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  1. W

    DVD Shipping Alert! - The ICE DVDs Have Arrived.

    And thanks to everyone for the hard work getting them out. It would be a sight worth seeing, I am sure. Coordinating the sheer volume...
  2. W

    Mobility Work

    Or a recovery day DVD, with segments for mobility, stretching, foam rolling, maybe some balance work. My absolute favourite combo would be Cathe, a Bosu and a TRX but I cannot see that happening anywhere but in my very vivid immagination.
  3. W

    Updated Itermediate Rotation

    I would like that as well. A new intermediate DVD would also be great.
  4. W

    Any favorites yet?

    Both Yogas I always "mean to get to" stretching and never do enough. My ROM in all my joints (including the shoulder that is injured) has improved significantly since I have started with these.
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    Athletic Training!

    Tracy, can I ask what do you do to modify for push ups? I have a recent shoulder issue calcifying tendanitis and everything I have tried just hurts. I am so frustrated.
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    Just Downloaded AfterBurn!

    I am slowly downloading Yoga Relax and being mellow about the 2 hours it is going to take. There are many advantages to living rural but fast internet is not on the list. All I did to start to download is go to the digital site. Purchase the download bundle, add to cart ect, and then click...
  7. W

    It's 1am

    Rest well.
  8. W

    It's the 21st

    Downloads? This is my first download pre order. Does anyone know how this works? Do they send me an email? I am not going to bother customer service with all my questions but I am so excited that I am going to burst. And I don't even know what I am looking for in terms of "ok go download now"
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    Joint Friendly Premixes?

    I was wondering the exact same thing a few days ago.
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    Video Clip so freaking excited

    I cannot wait to have these in my hands. From the clip, this series is going to be everything I hoped for and more.
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    Road Trip to Canada

    Would love to go to a road trip at home. Try the west, it is beautiful out here
  12. W

    Peppermint Tea for IBS

    Here is what I use when my tummy is not so great. For a full pot 1 fennel teabag helps with bloating and air 1 chamomile helps with spasms 2 peppermint helps with digestion and kills the taste of the other 2 which I don't like so much. Hope it helps
  13. W

    This is it! - Today is the last day to use your coupons!

    Figured I would sneak it in with the new series;). Not sure why or how I missed it with this sale. Cannot be 1 disc away from a complete set. Seriously though I don't really have to sneak them. DH may not understand why anyone could possibly need that many work out DVD's but my luxuries are...
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    This is it! - Today is the last day to use your coupons!

    Shhh. Don't tell my DH but.... First I bought: STS Total Body LBB High Reps GS Tri & Chest GS Legs GS Back & shoulders Low max Stretch Max Core Max Drill Max Did not get Intensity as I was not sure about the impact & I have a lot of Cathe high impact. Then I read the description and saw the...
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    Oatmeal Pancakes

    I made these. They were very good. Thanks
  16. W

    Tomorrow is Last day for 20% off Coupon

    umm never mind. Just read the part about the coupon not being combinable with the quantity discount. My bad
  17. W

    Tomorrow is Last day for 20% off Coupon

    SNM or anyone, Has anyone figured out if it would be less expensive to order the entire collection at 999 + 20% off or individually at 50 + 20% off? I can figure out but if someone has already done the work of clicking and adding to the cart, I would like to save the time. Thanks
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    Step Demonstration for Newbies

    Sounds like it could make a very good Cathe TV set of segments
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    Breast augmentation

    Not sure why you would want to implant to a DD. I am a natural DD and I am only 5' tall. I look always ~10 pounds heavier than I am because of the girls. I have back and neck issues from slouching to hide them when I was younger. My 18 year old is a GG and I am paying for her reduction because...