IntervalMax Cover Typo...


Today I did Interval Max for the first time in a while (boy, was it fun!) and for some reason happened to re-read the back cover while I was putting the tape away. On my copy, where it's talking about Cathe being a pioneer in the fitness industry, it says she introduced one of the first aerobic step videos in 1998 (not 1988).

This is TRULY a nit, and doesn't take a thing away from how much I love every one of my CF tapes, but I'm just wondering -- do I own a genuine collector's item that was later corrected, or am I the first person to notice this??

It is on all the covers. Will not be fixed until we have another production run. As for being a collectors item, I've seen cork screws go for $1000 on you never know

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON May-04-00 AT 05:52PM (EST)</font></center>

...for the explanation. I've probably looked at that cover 75 times since buying the tape and never noticed this before.

If a cork screw can go for $1000, I'm REAL comfy hangin' onto my First Edition IM as my long-term investment!

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