Search results

  1. F

    Ankle injury - need cardio recommendations

    Hi Cathe, I'm enduring an ankle injury due to overuse (pain, inflamation, etc). I've been following the R.I.C.E. formula for about two weeks now in order to deal with it. Question: When I feel ready to resume cardio, are there any recommendations you have as to which of your cardio...
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    Cathe or educated crowd-strengh work

    Hi Cathe and others, I have a quick question about the Pure Strength series and the upcoming gym-style workouts in the Hardcore series. I generally like to work each body part twice per week in my strength training (e.g. once of my rotations includes doing Pyramid upper and lower body once...
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    Sub dumbbells for Slow & Heavy squats?

    Hi Cathe, I have a question regarding the legs portion of the S&H series. I need quite a bit of weight to fatigue me on the squats. I was using 40lbs. of plates on each end of the barbell which proved far too heavy to get over my head without a squat rack. Can I sub dumbbells for the...
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    Hi Cathe, I've been a "user" of yours for about 2 years now. I tried the pyramid workouts when the series first came out and really wasn't too keen on them. (I had been doing Power Hour religiously and was a little too addicted to it.) I have recently "tried" the pyramids again and I must...
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    Officially obsessed with StepBlast

    Hi Cathe, I never post but I had to tell you that I'm officially obsessed with StepBlast. I've been doing all your workouts for the past two years and find there's a few I latch onto and can't give up (e.g. Power Hour is like my bible, I've had THE BEST results with it. Even though I mix it...
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    e-diets- Has anyone tried one???

    I'm wondering if anyone has tried an e-diet tool? Specifically, I have looked at Weight Watchers e-tools, Dietwatch, Healthetech, and the Personal Fitness Planner available through Fitness Any comments or suggestions? Thx! Flex
  7. F

    Educated crowd-anyone tried Pilates?

    Hi everyone, I've recently pulled a tendon or muscle in my forearm (it's my right arm too, which is my "working" arm - argh!!!) I knew I couldn't do any upper body weights, but thought I could do lower. Well, I can't even get the barbell up past my knees without pain!!! I am an avid weight...
  8. F

    Overtraining question for Cathe

    Hi Cathe, Looks like you're answering postings today fast and furiously, so I thought I would ask a question. I started using Power Hour 3x/week, along with 40 mins. of cardio/day, 5x/week. Recently, I switched to doing each of Leaner Legs and CTX Upper Body 3x/week (on alternating days)...
  9. F

    Rotation question - anyone?

    Hi All, I've decided to "go nuts" and have ordered the entire intensity series (obviously, frothing at the mouth for this one), AND the Slow and Heavy Series. Just received, and started doing CTX Upper Body and Leaner Legs about a month ago. Prior to that, I was doing Power Hour 3x/week...