HATERS- March 3


Hiiiiiiiiiiiii to everybody-can't stay long-it's Sat. morning and we are headed up north to go skiing-have not had time to catch up on reading posts but I hope everyone is okay--I "kinda" started P90X (well it's better than not starting it at all)- on March 1-I did my fitness tests and I've been eating soooo good this last week-I plan on doing classic and I will start on Monday-have a great day everyone-and Kara can you tell me more about your experience with P90X? I'm trying to get in the "right" mindset to do it as I've been not wanting to work out at all lately--see ya--deb
Morning girls!

Deb - how do you "kinda" start P90X?:p IMO, the right mindset for the X is to be really prepared to push yourself to the limit. You could do the program and not get much out of it by not lifting as heavy as you can and not pushing yourself to failure, but then your results won't be the greatest. Don't be afraid to pick up the heavier weights. The goal is to be really pushing for those last three reps in the set, so don't go with your usual 5 lbs, 8 lbs, whatever. Challenge yourself and pick up the heavier weight. It's not like Cathe where you do the reps along with the crew. You do as many as you can, and if you do that, you'll get great results.

Jen - we should have a boring-off, to see who's more boring! I was in my pjs at 9 last night;)

Arista - what movie did you watch? And how was your beer?

Today is our "running around" day. Sophie has piano and a pottery class, and we'll do errands and stuff. Tomorrow should be more quiet.
Good morning!!

Deb, you are too funny! Congrats on your clean eating!! I'll be looking forward to hearing all about your workout on Monday. Have fun skiing!!

Shelley!! I was very happy to see that Jen lured you back in (good job, Jen!). You can play in here any old time. I hope you and Sophie have a great weekend. Ooh, pottery class! What is Sophie making? Do you take the class with her? That sounds like fun.

My DH needs the computerx( . If I don't make it back, y'all have a great Saturday and I'll see you tomorrow:* :*
Morning, Haters, and what a morning it is! The sun is shining, the sun is shining! Michele, I know you can relate!

I'm just going to post some of the snow pictures here, since I can't figure out photobucket.



If you can see, the snow was really deep on the kids. We had a great time. We'll probably go again today but on a different trail. The snowmobilers are in heaven!

Shelley: everyone has the blahs, but so good to see you back in the forums. Somehow, that seems to help?

Deb: Skiing is so much fun! Have a blast. Plus it's great exercise.

I'm doing my 2-a-day workouts but I may have to modify them a bit. Talk about boring, I fell asleep on the couch watching "Cars" at about 8:00 last night! Yesterday I did Powerstrike #2 in the a.m., then took an hour walk in the snow, then later I did Firm It Up but only for 30 minutes. I can definitely tell that I need more calories than 1700 on those types of days. I figured I burned about 1,000 yesterday. I've also lost 1.5 lbs, but those are the same 1.5 lbs that I always lose and gain, so nothing to get excited about. This morning, I did the cardio blast from LIC. Of course, now I have THAT song in my head again...later today I'll do the Upper Body sculpt premix from LIC. I'm majorly craving Mexican food and a big margarita. We may go out to dinner tonight...:)

Hey haters! How are y'all?

I'm sorry that I haven't been around much. My allergies are getting the best of me and DH has been unexpectedly home which really infringes upon my forum time!

Deb-a few disclaimers about my P90X experience...I didn't follow the nutrition plan because I heart my carbs and would hurt those around me without them AND I added in extra cardio, but I don't believe that it is necessary and probably lessened my results. I battle high cholesterol and many heart disease risks, so I have to work my heart to keep my HDL high. OK, now that I have confessed...you first have to just trust in Tony :) Everything in the program is there for a reason and if you do all of the workouts in the order they are supposed to be, that realization will follow. I hate yoga, but after a few go-arounds with YogaX, I began to notice better flexibility, etc. and started to appreciate it. Now, I tried Bryan Kest yesterday and puuuuhhhhlease! it was awful! So, I still hate yoga, but enjoy Tony's version! I agree wholeheartedly with Shelly's comments above. The beauty of this program is that it will help you achieve YOUR best. I lifted weights heavy enough that the 10th rep was really taxing. I also bought a door gym pullup thingy and doing pullups strengthened my back more than anything else. In fact, after 8 weeks of being off of the program, I was still lifting the same weights for my back, but my pullup count was cut in half! That is why I started up again! Anyway, I suggest that the first week you record your reps, weight, whether it was hard, etc. and then use that as a motivator for the following weeks. I really enjoyed competing with myself. I think once you really begin and see results, the motivation will follow. Gosh, I've written a blasted book! Sorry! If nothing else helps, just use the chance to ogle Tony's hotness for a motivator. ;-) Gosh, I hope my blabbering helped some...:)

Shelley-I'm glad you have Sophie back! It must be nice to spend the weekend with her. I am taking my DD shopping in a minute and am afraid. She wants to dress like she is trying to pick up frat boys and I would prefer she be covered in pink ruffles from head-to-toe. I hope you have a fun day. Oh, by the way, my DH would kill for me to be as blah and boring as you! :)

Michele-I can't believe your infestation was that bad! Holy cow! I sure hope that goo does what it is supposed to. It is a bonus though that you have an excuse to eat out! Have fun with Dr. Michele!

Terri-WOW! Those pics are gorgeous! Your family is absolutely beautiful. Thanks for sharing. :) Ohhh, Mexican sounds so yummy. We are going to eat Chinese tonight and I'm not so excited by that, but, DH has a gift certificate, so I can't get out of it! :7 Have a margarita for me! Oops, maybe not, cuz then it would have to be virgin and that might take some of the fun away! :7

Well guys, the time has come for me to head to the mall. I hope you have a relaxing, fun-filled Saturday and hopefully I'll BBL!
Evening haters! Terri, I'm here... kind of wish I wasn't considering I was supposed to go to dinner with my mom & sister tonight. I slept horrible last night, sneezing like crazy, and just not restful sleep. Also woke up twice having to go to the bathroom "REAL BAD". When I got up this morning it happened again & then again after my workout, and then lunch. So, I had to pass on going out to eat since it was 40 miles away & my stomach can't handle it today.

The good news is besides going to the bathroom like crazy, I feel great. So not sure if it just a little of the bug I had last week lingering around or if it is just my sensitive stomach. Michele, don't worry about me-I am fine, I just have IBS and sometimes it acts up more than other times.

I did Powerstrike 1 this morning, then went to tan, and since I was pretty much "housebound" I took the opportunity to clean & get all my winter decor put away and spring stuff up...even though it was snowing today, I WANT SPRING! I also have been inspired by Terri's two a day workouts & did the 4 kicking & punching drills from Kick Max and the leg conditioning drills this evening. I really like working out 2 times on the weekends, no way could I do that during the week though...how are you managing it Terri???

Deb-Have a great time skiing.

Shelley- I have you beat, I was in my PJs at 7 or 7:30 last night, I'll do a boring-off any time! ;-) How was your day with Sophie?

Michele- Where did you eat today? Are you seeing less ants?

Terri- So did you play in the snow more today? Have you got your Mexican fix yet?

Kara, Arista, Diane, Dana, Mariah- Where are you guys??? I don't think Mariah has been around for a few days...oh wait, she was going to Disney, wasn't she?
Hi haters. I'm back home safe and sound. I tried to post a long reply to everyone last night after my last conference, but I was fried and somehow it got lost. I'm going to relax with the family tonight. Tomarrow real life starts again. See you all then.
Hi guys
thanks for missing me :)
Yes i was in disney now they are all here with me and im back to work
daughter son in law 2 grandchildren and son in laws mother and when i was at disney on thurs go the word that my mother passed away so this thursday ill be heading to upstate ny for mass and memorial there is not viewing her requests just cremation
then ill get to meet my new grandchild (daughers adopted baby) and then home next monday
and next monday a return to a commitment to eating right and excersizing every day
i won the beach body series on ebay so ill have more videos to use

snow pics are phenomanal
when i go upstate ny there will prob be lots of snow also

how are you feeling

and diane how are You feeling
Good evening everyone!

Jen - I'm sorry to hear that your stomach is still bugging you. Argh! That must be frustrating sometimes. At least you're feeling good though. Good job on the second workout! I haven't even done one today.

I have been on the computer for most of the day again making a website for a friend and getting school work done. And I'm going to be doing the same thing tomorrow. I'm planning a mini-vacation at the end of the month though, so I'm really excited.

Terri - Your family is so adorable! That snow trail looks like fun! Are you guys expecting more snow there?

Michele - How are the ants? Any decrease yet?

Robin - I'm glad you're back safe and sound. How was your workshop?

Shelley - How was pottery? Did you get to do some? What did you make? That always looks like so much fun. I just love getting my hands dirty - I can't wait for gardening season. I watched X-Men 3 last night and Half Nelson this morning. Can't get enough of Hugh Jackman or Ryan Gosling. Smokin'!

Kara - How was the mall??

Deb - P90X sounds tough. I'm glad I don't have the money to try it right now... I'm sure you can do it though. A half-start is better than no start. Good luck with your workouts next week. Go get 'em!!

Well, I've only ate 1800 calories today, so feelin' good about that. I bet you're starving on 1700 calories and TWO workouts Terri!

I'll probably have an apple or some SF chocolate pudding before the night is over, but if I keep it under 2000, I'm happy. I know I won't gain weight that way, at least!! Don't think I'm going to get a workout in today, but definitely tomorrow when Ryan's at work. I think I'll do Low Max. That's a toughie for me, but all the more reason to do it. Plus, its over an hour I think, which I rarely can finish.

Have a great night girls. :*
Hi Mariah! We posted at the same time.

I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I hope your trip to NY goes smoothly. I'll be thinking about you. My mom was cremated too and I have her ashes in my house in a pretty blue vase.

That's great that you got new videos, you deserve it.

Hang in there. :( :*
Robin- Happy to hear you made it home safe & sound. How was the workshop? Also, how is little Greyor doing? Hopefully improving every day. :)

Arista- Yeah, it does get very frustrating but it is much better than it used to so I try not to complain about it, just stinks when it happens on a day that I have plans. There is no way I could have ate out, even my "regular" food was going straight through me. Where are you going for your mini vacation? How is the new job? Are you still doing old job also, right? No wonder you have no time for anything else but work & then homework. How many calories a day were you eating before cutting it down to 1700-2000? I need to lose some muscle in my thigs-did too much high step & step in December & January and my thigs bulked up a lot more than I like. I think I am going to post a question in the rotations forum & ask fitnessfreak if she has any suggestions for decreasing muscle. In her post to Terri about her rotation she said that working out for more than an hour at one time starts to break down muscle so maybe I'll just have to start doin 90-120 minute workouts on the weekends-no way could I do that during the week.

Mariah- Of course you were missed! Sounds like your Disney trip was probably thrown off with the news of your mom. Was she sick, I think you have mentioned before in earlier post but I can't remember. My thoughts & prayers are with you & your family during this time. Not that this is even close to the same, I had my CJ cremated when she died, I got a heart shaped thing at Things remembered & had in loving memory of CJ etched in it with a cat etched in the center of it. I had her from 8weeks old until she was 10, she was so smart and like a child to me. I still miss her and it's been 2 or 3 years, I can't believe I can't remember, I'll have to look at the papers from the funeral home. At least you will get to meet your new grandchild. Have a safe trip & know we are thinking of you.

Think I'm going to try to go to bed early tonight since I got so little sleep last night & did 2 workouts today. Hopefully tonight I will be able to sleep.
Hey Jen -

Yeah, I'm still doing my old job (which just recently started getting busier!) and I've got the new job (which i want to make a good impression at), so things have been a bit stressed. And then I've got two fairly strenuous online classes which have assignments due everyday. So I NEVER leave the computer for more than a couple hours.

Not that I mind. I chose this degree cause I like working with them and really want to have the option to work from home in the future. So far, everything's worked out swimmingly and I've maintained a 4.0. Unfortunately, it leaves me with little "oomph" for workouts. But they are so good for me, so I've been trying to more consistent.

I bet if you wanna lose muscle in your legs, you could stop doing so many lunging, squatting, weight bearing workouts on them? You crazy kid! Maybe try running or swimming to develop longer, leaner muscles? I know what you mean about leg muscles. Mine are huge too and I'd much prefer leaner ones. Oh well, at least they're strong. We could so kick a guy's A%^ with our legs!

Good night all!
Hi everybody!

Mariah, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom's passing. Please accept my most heartfelt condolences and know that you and yours will be in my prayers. I'm sure your trip to NY will be bittersweet, laying your mom to rest and welcoming your new grandchild into the fold. Take care and we are here if you need a hug, {{{{{MARIAH}}}}}

No time for personals right now. I just wanted to pop in to say good night and sleep tight. I had a nice day with my DH and I have a funny story that I will tell y'all tomorrow:p :7

Sorry I didn't get here sooner to play.

:* :* :*
Hi, guys, I'm also in and out today but I wanted to quickly come by to get all the news and say hi.

Mariah, I was surprised and saddened to hear about your mother's passing. I'm so sorry to hear the news. How are you doing? You must be going through a lot of mixed feelings what with all the other things that are going on around you right now. I hope your trip to New York will go as peacefully as can be. We'll be here for you if you want to talk, so please feel free if you feel the desire to. For now, much warmth, and many condolences.

I've got my eyes on all you other Haters, and I'll address each one of youse tomorrow! }(

Have a restful Sunday!

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