Recent content by sm4987

  1. S

    KFC'S Double Down Sandwich, Zoiks!

    I know, when I saw it this morning, my stomach got upset just by looking at it!
  2. S

    Low Carb/Low fat

    I have been low carbing for 5 going on 6 years now. I lost 63 pounds and I have maintained that weight. My body loves it, I love eating this way and it has been so very worth it. I started out on SB, but switched to Atkins. I frequently shop online for great items that really help me out...
  3. S

    No more heavy leg work for me....duh!

    Good luck. I found that I can't do heavy leg work either! I have done the last month, circuit workouts and cardio workouts and noticed that my lower body has really slimmed down. Weights are not heavier than 10 pounds on the lower body. My exception is dead lifts. I have used a combination of...
  4. S

    Dilema: my pants don't fit:'(

    OP, I feel your pain. I shop in Jr. mostly for pants and stuff because not all 2 and 4 women's clothes fit me. I'm also very short 4'11 and Jr. fits me much better than petite. That being said, I know when my diet is causing my body to suffer. I feel it and boy does it show especially in the...
  5. S

    A rare (for me) non-Cathe post

    I'm a lurker around here, but that looks like something I just might order!
  6. S

    So who do you want to win the Biggest Loser?

    I also hope that Mike would win, but I have no problems with Tara winning. This is also my firt time watching the show, and I find it extremely interesting and motivating!
  7. S

    Anyone try the new Amy Bento Videos?

    I brought the new kickboxing workout. I previewed it but mine is skipping so I have to wait for Collage to send me a new video :( It does look like a great workout though and a lot of fun. Glad to see other's reviews of it!
  8. S

    are your parents home?

    Don't you just love it! My poor husband is constantly told that he has 3 lovely children. I just laugh my butt off! I am one of the kids now and I'm 34 years old!
  9. S

    Extra Skin (rant)

    Count me in as someone who hates all the extra skin. 4'11 here. When I was pregnant with my second child you could have sworn I was giving birth to a whatle. I topped 200 when pregnant. After her birth I was 190. Lost the weight 5 years ago (she is now nine years old) and I have skin all over my...
  10. S

    What STS Cardio invoice #??

    I ordered mine at #212. I can't wait until September!
  11. S

    My two questions

    I am hoping for the premixes. Not all of us got the STS weight series. Plus I love Cathe's premixes. Just adds a certain element to workouts!
  12. S

    Announcing My Next DVD series

    I wasn't to excited about the STS series as far as the weight training was concerned, but this...................this is a must HAVE! Thanks Cathe! :cool: Now off to find my credit card. Order number 212. And finally reading that it will be right around September, my birthday is in...