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  1. L

    Got A new job

    HI, just wanted to vent a little hope you dont mind. I'm a single mom and have worked at home day care since my ex left 6yrs ago. Before I had children I worked in the weight loss field for 13 yrs. Anyway, I just got a job at LA Weight Loss Clinic. I start on 11-28, am a little nervous on just...
  2. L

    whats best rotation of cathes for upper body

    What's the best rotation for upper body strength and definition of Cathe's? I appreciate all suggestions! Lori BC
  3. L

    Help finding P90X and Cathes w/o rotation

    Someone mentioned there is a rotation using P90X and cathes w/o's. But I did a advanced search and looked through the video and Dvd rotation forum and cannot find it. Can anyone help please? Lori BC
  4. L

    Am I just wasting my time?

    AS i have said in other posts I'm on my 3rd week of the August bootcamp rotation and up until Halloween was doing real well. Halloween I ate quite a bit of candy, Tues. about 6 bars, wed.2 bars and today again maybe 10 bars. Its not like me to do this. Unfortunetly I have to keep the candy here...
  5. L

    How to get my son to stop cussing

    I'm a single mom of 2 boys, one is 9 and the cusser is 11. For some reason he constantly is cussing at my house. He doesnt cuss at his dad's or his Aunt & Uncles, my moms or at school. Its not like I go around cussing, but on occasion when I let one slip he tells me mom dont cuss in front of me...
  6. L

    Is anyone still eating halloween candy?

    This is to the message I posted yesterday. Was wondering if there are any remaining candy napers still out there. I didnt think I would want any today again, but that goes to show I shouldnt think! Lori BC
  7. L

    Did anyone eat halloween candy?

    I did, I had a few little candy bars but I had it in my mind I wanted it so I did! Just wondered if anyone else gave in also? Lori BC
  8. L

    Sub for day on august rotation

    I started to do Monday on Wk. 3 on the August Boot Camp Rotation, you know 100 toe touches 100 squat thrusts, 100 lunges on & on & on. Well, I find I am not very good at this unless I am doing a video. Is there a w/o I can do of Cathe's or I was thinking maybe Billys Boot camp w/o he has some of...
  9. L

    Low pulsing hover squats

    I'm on my 3rd week of boot camp rotation and am suppose to do low pulsing hover squats, and for the life of me I cannot remember what those are. Can anyone explain them to me? Lori BC
  10. L

    Can Step make thighs bigger?

    HI, I'm starting my 3rd week tomorrow on the boot camp rotation and have noticed my jeans are fitting tighter in my thighs. Is it possible its from doing so many step workouts in this rotation? I havent changed anything else. I am feel a little discouraged. Any suggestions would be greatly...
  11. L

    Boot camp 3X today!

    I know you guys will think I'm crazy but I'm doing the August 05 Rotation, and today was the boot camp 2x. This morning I only had time to do it once, so I wanted to see if I could do it back to back so I did it 2x more around 6:30 p.m. It really wasnt hard at all, I felt really good when I was...
  12. L

    ? about walking lunges!!

    I am going to start the BOOT CAMP rotation tomorrow. How the heck do you do walking lunges in a fairly small living room? Outdoors is not a option. Also instead of the 3 mile run can I do Step N intervals, and for 5 mile run do one of the imax's? Or is there something else to do instead? Sorry...
  13. L

    ? for you pros

    I was wondering if any of you know if it is ok to stop a rotation and start a new one? I'm just starting my 2nd week tomorrow and was thinking about doing another rotation instead, would this miss things up? I appreciate all your suggestions. thanks in advance. Lori BC
  14. L

    ? about running

    Hi girls, does anyone know what I could do in place of a 30 min. moderate run and a 40 min. interval run using cathe's w/o's? Please any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks! Lori BC
  15. L

    Kit Kat Bars (OH NO!!!)

    I dont know why I did it, maybe being bored but I ate a few mini kit kat bars. Bad bad girl I know. Would doing some cardio help since today I dont have any on my rotation or should I just forget about it. Tomorrow I'm supposed to do Imax 2. Oh Boy!! Any suggestions? Lori BC
  16. L

    P90X Chin Up Bar

    I am waiting for my P90X videos to arrive, and wanted to know if anyone can tell me if you have to have the chin up bar or can you use a substitution? Any suggestions would be great!! Lori BC
  17. L

    Thank You All

    Hi Everyone, I'm fairly new to the forums but not to Cathe's w/o's. I just wanted to share with everyone how much reading all of your posts have helped me. I was exercising at least 2-21/2 hrs. daily. Consisting of 1hr. high intensity...
  18. L

    exercise? on rest day

    Can anyone tell me if it would hurt to do aerobics on my rest day? I havent done any since Fri. and overate a little to much yesterday so I wanted to do some aerobics today. Any input would be appreciated!! Thanks, Lori BC
  19. L


    Hi, yesterday I did MIC w/o and my knees are killing me today! I'm suppose to do Powermax today on my rotation. Does anyone know what other Cathe w/o I could do that would be comparable without the step? I appreciate any suggestions!! Lori BC
  20. L

    rotation help

    Hi, can someone tell me what I can substitute Rythmic Step for. Also need to know what I can do instead of a 40 min run. Please let me know so I can get started on my rotation. Thanks So Much Lori BC