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  1. K

    BFL for Fri Feb 29th 2008

    Good morning everyone! It's been crazy busy the last few days. My meeting/interview went really well on Wednesday. I just have to decide how much I'm willing to travel (and how much DH is willing to support) but I think my chances are very good if we can agree on the travel piece (it helps...
  2. K

    BFL for Tue Feb 26th 2008

    Lainie- Right now I am just doing 20 minutes of cardio and abs once a week (mostly because I hate doing abs and save them for later and just end up "forgetting" about them). This is my first challenge (W3 D2) so I don't know how well it will work but it's what fits in with my life right now...
  3. K

    BFL for Tue Feb 26th 2008

    Good morning Stephanie, Heidi, and Belinda and everyone to follow. Sherry - Taco Salad sounds so good. I might have to put that on the menu for next week. Gayle - Cajun shrimp - MMMMMM. I love shrimp. That's another one to add to my menu plan. Carolyn - I was thinking of adding S & H...
  4. K

    BFL for Monday Feb-25-08

    Belinda - Great idea doing abs first. I always save them till the end or for before bed if I'm time crunched and most of the time end up not doing them. Michelle - I hope your back feels better soon. Today I'm starting week three - I haven't missed a workout yet and my eating has...
  5. K

    Body for Life for Feb-19-08

    This morning I did PLB. DD woke up in the middle of the night again last night so 4am came around way to quick. I almost slept in but I got out of bed and I did it. I actually felt pretty good once I started working out but now I feel pretty tired. I'm still tweaking my weights but I feel...
  6. K

    BFL for Mon Feb 18th 2008

    Hi ladies! I'd love to join you if it's OK? I'm starting week 2 of my 12 week BFL challenge and I'm happy so far. I lost 3.2 lbs last week and dropped some BF. I was able to complete all my workouts and my eating has greatly improved since before I started the challenge. I'm looking...
  7. K

    Post Partum Aug 26th

    Good Morning Ladies- Lori- Glad to hear you're feeling better. All my family live within 30 minutes of me so I can't imagine what it would feel like if they went away. Stacey - I think Madelynn might be teething as well. She just hasn't been her normal self the last few days and her...
  8. K

    cardio vs. weights to lose baby weight???

    I'm going through this as well. My DD is 4 1/2 months old. I'm getting back to running now (3 days a week - 30 min) and weight training (2 days a week - 50 min). I'm trying to find time to increase my cardio a bit (and hopeing the weather will start to cooperate so I can take Madelynn for...
  9. K

    Post partum check in Aug. 20

    Good Morning Ladies! We had a great weekend. It was one of the first weekends all summer that we didn't have some sort of family obligation. We stayed home and enjoyed some much needed rain. Madelynn was in a great mood - smiling and laughing all weekend long. It was so fun just to play...
  10. K

    Post Partum check in Aug. 13

    Thanks for the welcome everyone! I forgot to sign my name - it's Kim (I think I added an automatic sginature now). Madelynn is my first. She was born a month early and weighed 5 lbs 14 ounces. She is very heathly and apparently just like her mom - never wants to be late for anything so she...
  11. K

    Post Partum check in Aug. 13

    I'd love to join you guys. My daughter, Madelynn was born April 7. My workouts are becoming more consistent now that I am back at work but I really need to work on my eating. Here are my workouts for last week: Mon: Week 2 Couch-to-5K Tue: Push/Pull Wed: Week 2 Couch-to-5K...
  12. K

    Butts & Guts for Beginners

    Thank you all! I received B & G while I was pregnant and haven't done it yet. Now that the little one is 3 months old and my workouts are becoming consistant, I've wanted to try this one out (after a baby the butt and gutt definately need some work) but have been a little scared. I'll just...
  13. K

    One Body Part Per Week? Other strength training options.

    I had a baby three months ago (she came early but is healthy, happy, and growing like a weed) and I have had success at getting back into a cardio routine - I am able to get a walk/jog in three mornings per week before the baby gets up and I have to go to work and on the weekends I try to take a...
  14. K

    No more weekly check ins for preggos???

    Yeah! More pregnant ladies. I'm at 24 weeks. So far things have been going very well. I had to back off the excercise over the holidays - I picked up some kind of airplane bug with all the traveling I'd been doing for work and only rest seemed to do anything to get rid of it. I'm feeling...
  15. K

    Moms to be Check in Dec 3-9th

    Good Morning All- I'm loving this second trimester. It's fun to finally have some energy and I'm starting to develop a bump that other people notice. I've actually been able to work out for 30 - 60 minutes every morning before work this week. It feels great to move again and it's really...
  16. K

    Moms-to-be Check-In week of 11/26/06

    Krystal- I'm right behind you. I'll hit 18 weeks this weekend. The first trimester my exercise routine was pretty hit and miss. I was just too tired and got as much sleep as I could. Now that I have more energy, I'm actually working out a bit more consistantly. I really enjoy the...
  17. K

    Moms-to-be Check-In week of 10/29/06

    Good Morning Ladies! It sounds like everyone is doing well. Dani- I know how you're feeling. I couldn't do anything for most of the first trimester. When I would attempt a workout, even a modified lower intensity workout, I would be worn out for days afterward. I'm just finishing my...
  18. K

    Moms to be check in 10/08/06

    Thanks for the warm welcome last week everybody. I think I'm finally getting over this cold. I still have the sniffles and I'm tired, but nothing like I was last week. I even got in a 40 minute walk after work yesterday and followed it with some light lower body. It felt really good. I'm...
  19. K

    Moms-to-be Check-In week of 10/01/06

    Thanks for all the great advice. I've been out sick the last few days - just a cold but it really did a number on me. When I called in to work on Wednesday to tell them I was taking a sick day, I actually forgot my phone number - all I could get out was an area code and the first digit, then...
  20. K

    Moms-to-be Check-In week of 10/01/06

    Good Morning everyone! I was able to get in three short workouts last week but that was it. I'm having a hard time just keeping my eyes open for eight hours straight at work. Before I was pregnant I could work out easily in the morning but now I just get to winded first thing so I have to...