physics of aerobics



Hi, Cathe
I love your videos so much especially now that I am in school & it is kind of hard to squeeze in workouts between school and work. I have a question related to a school project. For my physics class I am doing an experiment/project on the physics of step aerobics. I am having trouble finding information on this topic. I need to include the history, future, and current trends in step aerobics (I have lots of information on you)and also some informatin on the bpms used and the varying step heights (i.e. why 10" is not used. I know it's too much of a strain on the knee) but I can't find the information I need. If you have any information, or can recommend some books or websites for me to look into I would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks so much,
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Look up AFAA and click on "shop AFAA", then click on "AFAA Educational Materials", then scroll down and you will find the step training manual for fitness instructors. This manual is $30. Thats a pretty hefty price to pay for a school project but its the only answer I can think of that will go into that kind of depth. Perhaps you can call AFAA and ask them if they know of any other less expensive resources. Hope this helps!
Biomechanics books might be helpful.

I am sorry, I can't name a specific great book, but you may be able to find important knee/leg information that will help. Maybe you could do a vector analysis with average leg lengths and various step heights. A human biomechanics book should be able to help with this. Sorry, human biology isn't really my field, so I can't recommend any biomechanics books that I have used. BLinda
Jessica when you are done with the experiment and paper.. read on

can you post it or email it or give a synopsis?? I would be VERY interested in this bit of info.
I have "different" interests--and medical stuff is one of them

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