Recent content by LauraPinWA

  1. L

    MetRx on Wedding Video???????

    If you need pre-workout energy I would suggest something like juice or a piece of fruit. To fuel your workouts, you need carbs. Have some protein after the workout if you like, to help your muscles recover. Laura
  2. L

    Thank you all so much!

    He's adorable!!! I could just eat him up! I'm so happy for you, Cathe. Congratulations again! Laura
  3. L

    Cathe Has Baby!

    Congratulations!!!!!!!! I'm so happy to hear that everyone is doing well!! Can't wait to see a picture of the new little guy--and maybe his big brother too??? There's nothing more wonderful than welcoming a new baby into the world! so happy for you, Cathe, Laura
  4. L

    S&H for 3 weeks?

    I personally prefer to do S&H in shorter rotation cycles because I have trouble maintaining the necessary level of concentration for more than three weeks. When you do the tapes you'll find them to be mentally as well as physically demanding! My personal experience was that I made definite...
  5. L

    killer workout!!

    I think at the beginning of IMax Cathe says something like, "feel free to enjoy any of my other non-interval workouts while you recover from this one." I take that to mean that for the two days following IMax it's okay to work out as long as you don't do MIC or CTX Step and Intervals (which I...
  6. L


    Storm, how long ago did you have your baby, and are you still breastfeeding? For some women it can be hard to lose weight while breastfeeding because the body needs to hang on to its fat reserves in order to produce milk. Or so I have heard, anyway. I'm not an expert by any means! I doubt...
  7. L

    What ?!?!??! No results yet?!?!??!

    I think those are great results! Since you say you've only been exercising regularly for two weeks, your body is probably still adjusting to your new regimen, and for many of us, water retention is part of the adjustment process. You probably haven't added a whole lot of muscle yet--for most...
  8. L

    Question re: side lunges and plie squats in S&H

    Thank you so much, Cathe! That was a great explanation! I think it'll take a bit of practice, but if I keep your form pointers in mind I should get the hang of it real soon. I'm loving the S&H series. I did the Chest & Back tape for the first time yesterday, and today my pecs are so sore I...
  9. L

    Cathe--More floor work!

    Kimba, the floor work in PS Legs is a lot like the floor work in the Wedding tape, except that you use a body bar for added resistance. It's awesome! The movements are done in a very controlled fashion and target the abductors, adductors, and hams like nobody's business! Laura
  10. L

    Supplement questions

    Wow, Thanks so much, Lynn! I have a tendency to be anemic and there's osteoporosis in my family, so I take iron and calcium supplements regularly. I've been doing the iron in the AM and the calcium in the PM as a precaution, but it'd be great to know whether that's really necessary. That's...
  11. L

    Supplement questions

    RE: Supplement questions--Thanks, Lynn! You did a much better job of explaining this than I did. I've read that iron and calcium supplements should not be taken together because one interferes with the absorption of the other. Do you happen to know whether there's truth to this? Thanks...
  12. L

    Question re: side lunges and plie squats in S&H

    Hi Cathe and educated crowd! I just received the S&H series the other day, and so far I'm loving it. Now, my question is this: when I do the side lunges, where am I supposed to be feeling the move? And how far forward should the knee of the bending leg project? Should I be trying to take...
  13. L

    Supplement questions

    Hi there! I hope you don't mind my jumping in here, but I was wondering what kinds of supplements you're talking about. Do you mean vitamins or minerals or protein powder, or are you asking about "fat burners"? If the latter, I would really discourage you from taking them. The active...
  14. L

    Terrified of Interval Max!

    Don't be afraid, Kimba! Well, okay, be a little afraid. Seriously, as Cathe says, it's a workout you need to ease your way into. First time you do it, use no risers on your step. In fact, you may not even want to use a step. And make as many modifications as necessary. With each...
  15. L

    ok, now i'm confused and in need of help...

    Hmmm . . . I'm confused about this myself, but my understanding muscle strength relates to how much weight you can lift, and muscle endurance relates to how long you can go. For that reason strength-building workouts use heavier weights and fewer total reps, and endurance workouts use lighter...