Recent content by Maria777

  1. M

    Coming Back from P90X but NEVER left Cathe

    Hello, Coni and Wendy! Thanks!! This will be my 1st time doing Cathe's Gym Style, although I have done the Slow and heavey series myself. But I really wanted a gym style weight workout, so my husband bought it for me for my birthday. I became a coach with P90X and it has been...
  2. M

    Coming Back from P90X but NEVER left Cathe

    Hi, everyone!! I am back for a while anyway... I started with Cathe and then shifted to P90X and P90X+ for a while. Got excellent results, but its time to shift again. So, I will be doing Cathe's Gym Style workouts for a while. Just dropping by to say hi and that I NEVER left Cathe...
  3. M

    Cathe is a goddess !

    Wow, 50 lbs in 5 months, that is amazing!!!! Excellent job!!! I lost 20 lbs with Cathe and have also kept them off. She is truly amazing!
  4. M

    Does youth end at 35?

    I guess it all depends how you feel and genes. The females in my family have a history of looking younger for their age. Some people tell me I look younger. Thanks to the fact that I exercise regularly and eat well, I also feel fantastic. I have two girls and I feel even younger...
  5. M

    Birthday bells

    Amazing!!! Excellent job!!!!
  6. M

    Anyone else lost gains after stopping P90X?

    Wonderful topic. I was thinking what to do when I am done with P90X. I am on Phase 3, week 1. I am sometimes find myself missimg Cathe so much!!! I just love her workouts and her motivating words. But I needed to find something else for a while because I wasn't building the muscles that...
  7. M


    >My DH goes to the gym daily, and lifts and does cardio. For >him, gym time is social hour (or two hours), and he can be >found next to his friends on the stair stepper, elliptical or >bike chatting away (but he does get a great workout - like >Cathe he can chat and breath hard!). He does...
  8. M


    Yes, my husband has. He is doing P90X and I am doing it with him, but he has done Cathe's workouts such as: Upper/Lower Pyramid Power Hour Bootcambp KPC Supersets and a few more. He says Cathe is tough!!
  9. M

    Did you see the blog update?

    Sounds fantastic!!!! I am currently doing P90X, but would love to have this one as well!!!! You go, Cathe!!!!
  10. M

    Heavy weights on the new DVD's same intensity as P90X

    Hello, Marcy. I was doing really good with Cathe's workouts but wanted to try something different for a while. Thanks to Cathe, I had lost 25 lbs that had stuck around with me after the birth of my 2nd child. Thanks to all those aerobic and step workouts, I drop the pounds and had fun...
  11. M

    Heavy weights on the new DVD's same intensity as P90X

    Hey, Jess!!! You caught me!!!! ;-) Yep, I just went over there and I am super excited about it!!!! Sound fantastic!!! I may hold off on the 4Day Split and buy that one instead!!! We'll see!!!
  12. M

    Heavy weights on the new DVD's same intensity as P90X

    Hello, I wanted to drop a few lines since I have been away for a couple of months. I have also been doing P90X with my husband and haven't been able to come over as often. I also wanted to stay really focus while doing the X but I AM DYING to do Cathe's new DVD's. What's the STS? I have...
  13. M


    That is what I am planning to do as well. I don't want to sub anything because I want to see what P90X can really do. I miss Cathe a lot, but I am sticking with this program for the 90 days as is. Oh, by the way, I joined their board as well and I am sure talking a lot about Cathe and...
  14. M

    Cathe review on

    Wonderful!!! I agree 100% with her comments. Then of course, Cathe is my favorite too!!!!
  15. M


    Yes, I think it is worth a try. I having doing Cathe for over a year and love her to death. But I am currently waiting to get Gym Style by the end of year and the meantime, I want to try something else. I am on day 4 and I have to say that the cardio is okay, it will get you where you...