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  1. T

    Extra! Extra! :)

    The October issue of Pregnancy Magazine is out, and it has two of my articles in it... one on coordinated pushing in oxygen and the other on the importnace of kegels... Very exciting -- these are the first of 6 I've sold to PM... Sheila and another HM instructor, Wendy, are quoted in the...
  2. T

    any PTs here?

    Hi guys... I'm working on two more articles for Pregnancy Magazine, and I'm thinking that maybe I can call on some of you for help again. The first is on postpartum back pain... I need two different views... first, I'd love to hear from PTs who may have worked with moms who have suffered from...
  3. T

    Oh... we are in so much trouble!

    Robby has been a little too busy for his own good... he started rolling front to back at 2 weeks and recently figured out back to front... and, as of today (he's 3 1/2 mos.), he is officially sitting up on his own now for up to 30-45 seconds (propped on his hands... sometimes he puts his hands...
  4. T

    updated website

    I just added pictures to our website's photo gallery... Robby has lost all of his beautiful red hair since the pictures were taken, but it's already growing in again! Robby is 3 1/2 mos. old now and Aaron is 2 1/2 years... Susan
  5. T

    my first article!

    Hi guys... I just got word that the first of my articles for Pregnancy Magazine will appear in the October issue that just went to press! It's a fitness article... but, not one of the ones where I interviewed some of you (don't know when they'll come out... but I did sell both of them, so I'm...
  6. T

    Postpartum pep talk!

    LOL -- I'm writing to get moral support... and hopefully some of you will relate to where I am right now, too! Sometimes I'm better at giving advice than taking my own! Robby is 3 mos. now and sooo much fun... smiling, cooing and squealing... and he's even cute when he does that thing where...
  7. T

    Getting back in the groove...

    Hi guys... Robby is 8 1/2 weeks old now (Can you believe it?), and I got back to teaching my classes this week. It feels SO GREAT to be moving again. I wasn't able to do much until 6 weeks postpartum because of the c-section, but I am definitely up to speed now. I gained 38 lbs. this time...
  8. T

    WOW -- he's growing fast!

    I had Robby's well baby check up today... he's 6 weeks old now and 13.25 lbs. (95%ile -- up almost 4 lbs. since birth), 23 1/3" (90% -- up 2 1/3" since birth), and his head is 16 1/4" (98+% - up about 3/4" since birth). WOW! He's got a little infant acne/cradle cap, but other than that he's a...
  9. T

    Robby slept through the night!!!

    He's slept 8-8 1/2 (but who's counting?) hours two nights in a row... What a luxury!! I haven't had that much sleep since before I was pregnant! Of course, I'm waking up before him totally engorged, but it's giving me the opportunity to pump and stock up on a little frozen breastmilk (LOL --...
  10. T

    Robby's website :)

    Thought you guys might like to check out my handsome boys! :) There's a link to a picture of Aaron & Robby together as well... not their best picture, but at least you can see them both! Susan
  11. T

    Eclair~~~ how did it go?

    I've been thinking about you and your little one!! Hope you are both doing well :D Susan
  12. T

    now see how silly ...

    we women are?? (LOL or maybe I should just speak for myself) I was all in despair last week about a 7 lb. gain in 2 wks. (followed a 2 lb. loss the previous week)... but now I've lost a couple again... so, when I think about it, I've only gained 3 lbs. in 3 weeks... which is TOTALLY normal for...
  13. T

    37 weeks...tick, tick, tick!

    I'm actually feeling better this week than last, but am I ever ready for this to be over with!! Anyone else further along than me still hanging around and need to commiserate?? I've been a little lazier about my workouts the last week or so. I feel a lot more exhausted lately if I do more than...
  14. T

    Okay... now it's time for you guys to tell me...

    ... to chill out LOL. I had my 36 week visit today... what a depressing visit. First, I gained 7 lbs. in 2 weeks... the OB says that I've definitely got some edema (but my blood pressure was fine & no protein in my urine) which I figured since my rings and shoes feel a little tight lately...
  15. T

    just call me big foot LOL

    Hi guys... this isn't really fitness related, but I'm definitely noticing a little swelling now ... not enough to worry about, and my bp is staying pretty low... but just enough to make my rings tight at times during the day (first thing in the morning and sometimes before bed)... and my feet...
  16. T

    8 years later...

    It is amazing to me that so many obstetricians are still giving out the 140 heartrate and other outdated info to their patients about exercise. One of my loyal students (she started back in November & is now in her 3rd trimester) said tonight that her OB, upon learning that she was an...
  17. T

    double jog strollers... opinions?

    Hi all, I'm in the market for a double jog stroller -- although I'd love to have one, I'm not going to spend the money (nearly $500 on some sites!) for the "real deal" Twinner Jogstroller, as I had a $99 Baby Trend stroller that has worked just great for me up until now. I should add that...
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    Hey Sheila -- what Healthy Moms training sessions do you have planned?

    Some of you who teach aerobics and who believe in prenatal exercise would really love Sheila's training -- very thorough and there aren't nearly enough prenatal exercise classes available to women that are truly safe and "just challenging enough" (not to easy, not too hard). A good example...
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    Need help with an article...

    Hi guys... I have recently begun to do some freelancing, and I'm working on an article about pregnancy and parenting-related boards on the internet. I think this one is really unique, and I'd like to get some comments from some of you, if you are interested in helping me out. If I use your...
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    Okay... it's official...

    I'm HUGE! I'm 31 wks. on Monday, and this baby suddenly feels like it up in my ribcage in a major way. No way can he grow for 9 more weeks and still fit in there :o !! And to top it off, I've had two comments in the last week from people asking me if I'm having twins :-rollen ... it makes me...