Weight Loss check in week of 3/25


Hi all,

So how are we all doing this week? I went to weight watchers Sat. I had trouble going since I thought I had to go on the same day every week but when I realized you can go anytime I have decided to pick Tuesday as my primary meeting but if I can't make it go later in the week. I find that when I'm accountable to weighing in front of someone I do better. Plus I like the group support.

I'm going to cut my workouts from 5 to 4 times a week for the next week or more since my hip joint is a little sore. Hopefully it shall pass soon! Not painful, just kinda sore- I've had this in the past and when I back off a little it goes away (that and motrin!)

I'll let you all know how my weigh in goes on Tuesday at WW.

I'm inspired to hear that you are still reaching for your goals. I have been disappointed in myself lately and have not been posting as much but I'm feeling positive again.

I have been on fitness/nutrition information overload!!!! There are so many different approaches to losing weight that I think i got overwhelmed. Well I've simplified my approach and I feel much more sane.

I'm doing WW at home, not restricting any foods but trying to be balanced and last week I worked out 4 times.... A big improvement over the 1 time per week I sank to.

And after many months I finally have something to report... I lost 2 pounds, 1/4" from my waist, 1/4" from hips. I have a very long way to go but I know I can do this if I don't revert back to the quick fix mentality.

Hi Crystal,

glad to hear you are on track. You know, I've come to the same conclusion that all the quick fixes do for me are get me frustrated. I've committed myself to weight watchers and will stick with it.

Hmmm, it seems like no one else is interested in the weight loss thread? I guess if no one else resonds this week looks like there is no interest anymore? Too bad, I really enjoyed keeping up with and hearing other Cathe fan's progress.

I dont't think you should give up on the thread. I never have joined in with you but I do follow along sometimes and I'm sure others do to. I am in need of losing about 15 lbs, more if it would be sensible. I have 'baby fat' on my stomach and my babies are 24 & 28! I wasn't heavy after the kids, it just crept up on me while they were little, and 20 years ago I lost 25 lbs in a weight watchers style programme. Now it has crept up on me again and even with the weights and aerobics some of this fat just doesn't want to leave. I feel good but don't feel comfortable tucking in shirts and having that tummy bounce up and down when I do aerobics.

You guys can do it....we can do it! We can cut down on the sweet stuff, the salty snacks and the creamy desserts. I was just talking on another thread about this weight loss and I'm all revved up and ready to go. We can learn to eat healthier, weight watchers is a great way to go I think, and we may never be skinny or even thin, but we can be healthy and do good things for our bodies and encouraged each other to do the same.

Now that I blabbed on like that I have to do something about it. I'm 'out in the open' now. ;-)

Good luck to us :)
Hi Ladies,
Yippee!! I've managed to lose another 1/2 lb, so now that makes me around 3 or 3 1/2 lbs lost so far. Still have a ways to go, but seems like just getting started is the hardest part for me.
You might remember that I was buying a stepper for my house. Well my husband set it up for me, and I am LOVING it! It's lightweight with wheels on it and I can move it to whatever room is best for me at that time. Boy, does it get my heartrate way up there! Talk about a lower body workout! My legs are jello after 30 minutes. When I stepped off of it the other day, I ended up walking into a lamp. I might have overdone it that day. Of course, it's not the first lamp that I've walked into but the other times were due to too much beer. Oh well, I've came a long way baby in the last few years! HaHa!

I bought Tamilee Webb's new stretching video this week. I'm hoping to add some flexibility training to my routine since I've been slack in that area. I've been feeling so stiff, and that makes me feel old, and well, I'm not gonna start feeling old anytime soon! I'm also gonna try some yoga soon. Trying to decide which yoga video to get. I've had several recommendations (thanks to this forum) and now I just have to decide.

Take care.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-30-01 AT 02:31PM (Est)[/font][p]Hey everyone. Yep I'm still interested in the thread. I have been soooooo busy with this and that and the other!!! We are in the process of buying some land and that has taken a little time. I am so excited about that. My brother reinjured his knee and is having surgery next week. My son is cutting teeth and there is so much to be done in this house that I am overwhelmed. (deep breath) Anyway, it's been busy! :)

I have not done the best with my eating this month. Feb 26th was my son's birthday, March 4th was mine, and March 12th was my husband's and daddy's birthday. Birthday cake, BIRTHDAY CAKE, BIRTHDAY CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that all the birthday's are over I hope to get back in the swing of things. I haven't done awful just not the best. I have been worried about my brother's knee situation and for some reason it has been hard to make myself work out. BUT I have perservered! My weight loss has stayed steady so that birthday cake didn't make me gain any! That's a plus.

Glad everyone is doing well. Keep up the good work. It will pay off in the end (PARDON THE PUN!). Have a great weekend!!!!


Don't stop the thread. I first posted two weeks ago that I wanted to join, but my father had a major operation. Between work, school, visiting, and lenghty family conversations about his health I haven't posted. I've gained 7 pounds since Dec, because of all the stress and I've shoveled this week as well.

One good thing at least, I've done Tough Tape 2 twice this past week. Right now Cathe's are a little intimidating. Its a start.


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