Recent content by mdbecky

  1. mdbecky

    Question for Runners

    I just finished the STS-Shock Cardio 3 month rotation and my legs are looking super good. It really improved my running as well...I am much faster now. I think the HIIT and, as another poster mentioned, the Plyo Legs helped a ton. Note, you will get muscular legs. Good luck!
  2. mdbecky

    So sad my dog won't stop biting!

    Janie, I admire your gumption to keep training that puppy. I honestly don't understand some of the people responding negatively towards you, especially those who say they have children. I have not gone through what you have had to go through, but I do have a daughter, and I would be super...
  3. mdbecky

    2 Things I wish on Step Moves...

    Actually, one of the things I like about the shock cardio series is the lack of a cool down. I find that the few side steps that Cathe does is enough to bring down my heart rate at this point in my life. I, for now, love longer stretch segments over cool-downs and often add stretching on to...
  4. mdbecky

    Emshysema and Massage

    There is such a thing as vest therapy which is basically a vibrating vest that loosens secretions. We use it a lot at the hospital. Also, various breathing treatments loosen secretions, such as mucinex nebulizations and bicarbonate nebulizations. Do they have respiratory therapy at his...
  5. mdbecky

    A New Book!

    I'm reading this book now too.
  6. mdbecky


    Hi ladies. I have not fallen off the face of the earth. :) Still doing the STS cardio rotation, but skipped the CCC last week and did a 4 mile run instead. We've had such great sunshine this past weekend! I did 4 miles Friday, 4 miles in addition to the STS disc 24 on Saturday, and 6 miles...
  7. mdbecky

    HiIT - anyone getting cramps in their feet?

    I used to get cramps like that too with the IMAX workouts, treadmill, and elliptical, but I don't now that I use Vibram Five Fingers. My foot muscles are much stronger now.
  8. mdbecky


    Hello ladies. I only have this week left of ICU and then no overnight call until May!!! I am on call tomorrow night and Sunday, and then floor patients only!!! Yippee!! Today I did HIIT Double Pyramid. It was supposed to be 40/20, but I accidentally did that one last Monday instead of DP...
  9. mdbecky


    I'm on call today. Happy V day to me! Sitting in front of a computer in the ICU. Someone's got to do it. :) Well, yesterday just before I was to get ready for dinner, Z woke up from her nap and she was HOT! I used a paci thermometer and it was 101.1. Rectally she was 104.1!!!! No dinner...
  10. mdbecky


    Okay, back from shopping. We did get the 20# hex dumbbells. I already have the kind you can add plates too, so I had been changing out plates for 20#, 25, so they'll just be 25#ers now, until I need to up them to 30#ers and then I'll get 25# hexes. Does that make sense? We ended up...
  11. mdbecky


    BBL for personals. I did Step Moves yesterday at STS disc 15 today, 2 miles on treadmill, and then the extended stretch. DH asked if I wanted flowers for Valentines and I said no, I want some bigger dumbbells, so we're going to Dicks or Sports Authority. Fingers crossed that he doesn't freak...
  12. mdbecky

    What Cathe w/o do you use your vibram five fingers for?

    I wear my 5 fingers for everything. I have some Classics that I work out with and I just got the new ones for cold weather running (I wear them to work since they cover more of the top of my feet and hopefully would protect better against needle sticks if a needle were to fall) Becky
  13. mdbecky

    ~~~~Clean & Tidy Wed~~~~

    Good evening ladies. It was Cardio Core Circuit, cardio only premix followed by STS No Equiptment Abs. I then did a smidgeon of yoga. Robin, I am on facebook. My name is Becky McGilligan. Oh, and I am a doctor and I agree with your thought about losing the adrenaline rush may contribute to...
  14. mdbecky


    I haven't died! I promise. The ICU is CRAZY! I think I'll be luck if I post a few times a week this month. I am post-call today, meaning I went in at 7 am yesterday and didn't leave until this morning (I have to be out by noon the next day, but luckily I got my stuff done and was out at...
  15. mdbecky


    Quick check-in I did step only of SJP today followed by 20 minutes of yoga. I ended up being on call today (was supposed to be tomorrow) since the person who was supposed to be on call called in sick last minute (poop on him). So, I think I'll go run the stairs. Be back tomorrow with...