Search results

  1. WormwoodScrubs

    Talk to me about Yaz

    No, not the British pop band, but the birth control Pill. Recently, I received a prescription for Yaz to combat my horrid PMS, but I've yet to fill the prescription. I've never been on any form of the Pill before, and while the thought of getting rid of my PMS makes me very happy, the...
  2. WormwoodScrubs

    No, no - thank YOU, Cathe (from Jillybean)

    Jillybean here (still waiting for my old forum name to become 'valid'). In any event, I wanted to thank you, Cathe, for a wonderful, wonderful weekend. It was truly one of the BEST times of my life. My head's still spinning from all the fun and excitement! Cathe, your generosity...
  3. WormwoodScrubs

    Killer Cardio to Compliment STS

    Cathe, we all know you are THE one to turn to for killer at-home cardio. Since you usually film your workouts in a relatively short time period, I think doing a series of crazy balls-to-the-wall all high-impact cardio is asking too much of you and your amazing crew. So how 'bout a mix of...
  4. WormwoodScrubs

    Right Arm Different 1RM Than Left Arm

    Hello. In trying various exercises, looking for my 1RM, I've found that my right arm can typically lift 2 to 5 lbs heavier than my left. I'd really like for my left to catch up to my right without losing strength in my right arm. Any advice, educated crowd?? Thanks! Marcia
  5. WormwoodScrubs

    Personal question, but I really need advice...

    Okay, sorry to go TMI here, but I’d really like some advice and I'm pretty certain you guys (gals) can help me. My husband and I have used prophylactics as our means of b.c. for years. I mean YEARS. I feel bad for him, not to mention that this method is slightly inconvenient. So why...
  6. WormwoodScrubs

    When you buy a treadmill workout, what do you look for?

    When you do a treadmill workout (whether it be audio only or video), what do you look for? Intensity, instruction, lack of instruction, music, etc? I will soon be inheriting my mother-in-law's treadmill and am looking to purchase some treadmill workouts but I feel super green. I've heard...
  7. WormwoodScrubs

    Kickboxing, Step, and Core workouts

    Cathe: Hello. Seeing as your '06 series focused (mainly) on longer circuit workouts with lighter weights, and your latest series (both of which I LOVE) focuses on shorter cardio segments and heavier weights, I was thinking your next series might focus on longer cardio workouts and either one...
  8. WormwoodScrubs

    How To Dump Your Therapist...

    Hello, all. I'll admit it, I see a shrink. I've been seeing this particular shrink for almost three years. While this person has indeed helped me work through some stuff, and while I think we've built up an honest, friendly rapport, I think I may need a change. Last week my therapist...
  9. WormwoodScrubs

    Where did you get your Body Bar?

    I'd really like to buy an 18# Body Bar, but I don't want to purchase one online (the shipping is as expensive as the bar!) The Sports Authority stores in my area don't carry them, and they don't have Ross where I live. Any suggestions? Thanks!!! :-)
  10. WormwoodScrubs

    New 'Yaz' b.c. - anyone?

    Hello. I am not on 'the pill,' nor have I ever been. And I'll tell you why - vanity or no - I'm terrified of the weight gain. Here's the thing, however, I suffer from near-debilitating PMS - cramps, ravenous appetite, bloating, irritability, mood swings, acne, etc. I hear that 'Yaz'...
  11. WormwoodScrubs

    MIC 2 and Imax 4

    I, for one, would love to see some more hi/lo from Cathe (it's athletic, intense, and never a spacehog). MIC 2 would give us just that. And, because the Imaxes are never, ever let downs, I'd love to see another Imax at some point. (Perhaps undertaking MIC 2 and Imax 4 in one series...
  12. WormwoodScrubs

    Long Time Lurker, First Time Poster - WW?

    Hello, Catheites. I've a question for all you fit ladies (and fellas)... I could stand to lose 10-15 lbs but I want to do it FOR GOOD this time 'round. I've lost weight before (usually by way of under eating and over exercising) only to snap back the other way and binge for weeks on end...