Recent content by wendy2

  1. W


    ditto I hate to say it, but I feel the same way. I used to feel them in my hamstrings, but now I only feel them in my mid back! I have gone over the form pointers, and know this is a tough one to perfect, but it is frustrating to not be able to perfect it. I sometimes feel like I'm hitting...
  2. W

    It worked Cathe!!!

    Ha ha ha ha ha ... Debbie, you are so funny (!) and Cynthia, congratulations! Wendy
  3. W

    Early Check-in!

    Just cookies :-) When I read " Didn't you bake" I was so confused! Believe me, I wouldn't have gone hiking in Phoenix or Scottsdale --110 degrees is a bit too much for me! Sedona, however was about 20 degrees cooler and the hike was absolutely gorgeous! It was warmer than the 70 degree...
  4. W

    Barbell make a difference

    Hi, Lynn :-) Yes, lets keep in touch and monitor our progress . I have to say that I'll be more likely to do it through this forum than if we email, because I always check the forum and rarely if ever check my email! Is that ok? (I know its not ok with the people who email me, but is it ok...
  5. W

    Early Check-in!

    checking in Hi everyone! Here's my slightly-altered-rotation week: Sunday: PS BBA and Leaner Legs (first time substituting LL for SLA, plus I had my barbell for the first time--what a killer leg workout!!) Monday: CTX Kickbox section 1 of PowerMax (this was supposed to be a rest day, but...
  6. W

    Barbell make a difference

    same rotation, I think Hi, Lynn! I think I might be doing the same rotation as you--did Cathe post it as a three week rotation to be repeated four times, substituting LL for SLA when the new tapes came? (There were other things about it, too, but I thought that would make it easy to...
  7. W

    SNM, didn't get

    Hey, Aimee!!! Just log on with a new name and a new password for now! Wendy
  8. W

    new here

    Rachel... It's right above this thread! It was posted by MsFitQuest here in this forum...hope you see it, it does a great job of stressing the ease in idea. Wendy
  9. W

    got my barbell...

    ...but not the Troy. I had decided to order it, but then decided that the funds weren't available. So, I got a cheaper one. I think I got the same one that you did, Aimee, if you're reading this (which I know you are )--Weider from Kmart, 100# set? Ok, then, a few comments and questions...
  10. W

    A full CXT check-in

    4-4 count Elizabeth-- I know what you mean on the slower count on the deadlifts, and I'm so glad you said you'll just keep them all slow! I sometimes amaze myself at my lack of innovation--I don't think I ever would have thought to keep them all slow! After reading your post, that is just...
  11. W

    A full CXT check-in

    my week Hi everyone--your weeks look great, and as far as anyone with unplanned rest days, don't feel bad! I had them this week too, and we all got in more than a lot of people out there did! That's what I'm telling myself, anyway Here's my week: SUNDAY: 10-10-10 cardio, All Step cardio...
  12. W

    Daily eating pattern???

    food--love it! Hi Jennifer. First I have to get on my little platform and say that I think it is a shame that we all know what and when we eat. It would be great if we lived in a society that didn't make us obsessed about it--I'm NOT saying any of US are obsessed, just that it is an obession...
  13. W

    a cute story for you Cathe

    too cute! Susan, that is so funny! I am a preschool teacher, and think that kids say THE cutest stuff! Loved your little story. Wendy
  14. W

    good stuff :-)

    yay! So glad you liked the kickboxing, Amy. I am going to do step and intervals this evening--can't wait !
  15. W

    good stuff :-)

    and the weights? I only did the cardio portions of the videos, because I'm back to PS this week, but I think you're doing the weight part, too (?). So, what do you think? How do they compare with --oh, shoot, you don't have the PS series,so you? Well, how do they compare with MIS? Or for...