistake when I read your post this morning. You're starting Round Two in April. What about my other questions? Which rotation are you doing?

Laurie - Oooh yes!! I remember you doing that re-enactment theater when we were on the Daily Check in together! It sounds like so much fun for you all! Enjoy Coresyn today.

LeaX - I've come close to buying those Cardio Coaches a couple of times. Your post has made me take another step closer....That really, really sucks about the graffiti in the park :( Your meditation class sounds delightful. I guess I should start looking around for a good book to help me learn how to do it. I love how-to books. I've got one for everything :)

Monica - so nice to hear from you today! That's a terrific rotation you've got set up, and I like your relaxed approach to it.

Debra - Have a lovely yoga workout!!

I really have to go. DD is having fits around me and trying to pull me off my ball. She desperately wants to go play in the basement. I'm going to preview that yoga while she bops around down there.

Hi again gang. Sitting here eating my salad for lunch so I thought I would catch up.

Miss Jeanette - Where are you? You didn't check in last night or this morning. I hope everything is all right. Please check in soon. We get worried.

Miss Traci X - When I first heard Sean, I thought, oh no, not another surfer type dude. But he was good. Actually motivating. So I give him a big thumbs up. Curious what you ended up doing today. Kenpo, TaeBo or PetSmart???? I am SO in on the 1st. Sign me up. We will be jiggle free together!! As far as my elbow goes, my SIL said that it probably is my tendon. It is a little better today, but I am still going to take it easy and hopefully by the end of the week, it will be in working order again. Hey and don't you dare guilt me on giving my kids a wall of their own. But you can go on-line now and take classes over the internet. I'm just fortunate that I live in such a diverse city that we do have these classes available. Funny thing happened today, and please I hope that no one gets offended. There were these two older ladies that came to my door today and started to read a paragraph out of the bible to me. They were trying to get me to join the Jehovah's. Anyway, she told me to go grab my at home bible at read to see if they have that certain passage in there and when I said I didn't have a bible, well, dead silence. I then proceeded to tell her that I have my own beliefs and I respect everybody else's.....so on and so forth. I really seriously thought that she was going to scold me. LOL.

Debra - You will love DrillMax. Very soon my dear. Very soon. Have fun with the cat poop. Blehx( .

Monica - Awesome workout schedule. So you check out CC 4 and I will check out CC 6. Too bad we just can't switch.

Sandra - You MUST get the Cardio Coach. You must!!! I was raving about it this am to my DH. I had my headphones on, could not hear the kids. It was pure heaven.(of course DH was up to take care of them, so no guilt there). Yes it does suck about the grafitti, but unless you live in an area like Beverly Hills, you can't get away from it. The mayor is suppose to be doing a crack down on all the major gangs out here, let's see if that helps. Have fun viewing your yoga.

Ok gang, time to do laundry, clean out the cat box, make jello jigglers, chicken, well, you get the idea. Have a lovely night gals.

I just finished previewing Shiva Rea's Solar One workout. OMG. That looks hard. Much harder than YogaX. And about the same length, too! I don't know why YogaX takes such a hit for its length; Shiva's are just as long. She even puts some levitation holds in the core section, which I'm happy about. I need to learn how to do those. I have to figure out how to buy yoga blocks tonight; not much time for shopping today. This dvd looks really interesting and more enjoyable than YogaX, so I shall give it a whirl tomorrow. If I don't report back, you will know that I'm still tangled up in my arms and legs, and am waiting for DH to get home from work. I'll have to put out lots of snacks for DD.

LeaX - Anything that involves not hearing the kids is heavenly to me :D I think DH would also get good use out of the CCs, which is another plus for buying them. When the sidewalks are dry again, I plan to get out running, so could use those. It takes a lot of nerve to be a door-thumping JW! Even if I firmly believed in their faith (or any faith, for that matter), I do not have the gumption to tell other people what to believe. The look on her face must have been priceless. I'm so glad you weren't hurt by my grammar-nanniness ;) I can handle a little flack if it means I get the shirt! I loved the file you sent me the other day, btw. Had me truly LOL (especially the little guy with the "stickers" all over his body). Very, very funny.

OK you silly ladies.... You must have been picking up on my procrastination vibes cuz I was about to blow off any workout today then you all started asking ...What did ya end up doing Traci??? JEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzz
I finally said CRA* & jsut went and did the dang thing! :+

Low Impact Step... 35 minutes w/ blasts + NYBP Upper/Ab Add on... Total 50 minutes. ARE YOU HAPPY???????
I swear thats why I loveyou guys... HOW DO YOU KNOW?????

Gotta get the pork loin in oven and fold some laundry and feed kids.... Then shower.... URRRRR Wheres that wife you ordered for me Sandra????
Well jeeze, it's about time. You you procrastinator!!!!!! Good job for working out. Now it's over. Have a good night!

Hi all,

I guess I’m not working out tonight. The usual 20 minute drive home took 50. I haven’t taken a full day off in ages, so I’m considering it my psychological challenge for the day.

Traci – Glad you got in your workout. You seem to be doing a lot of cardio, or at least daily. Do you think that’s in any way contributing to your legs or are they better now? I swear mine can change within days. I’ve made two meals for years, like 20 years. I’m so used to it now that I just do it. I wish my men didn’t have to have meat all of the time, but I just go with it. I try once every couple of weeks to give them a meatless meal, and there is always some comment like where is the rest of it?

Sandra & Traci- This is OT, but do you all ever watch Wife Swap? I know it’s mindless, but the man last night actually did all of the housework cooking etc. and the woman went around calling herself and the daughter princesses. It was quite funny, but last week was even funnier. One of the families was on a raw food diet and ate everything raw including meat. They swapped with this fashionable family who ate international food out all of the time. It was hilarious.

Sandra- I hope you enjoy Shiva. Her vinyasa series are pretty hard and I almost break a sweat. She is so calm and motivating. I really like her, but talk about flexible. I think that she has been doing yoga for years. I think about 90 minutes is average for real yoga. I think that some of the others get much more done in 60-90 minutes than yoga x. I am not at all offended by the grammar police thing. I really don’t get offended by anything. I was going to comment earlier about my poor spelling, but then decided against it. The grammar thing was the perfect opportunity.

Lea – Now I want a CC. I know that variety is where my running falls flat on its face. Not to offend anyone either, but this year I had a teacher ask me if I went to church. I was really taken aback because it is pretty unprofessional. Then I said no, because I don’t. Then she asked me if I was an atheist. I should have just said yes, because I know she would have been in disbelief (she’s very religious). It really is none of her business, but I said something else about church and God. She has no boundaries when it comes to religion, and no social skills to see that it makes people very uncomfortable. Needless to say I stayed away from there for a while, but it is my job to support and she made another religious comment to me yesterday, and I’m like ok, well I’ll see you later.

Debra – Pink sweats? They sound cute. I hope you got in your yoga.

Monica – Glad you stopped by. Your week looks good. I’ve developed a similar weekly schedule that has some flexibility. It seems to be working for me. I hope yours works for you.

Laurie – How did core synergistics go? I always switch back and forth from a Word document to the thread. I can never remember what everyone says. If I do another X rotation, I will definitely modify the legs and cardio again; especially since summer is approaching and I can get out more. I’ll have to look over at the OD. I hardly have time to follow up with this, more or less read anything else. I caught up on a weeks worth of the hardcore maniacs thread last weekend. Yes, I’m a lurker.

Jeanette – I hope everything is ok.

Off to throw together a salad and watch American Idol. I already did the white chicken chili for everyone else. Can you tell we like reality shows at my house?

Hi Everybody!!!

Classic/Phase 3/Week 5/Day 2 (Recovery Week)

I'm back, I'm back!! We had a snowstorm and the power went out last night at 6:30 p.m., right when I was reading yesterday's Xers thread. It stayed off until 6:00 tonite. I didn't even go to work today, chose to finish moving stuff back into the kitchen instead. No shower, no workee for me. Turns out that I couldn't have gone to work if I wanted to as the garage door (need a new one someday) roller had come off the track and I couldn't even open the door to get my car out.

I did get my workout in today. It was Core Syn and I procrastinated doing it until 3:00 p.m., hoping the power would come on and I could do it from a DVD. Instead, I had to do it from the book. Not my best peformance, but I finished. So glad the power is on now!!

It's so late already, that I'm not going to be able to do personals, but I sure enjoyed what everyone has been up to. Gosh, I'm soooo addicted to this forum. Looks like KenpoX on for tomorrow morning.

See you in the a.m.

Jeanette :7 :7 :7 :7
Hi ladies....

No yoga for me today..I did the cardio premix from cardio and weights...and felt good after...I'm either going to Core Syn or a Jennifer Kries workout tomorrow..I also have to go to the grocery store and then I have a lunch with the neighbor ladies tomorrow....I probably won't get a chance to workout until late afternoon.

Jeanette, Jeanette...where are you?!?!?!

Tracy...Sorry you didn't get a workout...but it's probably good for your body to have a rest day and a challenge for your mind as well! Sorry your commute took so long...That's no fun!

And I just have to say...(another late night rant)....what's up with people and their religion....To me, it's such a private thing....I have no idea why anyone else cares about my or anyone else's religious feelings! Hope I don't offend anyone....I just think it's a personal thing and we really don't have anyone to answer to except whatever Higher Being you personally believe in!

Okay..promise..pinky swear!...no more rants at night...I tend to get a little punchy and I don't have anyone to talk to since DD is already asleep!

Hope everyone has a great evening! And a great morning...since there is no telling when I will get to post tomorrow...


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams

ETA...Jeanette...you snuck in! Glad to hear you are okay!! I think it takes incredible will power to do Core Syn without the video!! Have fun with Kenpo in the morning!

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