Recent content by CHARLIZEBOND


    getting back on track-opinions

    Thanks for the replies!

    getting back on track-opinions

    I also have the same question. I have 40lbs to lose. I have Cathe's STS, 4DS, gym styles series and access to a gym. I don't know which workout to use to shed the fat, and whether to follow other training like Cosgrove, Body for Life, or P90x. The clean eating part I can follow and know the...

    Boflex Select Tech Dumbells?

    I have Bowflex dumbbells. They are great in terms of having increments in weight. The only drawbacks I find are the following: -They are chunky, meaning that when you do certain movements like hammer curls, I don't feel that I can complete the movement at the top all the way or else I hit my...

    Still no Calendar?

    I emailed support yesterday and they said that my calendar was returned to them as undeliverable I think. I asked for it to be sent out again to my job as I had listed before. I think there's been issues with the postal service. I send out a lot of letters at my job and many have been returned...

    My Weight is going up, not down . . . Yikes!

    I would suggest you keep a log of your food. But mainly, it's pretty common to gain a few pounds when starting back with exercise. It's an adjustment phase. I don't really know the science of it all. But strength training in particular will do that to you. It's mainly water retention. Don't...

    Still no Calendar?

    I'm in New York. Still no calendar. Trying to learn the art of patience, but I just can't help checking for it everyday with the mailman!

    MAJOR personal accomplishment!!

    I haven't been checking into the forums for quite a while. But I just had to reply to this one! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! It must feel so great to have accomplished a one mile run. Wishing you plenty more and yes, YOU CAN DO IT! Rita

    Job Resources

    Thank you so much for responding. I will be looking into that ASAP. Rita

    Job Resources

    Hello, I haven't had the opportunity to post much for a while, but do browse when I get a chance. I wanted to find out if anyone had any recommendations for good job resources or know anyone that is hiring. I'm looking for paralegal or investigative type positions in the NYC area, and I'm...

    CALL OUT TO ANY CATHEITES in LONDON, England and surrounding areas that need equipment

    Hello, I'm in London and am moving back to NYC. Need to sell my equipment ASAP. If anyone is interested, please email me. -Pair of BodyMax selectabell adjustable dumbells (12.5kg each). -20kg Rubber Barbell Set with spring collars. -High Step (Black and Gray) -Original Health Club...

    GS DVD's rotation question

    Hi there, The first rotation looks ok but I would not add another total body workout on Saturday. You'll burn out fast and wouldn't be giving your body enough time in between weights workouts. Another approach, would be to do GS series once a week, B&G, and adding an all over body routine...

    LADIES, I did it!!!

    Congrats!!!!! That is such exciting news.

    becoming vegetarian

    I read Skinny Bitch about 2 1/2 years ago and became vegetarian as did my husband. First, we cleared out all of our cupboards and fridge from non-vegetarian items. There is a lot for you to eat out there. So don't think it's too limited. Just be careful when you go out to eat and ask what's in...

    I DID IT!!

    Wohoo!!!! Congrats! Rita

    Condolences to Beavs....

    I'm really sorry for your loss. Rita