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    Inspiration for Your Fitness & Strength Goals

    Watch this for some inspiration :). Wish I had done this when training to do chinups & pullups. I can knock them out now :D This Woman Filmed 100 Days Of Pushups And The Results Will Inspire You
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    Why Wellness Experts are Putting Butter in their Coffee

    Ok, just the title of this article from Prevention magazine grabbed me. I don't drink coffee, but for you coffee lovers, here you go... Why Wellness Experts Are Putting Butter In Their Coffee -
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    Beer + Meat = Less Cancer?

    Interesting article from Prevention and a recipe, too. Grilling season is almost upon us :cool: Beer Marinades Shown To Reduce Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) -
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    Let Laziness Work for You Instead of Against You

    This article from Prevention is kind of funny and likely right on the money for me. I generally don't go downstairs to the kitchen searching out healthy foods when I'm having a craving, but if it's sitting right there for me to see, or if I'm cutting up some fruit or other healthy snack for my...
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    10 Weird Organic Food Facts

    Interesting article from Prevention magazine: 10 Weird Organic Food Facts -
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    First Time On Forum but Long-time Cathe Fan

    This is my first time on The Cathe Nation forums, but I've been working out to Cathe for a looong time. I first started with her workouts that aired many years ago on Fit TV. I dvr'd them and kept them for a long time, rotating through the workouts. My dvr would give out at least once or twice...
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    First Time On Forum but Long-time Cathe Fan

    This is my first time on The Cathe Nation forums, but I've been working out to Cathe for a looong time. I first started with her workouts that aired many years ago on Fit TV. I dvr'd them and kept them for a long time, rotating through the workouts. My dvr would give out at least once or twice...