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  1. R

    Cathe Gear Coming Soon!

    I would like one of everything, in petite. And a coffee mug. :) Thank you for requesting our input!!!
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    Non Meat Protein sources, help please!

    I don't know if you are interested in soy protein bars or not...but if you are, I eat a Revival bar every morning as breakfast, or as one of my snacks. I started them due to some "hot flash" issues, but have also noticed that my hair and fingernails are growing like crazy. Yay for extra...
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    OILY FISH.......

    I do! Since I started this, my cholesterol plummeted... The ladies who do our workplace fitness evaluations were stunned. Mackerel is really good broiled with a little soy sauce and lime. HTH
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    Begineer Step Tape

    Hi Sweetwater, There are alot of great beginner tapes out there, but Cathe is more advanced. You could do Cathe tapes with many modifications, though. I recommend that you do a search on this site for "Beginner Step", as there have been several good threads on this subject. Also, you may want...
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    What is your "problem muscle"?

    I seem to have been born without triceps. :>)
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    George Forman Grills...

    RE: Cleaning Yep, they don't come apart. The trick is to warm it back up for a few minutes and wipe it off with wet paper towels. It cleans up well in this manner. HTH.
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    new home stepper

    Jillybean - Great minds think alike!
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    new home stepper

    OK, most of the good "beginner" step workouts are just on VHS, not DVD. I recommend: Kathy Smith: Step Workout (which you seem to have) Susan Powter: Lean, Strong and Healthy (has superb instruction for modifications) Reebok Step (Gin Miller) (Kind of depressing IMHO, but teaches all the basic...
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    new home stepper

    Hi Dwilliams, It would be easier to give you some suggestions if we had a better idea of what you are looking for. Are you an advanced exerciser, but new stepper? Beginner? In generally good cardiovascular health but choreographically challenged?
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    I did it! I did it!

    Woo hoo!!!! Congratulations!!!!
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    Okay, what'd I miss?

    Welcome back! I missed you, too. If you liked Ice Age, you might enjoy Lilo and Stitch.
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    HEY WD-re: your endurance rotation

    RE: Question for WD WD, I want to look like you when I grow up! Seriously, I live in OKC, too, and you are, without a doubt, the most fit woman I have seen here. I showed your pictures to my DH (who helped build the Cowboy Hall of Fame). He said, "that's what hard work gets you." More power...
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    Full-body Pushups....

    Hi Janice and Briee, Thanks for the warm welcome! Briee - Just because your build is suited to pushups, doesn't mean that the huge amount of effort you have obviously put into them was wasted. You have clearly made tremendous strides in that department, and should be bursting with pride. Pull...
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    Full-body Pushups....

    Hi Yen, No, it doesn't bug me at all. I was very, very strong, but not cardiovascularly fit. In the days that I could do 54 pushups, I was way, way too thin, because I smoked. I weighed under 100 pounds until I was over 30 years old. As I got older and the smoking caught up with me, my...
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    Full-body Pushups....

    Hi, This is my first post, so please be gentle! I was in the U.S. Army for 12 years, so did tons of full-body pushups. When I entered Basic Training, I could do 2. At the end of 8 weeks, I did 18. After ten years, I could do 54 in two minutes on the Physical Fitness exam. So here is my 2...