P90X January Starters, Saturday



Hey Xers...I didn't forget about us this morning! Aren't you proud!? :7 :7 :7

So after blowing off L&B y'day and feeling guilty I had a fabulous run last night. Today I will do L&B and maybe I'll up my weights as a "punishment" for sleeping through it y'day. }( :7

I still haven't taken the measurements/pics that I missed last week. Maybe I'll have DH take pics this morning and then I'll do measurements tmrw morning...

DH leaves for Reno today. He is bowling in a tornament out there with a few of his buddies. I had plans to go out country dancing tonight but they busted. Thank goodness I have a back up plan since I already have a sitter lined up for my little guy. :+

Hi All

Wendy - I thought I might actually beat you here on a Saturday morning. LOL I probably should have been up a bit earlier but I was playing around with my laptop until after midnight. I plan on doing a lot of the same today. I'm sure I'll get my butt off the couch by this afternoon and do a workout. I'm still undecided about which one...........

I weighed myself again yesterday and it was the exact same weight at Thursday so I'm thrilled that it wasn't just a fluke. I will probably still do pics and measurements in a month even though I'm done with the X. Next week I will be adding in the upper body X workouts. I miss those and they are soooo effective. I didn't have much DOMS this week with Cathe and that is no problem with the X upper body.;-)

My house is so cluttered today. I don't think I'm gonna be able to sit here very long without it driving me crazy.:D BBL

Hey Angie,

I guess it's only you and me today girl!:p So what work out will you be doing when you finally get up off your duff? :7 I am just waiting for DH to head out to the airport and then I will put DS down for his nap and get to L&B! That means I probably have about another hour to go...
Okay, I just had DH takes pics of me. Now I have to find the courage to download 'em to see how awful they really are! :eek: x( :p
I just can't imagine you are going to have awful pics Wendy. If you think so, maybe Nancy is not the only one being too hard on herself?;-) No nap today?

Still haven't got off my duff yet. LOL! Oh, I wish I had the natural high that I had yesterday. Weather is gray and blah today and I think that has a lot to do with it. I have only managed to get off my duff to get coffee, go to the BR, and get snacks. My house is still a mess, yet here I sit. It is bothering me more though. hehehehehe I'll get up soon. Still not sure what workout I will do. It will be a surprise......I'll let you know.

Well I downlaoded the pics...they aren't as bad as the previous ones but I still like the mirror's image FAAAR more then what the pics show!x(

Atleast you have your priorties in order, Angie! You are willing to get up for coffee!:7 :7 :7 To heck with the house...the mess will wait for you!;)

Edited To Add: I ordered Barry's BootCamp the other day and I just got the shipping notice! YIPPEEE!!!!....................

So can anyone guess what I might be doing post X?? ;)
Oh how cool. Let us know what you think of it. I am looking for new workouts to add to my collection. Pretty much the only workouts I have are Cathe and Tony. So, if anyone has suggestions on others..... I don't really care for kickboxing though so if you know of any really cool non-kickboxing workouts.........

I started a thread a few weeks ago about this but I haven't followed up on it yet - mostly due to my laptop problems. So, now back to work in trying to figure out what to buy. I'm thinking Get Ripped to the core by Jari Love (I think) I've got the thread bookmarked so I'll have to check thru that again. Anyone here have that one?

Hey Girls -

I'm here, finally. I had to take my daughter to her SAT test. Keep your fingers crossed for her. It's sad that so much can depend on one standardized test.

Then we went to a great sushi lunch. It was delicious. I definitely over ate a bit but it was all good, right? While I was waiting for her I was reading the Clean Eating book and she talks about watching your portions even for veggies. I'm in the mindset of weight watchers where most veggies are 0 points. I usually overload my veggies which might explain my neverending bloating.

Then walked in the door and went right to GS BSB. What a good workoout!!!!

Angie, I have Get Ripped to the Core but only used it once or twice and it's been a while. I think it's a good endurance workout. I remember I couldn't match Jari's weights on a lot of the moves so it seemed advanced to me.x(

Wendy, tell me a little about the Bootcamp you purchased. Maybe I should just do a search because I think I've seen it mentioned here or at VF.

I don't know what I'm doing for the rest of the day. I do tax returns (on the side) and have a few to do, so I may play with them. It's beautiful out though and I hate staying in. We'll see...

Okay, I'll be back I'm sure. I have no life!!!:(

By the way, I think I would like linedancing Wendy. Where do you go?

Okay, have a good Saturday evening.:)

Hey Nancy - so would you recommend RTTC? Do you do any other workouts that you like besides Cathe?
Positive vibes going out to your DD. I remember that I bombed the ACT - I don't remember my score but I know it was bad. Luckily I had a great GPA and the university accepted me because of that. I think GPA is more important than a one-time test anyways. I wish they would just do away with them.
I lead a pretty sheltered life - I've never had sushi, hummis, or tofu. Am I missing out? I live in a rural area, so I wouldn't even know where to start.....

I finally got my butt off the couch and did All Step. It's so weird - I love this workout, but I always get an intense craving for sugar right toward the end of the cardio section. I had to stop after the cardio an wolff down an orange and then finish the workout. It is so strange - it kinda sounds like hypoglycemia, but I don't have any symptoms execpt the extreme craving and it's only with this workout. Anyone else have the same experience?


Angie, yes I would recommend RTTC if you like low weight/high rep type workouts. This is as close as I have come to liking anyone other than Cathe. But, I prefer slower moves. Some people claim this is better for leaning out, so I don't know. She does a million reps and you should feel how those 5/8/10's feel after a while. I would compare it to Power Hour if I had to make a comparison. Similar but different.

And, YES, you're missing out!!!! I love sushi, hummus, and tofu!!! You can get sushi and hummus with the big warehouse type stores although they're not as good as getting them in a restaurant. (Come to think of it, most things are better in a restaurant when they're served to you, lol.)

I get my sugar craving after dinner. I don't know why.....but I head right for the frig and eat two dark chocolate hershey's kisses almost every nightx( . I love them and it's just enough (well, most nights, lol). Maybe you should drink non-fat chocolate milk (8 ounces). I've read this is as good as Tony's recovery drink as far as carbs and protein.

Just came back from Kohl's where I started to get a "summer wardrobe" for DD. I told you I didn't have a life!! Clothes shopping on a Saturday night........

Nancy :)

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