Recent content by mrk

  1. M

    Cat issues/health question?

    I just had another thought .... since the cat's problem is chronic and you've had him for a long time, this probably isn't it but I figured I'd bring it up just in case. You don't give your cat any dairy products do you? I heard once that many cats can't digest dairy. just a thought ....
  2. M

    Cat issues/health question?

    I have a cat that had the same kind of problem for over a year. We had a bunch of tests done, tried a punch of pills and nothing really helped. Finally the vet put the cat on "low residue" food (made by Iams). The cat hasn't had the problem since! You can only buy the food at the vets office...
  3. M

    Verizon FiOS? I'm about to go insane...

    also .. ... to be fair .... Verizon does offer a ton of stations .... of course I only watch about 10 - 15 of them but they are there.
  4. M

    Verizon FiOS? I'm about to go insane...

    I feel your pain. I also have Verizon fios (internet/cable/phone). The biggest dissapointment for me was when I realized my Tivo didn't work with the service. Had I known that I would have never changed my cable service (I was perfectly happy with Comcast). With the Verizon DVR I have to...
  5. M

    What is safe to drink out of?

    I just ordered two ... can't wait to get them!
  6. M

    No headlights? WTF???

    I can't say that I notice too many people driving without their lights on in the dark ... mostly I notice people driving with their high beams on (or just one high beam) which makes me mental. :-)
  7. M

    For all you cat lovers

    Thank you for sharing that. My husband and I were laughing so hard. Short of the bat, that's what our two do.
  8. M

    Wegmans Food Store

    I LOVE Wegmans ... so sad they won't open a store near me.