Going nowhere fast


New Member
After being an exercise fiend for the better part of the last year, I fell into a deep depression following my graduation from law school (and my inability to find a job after a year of searching). Needless to say, I comforted myself with food and rebelling against my regular exercise routine. 10 pounds later, I'm making a go of exercise and eating right again, but I'm not losing any weight. None. Nothing. Forget the two pounds a week theory. I would be ecstatic right now if two pounds came off. I do aerobic work five days per week and weights on two days. As long as I don't look in a mirror or try to put on most of my clothes, I feel better about myself for doing all of this.:) But honestly, I really would like to look better right now. Anyone know of any way to get the ball rolling without starvation?
No results

Please share with us how long you have been on your new shaping-up track...that may help to shed more light on the subject.
Now, could you share with us how you are altering your eating habits? This too may help
getting started

I have recently been dealing with the same thing. When I finished grad school and got a job last year, I put on about 10 pounds because I was more sedentary all day and I was eating lunch out, often. About 6 months ago, I just went back to eating the way I did before I gained the weight and started turning up the volume on my workouts. You don't mention what type of aerobics you are doing so I'm not sure what level you are at. But interval workouts (Interval Max and Intense Moves) are great for kicking up intensity. The goal is to increase your metabolism.

And I hate to say this but "patience" is important. Healthy change doesn't happen overnight. I've lost the 10 pounds but did it entirely with increased workouts (I can't diet because I get too mean when I'm hungry :)) but my normal eating habits aren't too bad (just need to eat more veggies). Instead of working out 4-5 times a week, I now workout 5-6 times and I have been doing higher intensity workouts and harder weight workouts (Pure Strength). And keep visiting here and at the VFforum, you'll get plenty of inspiration and good advice here.

Good luck and hang in there.


I've heard many people say that they didn't start to notice any difference from working out until between the 2nd and 3rd month. Focus on the fact that you are improving yourself cardiovascularly and fueling your body with better foods. In time you will notice a difference.

You can also take the advice given to increase the intensity of your workouts or length of cardio sessions. I even found improvement by reducing my cardio sometimes - just a way to shock your system.

Just be patient. Your hard work will pay off in time. I know it is hard to do though.
slow results

I think many people on this forum understand your frustration about all this. When I first started my workout/weightloss program, the same thing happened to me. It is VERY frustrating, but hang in there. If you have been eating healthfully and working out, the pounds will come off. In my case, I didn't lose an ounce for a few weeks, and then one morning, I the scale said I was 3 lbs. lighter. That made everything worthwhile. The slower the weight comes off means the slower it comes back. Tell yourself you are doing it the right way and eventually, the pounds will come off. Keep up the good work.
I know what you're going through

First of all, I'm sorry to hear you can't find a job after law school. I'm a lawyer too. Please e-mail me at [email protected] if you would like any advice about job search/interview issues.

Second, I had the same plateau problem you described. I lowered the intensity of my cardio workouts and increased my weight training with Cathe's PS series. After months of frustration, I suddenly lost almost 5# in a month, then another 2# the next month. The key seems to be finding a combination that works for you.

Good luck with everything!
Thank you all

Thank you all for the advice. I've been doing a lot of Cathe videos (they are almost the only videos that make me feel like I've actually worked), and I've been on my Nordic Track a lot. You are all correct -- I just need to hang in there and boost my workout. I'll be turning 30 in a few months and over the last year is the first time since I was 18 that I've actually noticed a change in my metabolism. But I've decided that I should look better in my 30s than I did in my 20s, so I'll have to work harder.
nordic track

I also have a Nordic Track that I have been using for about 2 years and I have been doing interval type workouts lately with a lot of success. I usually warm up about 5-10 mins. and then I go as hard as I can for one minute 15-20 seconds and then recover for one minute 40-45 seconds and repeat that 10 times. It has made a huge difference in both my fitness level and fat loss. It also makes the time goes by so much faster. Hope this helps and good luck.
Job searching after professional school


I took me over one year to get my first job in public health after graduation with my MPH! Tenacity is such a gift. Just hang in there.

After completion of my doctoral degree in education next year, I'll be job searching again too!

Best of luck to you in your fitness and professional goals!

silly sage

Hi! I know this sounds silly but I have found that I keep water weight and or extra pounds down by simply moving more during the day. My new baby is now 13 months old and I have had to sit sit sit and nurse nurse nurse. I will be going to law school next year and expect to sit sit sit some more. I have found that just moving more during the day does a great deal towards losing stubborn pounds, even though you are not "exercising".

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