
When I began doing Cathe Workouts
2005 or so
How I found out about Cathe Workouts
I wanted to learn how to do step aerobics so I could take classes at the gym (they no longer even offer step at the gym) and bought a step. It came with Cathe's basic step dvd and I was hooked.
Why I love doing Cathe Workouts
I love the step aerobics DVD's. Hard and fun but not too dancy to do. Cathe is a Great instructor, perfect cuing. I love the variety of the DVD's- all kind of weight workouts, and all the variety of cardio workouts, step, circuits, kickboxing, floor aerobics, etc. I like the difficulty of the DVD's-all of them-you workout hard.
Where I work out most often
Both Home & Gym
Other Workout DVDs that I own
My other favorite Cathe DVD is the Hardcore Extreme. I love all three workouts on this DVD. Hardcore Extreme and The Terminator are one of my favorite DVD's.
My Success Story
I almost always workout at the gym. I did cardio on the cardio machines-no classes. Around 2005 my weight trainer suggested that it would be good for me to take step aerobics. So I tried one. Well I was totally lost and couldn't follow the steps, but I liked it. So I thought: "I'll buy a step and a dvd and learn some steps at home so I can take the class at the gym." I bought a step and it came with Cathe's Basic Step DVD. I was hooked. I found Cathe's web site and started getting more step dvd's. I am now getting into Cathe's weight training dvd's. My weight trainer moved and has a better job, I never did get to take her class and the other step teacher no longer teaches step aerobics because of a foot problem. So I started out with the idea of learning step at home to do it at the gym, but I now can only do it at home because the gym no longer offers it. I now do workout both at home and at the gym. I love all the weight equipment at the gym-the cable machine's


Sherri (iluvstartrek-j was a typo. Wish I had proofread. Now I'm stuck with the j. lol)
"Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it" Ayn Rand


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