
Working out and spending time with my family.
Apr 30, 1955 (Age: 69)
When I began doing Cathe Workouts
I got my first when Step N Motion 1 just came out. I lost her for a while and began again about 6 years ago.
How I found out about Cathe Workouts
After losing contact after the Step N Motions, I began logging in on different fitness forum and found her again!
Why I love doing Cathe Workouts
She is challenging and fun!
Where I work out most often
Other Workout DVDs that I own
I own several Firm (1986-current), Fitprime, Kickbutt, TLT, Kettlebell , Urban Rebounding, Kettlenetics, BeachBody Slim Series and Turbo Jams, Fluidity, Jari Love, Amy Bento, Kimberly Spreen, Bryan Kests, Gliding and BOSU workouts. I'm sure I left some out!
My Fitness Goals
To maintain my fitness level and of course it is always a challenge to improve it, without injury!
My Success Story
I have not ever been overweight except after prgnancies in 1981 and 1983. With each daughter I gained 55 lbs, but upon release from my doctor, I began running, lifting weights, doing high impact aerobics at my health club and off of TV exercise programs..... remember those? Oh yes, lets don't forget Jane Fonda!!! In 1986, I found the Firm and Cathe Step in Motion and transformed my extra bedroom into my workout room and there I have been ever since!
I always say I don't have a success story, but I gues I do in that I have continued to stay motivated stuck with this for so many years!
Retired Teacher




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