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  1. M

    morning exercisers what do you eat before you workout?

    RE: morning exercisers what do you eat before you worko... On my way to the gym at 4:45am, I have a kashi bar and drink lots of water.
  2. M

    BFFMers - E-Book Question

    What e-book are you talking about? is ot "Burn the Fat, Feed the muscle? If so, is it any good?
  3. M

    Help me, I can't loose

    Thanks for the support. I'd like to do both,loose and define. The cardio I do is on the Arc trainer, Body pump classes, step aerobics, Treadmill, and the Crosstrainer.When I have time at night, I like to do Cathe's Fittv shows. The times I stay on vary, 30 min. 45 min. 60 min. sometimes I split...
  4. M

    Help me, I can't loose

    For the past 7 weeks I have been seeing a nutritionist. She has me on a 1,500 calorie eating plan.I have only lost 3.7 lbs. I do cardio 5 to 6 days a week and weight train 2 body parts a day. I switch my routine all the time so my body doesn't get use to the same thing. I want to lose 20 lbs but...
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    Help me, I can't loose

    I am 5'6. I have a lot of energy, I'm not tired at all just fustrated. I'll keep trying .
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    Help me, I can't loose

    Dear Cathe, For the past 7 weeks I have been meeting with a nutritionist. she has put me on a 1,500 calories eating plan and I have only lost 3.7 lbs. I do cardio 5 to 6 days a week 30 to 60 min. and do weight training(2 body parts a day)I switch up my routine all the time so my body doesn't...
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    tummy tuck or not?

    I have lost 70 lbs and I work out like crazy. I enjoy it because I notice the changes it has made in my body and life. I had the stomach I couldn't get rid of. I did an hour and fifteen min. of cardio a day and lifted weights, but could never get rid of my stomach. In 2005 I had a tummy tuck and...
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    From Last year until this year I have notice an incrediable change in Mercede's Muscle tone on the show. Has she lost weight or just toned her muscles more by lifting weights? If she lost weight, can you tell me how she changed her eating and give me an example of her daily menu plan?