Lost the baby weight!

Melissa R

New Member
Just wanted to share my success story...

After my second child, I could not loose any of my baby weight. Pre my first pregnancy, I had been working and lifting for 9 yrs. and was in great shape. My first pregnancy was easy and I quickly bounced right back into shape; I was working out until 37 wks along. Then came the second baby and wow how each pregnancy is different on your body. The doctor restricted my exercising at 25 wks along. I think that hurt my ability to bounce back. But I had to do it for the baby.

After having the baby, I could not loose any weight. I began a weight loss routine when my second was around 4 months old. It took a while getting used to having two little ones. I quickly lost 12 lbs in 3 months. However, I had hit a serious plateau. That is when I found Cathe on FitTV. Wow, what a great jolt to my workout routine. Her series has helped me loose the last 6 lbs and I am in the best shape of my life!! I have only 1 pair of pants that are my "skinny" pants that I will get into. But having two children does a number on those hips! But I did go from a size 11 to a 4 in 5 months.

I am still nursing, raising two boys and find time to work out at least 1 hour per day. I am so happy with finding Cathe's routines. I have always enjoyed step/carido routines and weight lifting the best. Thank you Cathe!
Thanks for your story! I just had my second child 14 weeks ago and I have 3 lbs left to lose of the 46 lbs I gained. I fit into all of my old clothes but I think my shape may be a little different. What struck me about your post is that fact that you are still nursing. I am still nursing my baby and I didn't know if all of the weight would come off until I stopped and I also didn't know how my workout schedule was gonna change as he got older but I know now that if you can workout with 2 kids at home, then I should be able to work out with just one at home while the other is in school.
Keep up the good work! There is no better feeling then being a mom but it sure is a nice feeling when we can slip into pre preg jeans!
Thanks! Wow, that is amazing how fast you lost the weight. Way to go. I think that our bodies store up a fit of a fat reserve for nursing; the body has to produce milk from something. Be sure you are taking in enough calories or your milk supply will start to decrease.

I know with my older son, I did lose a few more lbs after I stopped nursing him. It is a juggle working out with a baby, especially one that is still so young like yours. Working out gives you so much more energy to make it through the day.
Thanks for the kind words.


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