Recent content by welch

  1. welch

    Trisets Upper Body Split

    Oh my gosh! I finally got a chance to do this workout today and I thought Cathe was trying to kill me! I had just finished a 3 month STS rotation when this series arrived and was feeling really strong. This workout showed me that I still have a long way to go! I love, love, love these low...
  2. welch

    Which workouts have you done so far?

    I just finished After Burn and loved it, but it's tough! Some of the cardio using sliding disks worked muscles I wasn't aware I had. I have knee issues, but the workout didn't bother my joints - just made me huff and puff in a good way.
  3. welch

    Question for moms who just had there little ones turn 1

    So hard to believe our little ones are already 1 isn't it? Morgan just had her one year check up today and I talked to the pediatrician about weaning her from the bottle. She has been drinking whole cow's milk for 3 weeks now (except I used formula when we traveled recently because I didn't...
  4. welch

    Short Shirt Phenomenon??

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who's experienced this. I was feeling like I'd lost my mind (okay, the sleep deprivation may have contributed to that). I knew I wasn't washing my clothes any differently and my bra size is the exact same as it was before I got pregnant. It's like my torso is...
  5. welch

    Breastfeeding/pumping - I want to hear from you!

    I've been doing the best I can with nursing and pumping. I don't think my supply has ever been great and pumping has neither increased nor reduced the amount I produce. Since my daughter was 2 weeks old, we've had to supplement with formula. On the days I'm home with her, she nurses for 30...
  6. welch

    Short Shirt Phenomenon??

    Hi Ladies, I have a question for all of you postpartum mommies - did any of you feel that your shirts were shorter after you were pregnant? I'm now 6 months postpartum and I've been back to my pre-pregnancy weight for 3 months. Admittedly, I'm not quite to my pre-pregnancy shape, but I'm...
  7. welch

    advice on getting my almost 6 month old to take naps

    I don't really have any good advice either. Morgan is inconsistent with her naps. She naps best when she's tired after being awake all morning. She wakes up around 7, and then is ready for a nap by 1. I nurse, so she usually falls asleep nursing (I know it's a bad habit, but it's how we're...
  8. welch

    She's here!

    Congrats Winter! She's gorgeous! (sorry I'm a little late - I hadn't checked the forums since the holidays) -Carrie
  9. welch

    Check-in - all the former "Mommies to be"

    Hi Ladies! I'm still around, but I really only get the chance to check the forums once every few weeks. It seems like I only have time to work out about that much too! Morgan is doing well and we love being her parents. She'll be 6 months old this week. She's not sitting yet without...
  10. welch

    Don't know how on no sleep!

    i don't have any advice - just empathy! my dd is also 4 months old and still waking up to eat in the middle of the night. between taking care of her and working 10 hour days when i go to work 3 days a week, i'm chronically exhausted. i try to work out in the evenings on my days at home when...
  11. welch

    Terrible family news....

    I just wanted to say that I too am sorry that you and your family have to go through this. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers. -Carrie
  12. welch


    That's a good question and I'm afraid I don't know the answer. I'm 3 1/2 months postpartum. Just last week I had patches of dry, red skin on my face (which I've never had before) and a friend said it was probably due to hormones. I think I feel like my normal self, but it's hard to say...
  13. welch

    Calling all the new mommies!

    Liann - I forgot to thank you for your advice about the pumping. I'm having a hard time keeping up my supply. I do drink the Mother's Milk tea and take Fenugreek. I hadn't heard of Blessed Thistle, but I'll look for it. I'm planning to keep trying with the pump and hope for the best. Carrie
  14. welch

    Calling all the new mommies!

    Liann - Morgan loves the TV too!! I don't let her watch it for more than 5 minutes or so at a time, but she seems to like the light, movement, voices, etc. She may end up being a TV junkie like her mommy - whoops! It's hard to believe she's already 11 weeks old. She is able to sleep...
  15. welch

    Happy Birthday, Carrie! (welch)

    Thanks guys! I think it'll be a good one. My little girl had her 2 month check up today and had to get 3 vaccines, so I was dreading it. But she did really well and now I can enjoy the rest of the day!! Thanks for the birthday wishes!! Carrie