Search results

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    Any recs for weighted gloves?

    Hi Everyone! I need to get some weighted gloves and would really appreciate any recommendations you could give. I need them for STS since I only have rubber encased dumbbells, but it would be nice to use them for kickboxing as well. Any suggestions for good quality gloves that would be...
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    What's your Turkey Day specialty?

    I'm getting ready to do some grocery shopping for the big T-Day and I was wondering...what does everyone make that is their "specialty" for Thanksgiving? Something you only make this time of year, or something nobody else makes, or at least not the special way you do. My specialty is...
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    Who has Ryka N-Gage shoes?

    Has anyone tried the new Ryka N-Gage studio shoes? I need new shoes and since they discontinued my favorite Ryka's I'm scrambling to find a good replacement. Problem is, I have wide feet, so I'm curious how the N-Gage fits in the toebox. My old Enlight II's had plenty of room even though...
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    Ipod - Which one should I get?

    I really want to get an Ipod!! Do any of you have one and which one do you have? I want one to use primarily for working out...that I can use when running or on the treadmill, or on the bike, or at the gym. So I need one that's light enough to carry with me and small enough so I can use one...
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    Spin Bike or Trainer?

    Hi All! For those of you that spin, do you use a spinning bike or do you use your regular bike and a trainer? I want to start incorporating spinning into my workouts and would really appreciate any feedback and experiences. What I have now is a Trek mountain bike that I bought a few years...
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    PMS Patrol

    Hi everyone! I've been feeling a bit punchy today since it's TTOM (we all know how that can be! least most of us!) and thought there must be someone out there to share my misery. What bugs me most when I get PMS is that I start bumping into things. And dropping things. And...
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    So What Exactly is so Bad about Power 90?

    I've been reading the recommendations (or lack thereof) regarding Power 90 and would like to know...what EXACTLY is so bad about this workout? I don't own any Beachbody workouts at all, so I can't compare. But really, what is so horrible? :-) Nicole
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    The Fat Man Walking

    Just wondering if any of you have heard of this guy? His name is Steve Vaught and he is walking across the US to lose weight. I just came across his story yesterday in the paper and thought I would share. He...
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    How much do you TIP your Hairdresser?

    I'm curious what would be considered a good tip to give your hairdresser? I'm never sure what amount would be appropriate. I don't want to be cheap, but I'm not rich either. Is there an easy was to figure it like there is with a restaurant bill? And of course I'm talking about service...
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    Eat to Live Recipe

    I know many of you have this book and I'm just getting started with it & experimenting with the recipes and I have a question for the veterans out there! I want to make "Dr. Fuhrman's Famous Anti-Cancer Soup" but I don't have a juice extractor. I have a Vita Mix so that's no problem, but my...
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    What about the "Check In" threads?

    Hi Everyone! I'm very curious about the Check In threads....the Daily check in and the Healthy Eating. Can anyone participate in those? I always seem to read them but I'm not really sure if I should post anything. I'm currently doing weight watchers (I really need the accountability) , and...
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    What dumbbells are you using in Hardcore?

    Hi Cathe, I was just wondering what is the set of dumbbells you are using in Hardcore? They look like they are rubber encased like the barbell set and I would really like to have a set like that. Thanks! :D Nicole
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    US Weight Set vs. Troy Lite

    Can anyone tell me what the difference is between these two weight sets that Cathe uses in her workouts? I need a new set and I can't decide which one to get. I have looked around and can't seem to find either one in a store, so I'll have to order online. I checked WalMart too and they don't...
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    Question about Books

    Ok...I know this is a weird question but I figured there must be someone who knows this. What do the string of numbers mean on the back side of the title page of a book? You know, that page where the published date is, and the disclaimer that "this is a fictitous book, any resemblance to actual...
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    Do you own a Treadmill?

    Just wondering which of you own treadmills? I've always wanted one but from the reviews I've read the home models don't seem very sturdy or reliable. Do any of you have a good one to recommend? Thanks! Nicole :D
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    Another Question for Nurses

    A while back I posted a question to all Nurses to tell me about their career experiences as I am considering becoming a Nurse myself. I have completed all required courses including the nursing assistant course and have my CNA certificate. One of the things I remember alot of you who responded...
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    Who sang the National Anthem?

    I just caught the last of the National Anthem before the Eagles game and was wondering who that was that sang it? I saw them show some players and military who were shedding some tears, looking deeply moved. I kept hoping the announcers would mention something about it, but I didn't hear it...
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    Does anyone do Weight Watchers?

    Hello! I know this topic has come up before, but I'm considering doing Weight Watchers and wanted to get some opinions from others who are doing it now or those who have had success with it. I'm finding I'm having a hard time eating a clean diet without some accountability. Sometimes I eat...
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    Looking for good Yoga

    Hi Everyone! I want to start incorporating some Yoga into my daily routine but I don't have any idea where to start. I would like to find some good DVD's for a beginner that will give me a foundation so I can try intermediate/ advanced or power yoga and get a really good workout. Do any of...
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    Is it all right if I email you? I have some questions for you. Thanks Nicole