Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Wed Dec 27


I do have bronchitis. Doc gave me an inhaler too for it. My hand is alright cuz my mom gave me some medicine and i wrapped it over night. Feels fine now.
I hope to do B&G tonight. I love that one.

Char- good luck with your WO. I certaintly don't think you are selfish!

Randi- cool beans! I totally can't decide what Cathe's to order. Taking me forever because I just don't know.

Netta- can't wait to see your pics!

Lora- good for you for cleaning. I really need to go thru my clothes and get rid of most of them. Don't fit. GOing to give them away.

Deb- I woke up to some snow. Barely covered the ground. Want more!!

Anne- You are doing great on your weight loss. I loved your pictures! Your hair is so cute. Very pretty.

Amber- you call that post short? LOL! Just kidding.

Suz- are you ever going to be fully dug out of that snow????

DS- glad to hear you liked the discs. SOunds like fun.

I will bbl girlies.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics 12/1/06
December and Christmas Albums

Meg - Sorry to hear you're sick. I meant to mention it in my prior post and forgot. The inhaler should help.

Char -I know....I don't get that great of a feeling about that job, but on the other hand, I'm really nervous about the Atty job cuz it sounds much harder and I don't have much confidence in myself....especially since I'm getting older.

I go for a 2nd interview tomorrow at 9:00 am with BOTH of the Attorneys. I'm a freakin' nervous wreck. The first thought that came to my head is that I need to go do some step aerobics NOW, but if I do....I'll never sleep tonight. I'm having a hard enough time sleeping without the added stress of being nervous about an interview. I wish I wasn't such a nervous person. And then there's the fact that my eyes pour water and I look like a freak cuz of it!! I hope the 2nd attorney is as easy to get along with as the first one. The Office Manager told me that one is hyper and one is laid back. I think I already met the laid back one. Ugh.....I hate this crap.....and then I'm nervous about if I get the job and have to tell Gina.........I'm afraid she'll go off on me!!!

Who cares about Gina if you don't get the job...go off on her instead if she gives you lip!!!! }( :p You don't owe her anything. Remember that.

I was looking at my check in post and I forgot to add that I did Cardio Party 3 w/ my weighted gloves as well as the rest of the workout:)

Maeghan, I am sorry to hear you have bronchitis. I hope the medicine helps get it cleared up quickly for you.

Lora, I wouldn't worry to much about Gina. You have to take the best job for you.

I just did the most amazing Yin Yoga segment from Jennifer Kries new DVD called Hot Body/Cool Mind - Waking Energy workout.

If you hold stress/tension or suffer from neck/shoulder tension and headaches - check this out!!!!

I rec'd the 2 new J. Kries DVDs a few days ago and have not even had a chance to preview them. The man upstairs must have been looking out for me tonight, as I picked one up and chose a section that was unbelieveable. It was 30 minutes long and called Waking Energy Sitting under the Yin (Cool section). I don't even know how to explain it but you create all of this energy (chi) in your body and massage from your head down and tap on different parts of your body to get your lymph moving, etc. Jennifer explains each movement and the benefit and I never realized half of the stuff I learned. I didn't know your ears are connected to all of your inner organs and we pinched and massaged them, as well as tapped our pituitary glands, etc. This was simply the most wonderful feeling evening session!!! I never have seen anything like it!! I suffer from cervical disc problems and have severe spasms in the back of my head (occiput), traps, sides of neck, etc...and you work on all of that .......as well as all kinds of other places i didn't even realize I held stress in that we worked out. WOW! This is definitely worth every cent just for the one section!! Can't wait to do more.

The kicker is that the section that came on right after this looks just as good as the one I just did but with more stretching movements. This is phenomenonal and I can see myself getting addicting to this part of the DVD and possibly making time for it nightly. I have disc problems and suffer from horrible neck/shoulder pain. I even bought Yoga in the Garden of Serenity to try to help and it didn't feel as good as what I just did.
Been a busy afternoon! I can't believe JEANETTE knew we were getting another storm and we didn't! We were in line at the post office and these women were talking about this blizzard we're supposed to get tomorrow. I swear we go on vacation from work and we don't pay attention to anything going on in the world around us. That's what happened with the last storm. We found out the day before from my MIL. So yes, we're supposed to get up to a foot of snow and more wind, meaning more big drifts. So to answer your question Meg, NO, we're probably not going to get dug out. :) I feel sorry for the UPS man. But we'll see. You know how those predictions go. Could be 3 inches, could be 13. It's supposed to start tomorrow afternoon. I think we've got everything we need once again.

GUESS WHAT? DH and I were at TJ Maxx and he saw some workout stuff and asked me if they had weighted gloves (to which I'm thinking NO) and he looked and found some for $7.99 - "compare at" $14.99! I was going to order those ones off of Amazon but backed out b/c with shipping they would have been $21 something and I thought I'd try Sports Emporium at the mall before paying that much. So how cool is that? I was so excited. Almost made me want to do Kenpo X again tonight. ALMOST.

Lora - Good luck tomorrow. You'll do great. I really don't like this Gina woman so I hope you get the attorney job. And I agree with the others in that you don't owe Gina anything. I think she would be awful to work for and I think she sounds like she plays games and that's not good.

Meg - I hope you feel better soon. Glad you have the inhaler.

Amber - I'll PM you with my address. I'm SO excited. I can send you some of my 1st grader Christmas music if you'd like. Hehehe. It was DH's idea. :p

Jeanette - Have fun taking your 30 day pics. I'M NOT. Not after the way I've been eating. I think I look worse now than when I started P90X. :)


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France


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