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  1. J

    Naughty, naughty!

    M&M's Definitely my downfall- they're so small and YUMMY!! Also good on chocolate ice cream! :) Yes, I have a problem. :) :)
  2. J

    Which opposing muscles to work per day?

    Wondering too.... For the first week CTX I did Bi/Tri, Back/Chest, together with shoulders alone- was wondering if there was a more "efficient" way to combine these new WONDERFUL!! tapes.
  3. J

    CTX All-Step

    How Funny!! Did you ever let him back in? My in-laws are coming this weekend- I think they should bring a tent and sleeping bags!
  4. J

    This waiting is KILLING me!

    Happy for You.... But..I'M STILL WAITING!!! I ordered in early July - WHY did I wait so long?? WHY? WHY? - I have to go have some ice cream and make myself feel better!! LOL