Recent content by sugar20

  1. S

    Too much/little cardio?

    Thanks You're right, I shouldn't compare. I love my ice cream and am not going to be giving it up for a 6-pack (although it'd be nice). And this 'perfect' woman has implants, which does 'add' to her figure :) Thanks again
  2. S

    Too much/little cardio?

    This is an opinion type question I guess... I belong to a gym, and take 2 or 3 spinning classes a week there and use the weight machines. At home, I add 1 or 2 Cathe step tapes, plus PS/MIS. But there are several people at the gym who do much more. One woman, who is in her late 30s and has a...
  3. S


    Say NO to Hydroxycut... I was getting frustrated last year because I love to eat, but was slacking on my workouts. So I was reading Oxygen magazine (it's more for 'bodybuilder' type fitness), and I saw an article about Hydroxycut. As it turns out it was really an advertisement promoted by one...
  4. S

    Weight Loss?

    Thanks! You are all right - weight really doesn't matter, since I'm not out of my healthy range. I guess I'm just used to people always talking about their weight in numbers, and not how they look and feel. And it's true, I haven't weighed myself for a year, and when I just did, I was upset...
  5. S

    Weight Loss?

    I don't know why I haven't lost any weight because I've been eating better than before, and replaced my constant aerobics with spinning 3xs a week, plus 1 day of a Cathe step tape, plus the PS tapes. It's been a month so far, and I'm still at 101 (I'm about 5' so I know I'm in the ok weight...
  6. S


    I just joined a gym for the summer, hoping to motivate me more. They have computerized weight machines so you can't cheat. The program I'm set up on has me doing 1 set of 12 reps on each machine using a heavy weight. I definately feel a burn, but is this enough to get nicely toned? Thanks!
  7. S

    weight gain

    Hello... 2 years ago, I used to workout a lot for some reason (I was in college - still am - and had lots of free time), but I didn't know much about working out. So 4 times a week, I'd: - do a 20 min step class, then - go to the gym to do weights for 15 mins, then - run for 15 mins I didn't...
  8. S

    A question about sugar

    sugar I can relate completely! It seems the past couple weeks I am sugar-crazy. For the past 2 weekends, I've bought a half-gallon of choc chip cookie dough ice cream and finished them in 2 days each! I don't know why this happens. I think maybe whenever I try to watch what I eat, I make...
  9. S


    oatmeal? Do you mean the plain Quaker oatmeal in the round 'cylinder' box? I'm sure that's what you mean since the flavored kind is sugary (and that's why it tastes so good!), but the regular oatmeal tastes awful!! Do you have a recipe for how to make whole-wheat pancakes? Do they taste...
  10. S

    cadio twice a day?

    Hi everyone, I've gained quite a few pounds over the holidays from the usual junk food and no exercising. I really need to get in shape because I obviously don't feel good about myself or look as good as last year. I also can't fit into half my pants and I don't want to go through the hassle...