My husband's great idea!


New Member
I work out to your tapes 5 to 6 days a week. My husband, bless his macho soul, works out right along with me. You should see him do flying angels! A couple of days ago we were doing the warm up to Interval Max and I was chattering away about all of the new tapes you are going to be making. He asked if you were still taking suggestions about the type of tapes you were going to produce. I said "i guess so, why?" He said that he had a great idea for a new tape. This is his dream Cathe tape:

After a BRIEF warm up, the next section of the tape features you and your group in fuzzy slippers with a cup of coffee in one hand and a big old dounut in the other. And you sweetly say "surprise! no workout today!"

Well after I stopped laughing hysterically (he painted quite a vivid picture), I thought, you know, he might have something here.

Any how, we think your tapes are great. You help two, old, married health-nuts (twenty years this september) stay in great shape. We are going to be in NJ before the end of the year and are hoping to take a "live" Cathe class.

Thanks for the challenges!
that's one smart hubby!

Debbie-sounds like your hubby has quite an imagination, and a sense of humor! That would be a would be strange to turn on your new Cathe video and see Cathe modeling a nice robe with matching slippers instead of Dangerboy

that made me think!

of another suggestion! What about including a man as part of the cast? I have one of Cathe's early tapes that includes a man. Just a suggestion, take it or leave it!
guys in vids

I love to see guys in exercise vids, especially step vids. Can you get someone who looks like Antonio Banderas?

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