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  1. J

    Anyone else going through IVF?

    Yes- we did IVF eight years ago. First time only had four embies and none of them took. The second time, I became pregnant with my daughter. Six months after giving birth, I miraculously became pregnant with my son. Then four years later, after losing one tube and being told the other one...
  2. J

    to my cheering section-

    Thanks Catherine and Jennie! Catherine- i already took a hot shower and some Motrin! ;) Hopefully I'll be able to get out of bed in the morning! Jennie- thanks so much for all your support and kind words. It is hard which is probably why it's taken me a year after the birth of #3 to...
  3. J

    to my cheering section-

    Thanks Allison- I forgot how great it feels to sweat and work hard. Of course, I'm barely moving now:D but I'm sure it will get easier with time! Jean
  4. J

    to my cheering section-

    Many thanks to all of you who have cheered me on in my quest to return to the gym. I went back tonight and took a sprint step class. While I had to walk instead of jog and missed a few combinations, overall it went well and I feel great! Thanks again for all the support! jean
  5. J

    OK- so last night-

    I got up myt courage and went to the gym for my first class in two years and ... it was cancelled!! I had to laugh at the irony. I did stay and do some work on the elliptical and then some upper body weights. I plan on going back tomight for a class. The nice thing was I saw an...
  6. J

    a little nervous-

    OK- a lot nervous. I'm heading back to the gym tonight after a two year layoff- pregnancy and then laziness! I've done a few Cathe wos but I know I'm going to have to start somewhere. I'm so seriously overweight and out of shape that I have to just bite the bullet and get back there no...
  7. J

    How to get back into it?

    Thanks Maggie- Wow #7! I thought three was a lot! I actually gained about 65 lbs with the last two pregnancies and lost it with #2 but can't seem to budge anything after #3. I really appreciate your advice- thanks for taking the time to share and best wishes to you during this amazing time...
  8. J

    How to get back into it?

    I think you're exactly right- it is more of a mind thing! I need to just get committed and do the best I can. Maybe jumping on the trampoline with my two kids and dh could be good for some exercise!LOL Thanks for the support! Jean
  9. J

    How to get back into it?

    Thanks so much for the responses! I am going to try and make it a habit again! I am hoping it won't take too long to get some stamina and strength back again! Jean
  10. J

    How to get back into it?

    Hi all- I am coming here for some advice and some kick me into gear talk! It's been almost a year since i've had my third child and I had gestational diabetes during this pregnancy. I gained an enormous amount of weight (but I did with all three) and thought I would lose most of it just like...
  11. J

    OK- time's ticking!

    Here's my dilemma- I have A LOT of weight to lose (about 80-90lbs). I haven't ordered STS because I feel like it will only do me good after I've lost a large portion of the weight (which I'm really struggling with). Am I right? Or could it actually help lose weight as well as build strength...
  12. J

    BFL for Wed Jan 23rd 2008

    Thanks to everyone for their kind words and encouragement. I think that you are all right and I'm in the wedding because my future sil and I are close and I just want to see some major changes right away! I keep telling myself that it's going to take time and every day I'm getting stronger and...
  13. J

    BFL for Wed Jan 23rd 2008

    Good morning ladies- great job getting those workouts in already!! OK-need a bit of help here. For the past two days, my eating has been great all day except when it comes to dinner. Then I seem to lose it. I was blaming it on PMS but I woke up today craving cereal (carbs I guess). So now...
  14. J

    BFL for Mon Jan-21-08

    Hi all- hope everyone had a great day!! Quick question- can I make the protein pancakes with egg beaters instead of egg whites? I don't have any egg whites. Off to do upper body today! Thanks! Jean
  15. J

    BFL 1/19/08 Weekend edition

    Hello everyone! I've had such a busy weekend. Yesterday was my free day because I knew I was having company. I was a little worried because in the past, my free day ruined me. I had such a hard time getting back on track. This morning I made the pancakes in the EFL cookbook and they were...
  16. J

    BFL Thursday 1/17

    Hi Gayle- Nibbling is one of my big problems so I was so proud. Also making excuses not to exercise (like a sick child) is another major issue. So I am so glad I stuck to my committment! I am a consultant for Close to My Heart- if you are ever interested in taking a look at their products...
  17. J

    BFL Thursday 1/17

    Good afternoon!! All you runners are terrific! I've never been able to get into running (maybe because of my asthma or just laziness!!) Little intro- My name is Jean and I'm 39 (soon to be 40 in May). I've been married 11 years to a wonderful man who is a NYC detective. I have three...
  18. J

    BFL Wed - 1/16

    Hi all thanks for the "crunchy" suggestions! I found some things in my eating-for-life cookbook that I'm going to try. I also wanted to share what I did for lunch- I sliced a potato very thin and sprinkled some garlic powder on it and put it in the microwave. I keep cooking it until all the...
  19. J

    BFL Wed - 1/16

    Hi all- hope everyone is doing well! Going to do upper body today. I managed to get in my first meal this morning. It's not the last one I have a problem with- it's the first one with all the running around to get everyone out the door!! Anyone have yummy snack ideas for something kind of...
  20. J

    BFL Tuesday 1/15

    Hi all- just another quick question for all you experts!! Is Fat free microwave popcorn an authorized food? I thought I read somewhere that it was. TIA-Jean