Results from PS tapes once or twice a week?


Hi Cathe,

I was wondering what will be the difference in doing the PS tapes twice a week instead of once a week? Will I get more fat loss this way or build more muscle? I'm curious since I've only done the tapes once per week and would like to go for 2 times each. I am going for fat loss so cardio would be about 30 minutes 4-5 days per week. Thanks!
Good Question!!

I am curious to see this answer also, I was going to ask if doing more strength workouts will keep the fat coming off. I LOVE my strength days and want to do more strength, but like you , I am going for fat loss .

My Cardio with PS tapes

Hi Renee,

What I plan on doing is cardio in the am to be sure and get it in and then use the upper body PS tapes. I plan on using Tae Bo twice a week and the rest floor cardio and the upper tapes in the evening. I won't be using the lower PS tape becasue it tends to bulk me up. I'm hoping to get some nice shape and definition with knowing how much use of the upper tapes will give me those results. Fat burning is priority!!
PS Twice a week?

Hi Cathe,
I also would like to know what the results would be for 2 times a week. Last week I coupled the both PS Upper body workouts and fast forwarded the warm-up on the second tape to give me a full hour upper body workout. Is This too much?
Hi Faithe

When you did both upper body tapes in one day, did you do them again later in the week or just once? Did you also do the leg tape? Is this a rotation you're doing for several weeks? I really would like to know the answer to the results you get from twice a week.
Hi Nancy!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Apr-22-00 AT 04:03PM (EST)</font></center>

I did the hour upper body PS combo twice last week. I don't feel sore and I feel stronger. I would like Definition without adding size to my upper body.
I would love to know if working the upper body twice per week will add more definition or more size and BULK?

Hopefully Cathe and/or someone will provide us with an answer. I'm going to start this rotation tomorrow with the C/S/T tape and follow the next day with the B/B/ab's tape and then take it from there. I would then take a rest day off the weight and then follow the next day or the one after with the two upper tapes again. Hopefully I won't be doing more harm than good!
PS Back to Back

Hi everyone,
I would also like to do the PS Upper Body tapes twice per week.
Because of my Schedule I would need to do the PS upper Body tapes back to back, than take a day off and repeat the two tapes again back to back. Is that advisable?
Hi Maria!

As long as you take that day off in between you should be fine. If you are exceptionally sore, its better to take two days off in between doing them back to back. Also, if you must do them bak to back, then alternate the one that you use first. You tend to give a little more to the first tape since you have more energy and are less fatigued. Have fun!
Cathe, what do you mean by alternating the tape?

Hi cathe, can I ask what you mean by alternate the tape you use first, does this mean for instance, Saturday, C/S/T, Sunday B/B/A, Monday rest, Tuesday B/B/A, Wednesday C/S/T, etc? (just using the days as an example. I am interested in this because due to surgery I can only work my upper body and I want to know how to get the best out of it, Cheers!!!
Hi Nancy!

Unfortunately, there is no exact answer to this question. A persons genetics, lifting weight, lifestyle, age, etc. all effect the outcome of this answer. The workouts are designed to build muscle mass by lifting slow and heavy. The recommendation is to do this series no more than two times per week because generally speaking, more than this could encourage over training.

Understanding this, there are also other ways to use these tapes. For instance, you could 1) lift lighter in general, 2) lift heavy the first time per week and lighter the second time per week, 3) lift once per week and alternate using heavy weight one week and light weight the next and the list goes on.

The key is to first, define your goals. Second, use the tapes starting with the minimum recommendation of one time per week for about 8 weeks and see if you are STARTING to achieve your goals. If not then go to twice per week and again, after about 8 weeks see if you are starting to achieve your goals. At this point most people who use the tapes once or twice per week will notice that the workouts are fulfilling their objectives. However, if you are not seeing the results that you are looking for, then you need to continue to make small adjustments to your fitness plan to see which formula works best for you. Keep in mind that it may take more than adjusting the lifting routine to achieve your goals. You may need to also (or instead) adjust your cardio routine or nutrition plan. Happy experimenting. Hope this helps!
Thank You Cathe!

I will definitely put to use that GREAT advice! I'll see you tonight! (In my Living room, of course. tee hee hee)Maria
Thank you Cathe!

I like all the options you gave me. Light the second time through sounds real good. I'd love to try that as well as telling Maria to alternate the two tapes the second time through. going lighter would almost be like a rest. I said ALMOST! LOL! Thanks once again!

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