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  1. S

    Why, Madam, your moustache is lovely.....

    >Snazzy- even your forearms? Yeah, it has to do with the lighting, shadows, and tanning product. Didnt used to be that way for local level comp, but the comps just getting tougher at every level. Have to seek out any and all advantages. LOL I have that 9-years old blonde peach fuzz on my...
  2. S

    Why, Madam, your moustache is lovely.....

    LOL, I bought a used car that has a sunroof, and a mirror on the driver's side visor. One day with the sunroof open, LOTS of bright sunlight coming in, I decided to put on some lipstick. Was MORTIFIED to discover a 'stache! Now I go every 4 weeks to my salon and have their esthetician wax...
  3. S

    for those of you who weight your food.....

    Yup, about 1/2 a large chicken breast is 4 oz (raw weight), and potatoes vary in size so much it's hard to give you an idea on that. I only eat yams, and boy, talk about size differences!!
  4. S

    for those of you who weight your food.....

    Mine is the $8 plastic one from Walmart. They have a $15 digital one, I'm told.
  5. S

    question for users of MsFit's e consult

    A lot of times she'll start people with a basic plan to follow for a week, and then she'll see how your stats react to it. If it works the first week, she may keep it the same the second week, then change it up on the 3rd week. This is her chance to learn your metabolism, and see how your body...
  6. S

    Just signed up with MsFit!

    Thanks Terri and Jo! I started working out back in the early 90's and toyed with the idea of competing in Fitness. Fitness had just come out as a new competition medium. Enter Carol Semple and gymnasts, who took the sport to a whole new level, and left me without a place to compete...
  7. S

    Just signed up with MsFit!

    I just posted my 16 week out from comp photos over there. It includes pictures from 8 months ago, front and back, compared to today. 7 of those 8 months have been spent with MsFit's e-consults. The link in my signature line will take you there.
  8. S

    Just signed up with MsFit!

    RE: DETAILS PLEASE!!! I agree! I use Cathe pre-mixes for my cardio, but don't really use her weight workouts anymore. That's just my preference. Her weight workouts taught me proper form, and I'm grateful for that. Her pre-mixes on her DVDs are life savers! Cathe does such an awesome job...
  9. S

    Just signed up with MsFit!

    Yea!!! You'll be so happy with your results! So many people have burst through plateaus with her help!
  10. S


    >Hi again, > >I'm sorry, just to be clear...should I substitute my fruit >snacks or add some protein? What about hard-boiled eggs? Any >other protein suggestions other than chicken? > >Traci Add some protein. Hard boiled egg whites, egg whites cooked omlette style, lean cuts of beef...
  11. S


    I average 1.67 grams per pound of bodyweight, so I'm eating 217 grams a day. Sounds like a lot, but it's easy when you eat protein with every meal (no fruit/carb by itself). I go thru tons of chicken breasts and eggs in a week! LOL
  12. S


    To really shed fat, you need to eat protein with every meal. Those snacks of fruit only, while MUCH MUCH healthier than cereals, yogurt, candy bars, etc, will still trigger an insulin response, which will cause you to store fat. Having 3 oz of chicken (or other lean protein) with it will keep...
  13. S

    What does your workout log/notes look like?

    I have a 5 subject notebook that I divided up into my split. One section for Chest/Triceps/Abs, one for Quads/Calves, one for Shoulder/Biceps/Abs, and one for Hams/Back/Calves. The first section I devoted to motivational pictures, quotes, etc. I like it!
  14. S

    Is a goal of 6x/week too much?

    I agree it may be better to work up to 6X a week. Once you've raised your stamina, that shouldn't be too much, as long as you do give yourself one complete day of rest. Training 6X a week could mean you'll need a week off sooner than if you trained 4-5 times a week. Your body will let you...
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    The shipping is outrageous, but at least it's understandable why. I ordered my olympic bar set from, and had them deliver it to the local store. That way I didn't have to pay shipping.
  16. S

    When to measure?

    The main thing is to be consistent in the time you weigh yourself, so you're comparing apples to apples. I wouldn't think right after your workout would be the best time, because if you're more intense one day than another, you may not sweat as much. Personally, I like to weigh myself right...
  17. S

    Who stays away from sugar?

    Eliminating sugar and most grains got me off of my asthma and allergy medications!! When I slip up, it's no longer worth it, because it makes me sick almost immediately! Good incentive not to cheat, LOL.
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    What do we all do for a living...

    I'm a CPA. I own my own firm I'm growing, and I also work as CFO for a hospice.
  19. S

    Wondering about muscles worked..

    Here's a link to a similar question asked on this forum. I know there was one asking your specific question about step bulking legs, but I can't find it right away. It seems it bulks...
  20. S

    Oxygen Mag: worth it?

    Oh boy, fasten your seatbelts! It's going to be a bumpy post. Oxygen seems to change editors every couple of years. The quality comes and goes, depending on the editor. And to be quite honest, the definition of quality changes by what your goals are. While some are "sick to the back...