Recent content by audreyw

  1. A

    worn out shoes?

    I agree with what Donna says, but it does seem like an unusually short period of time for shoes to last. If you were having foot or joint pain, my first thought would be that you've lost the cushioning in your shoes, but since the problem is a blister, have you checked to make sure your socks...
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    Ecto on top, meso or endo on bottom

    Hi! I am ecto on top and endo on the bottom. As far as weight training goes, I would suggest focusing more on split routines rather than total body workouts so that you can meet the different needs of your upper and lower halves. For your upper body, use high weights/low reps, like PS or S&H...
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    Evening exercisers

    I'm sort of the opposite of some of the other posters -- I usually work out about 8:00 - 8:30 pm and absolutely can't let myself sit down to relax beforehand. I usually get home around 7, eat, walk my dog for about an hour, then immediately start my workout. I have to stay up and active before...
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    Looks mean nothing

    Also keep in mind that when you're climbing those subway stairs, you're not dressed the same as when you're at home working out. I know that when I'm on my way to work at this time of year, I'm probably carrying an extra 20 lbs of street clothes, full length coat, purse, books and papers, etc...
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    Stability Ball size?

    Thanks, Rhonda, I'll try that -- I'm just afraid if I take the plug out, I'll lose all the air and have to pump it up again. Now that was a workout! Audrey
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    medicine ball ? that Cathe uses

    He looks up when it "giggles" -- but I usually give him a little rawhide chew when I work out, so it takes a lot to get him away from that. Until he's ready for his post-chewing drink of water, that is -- then I'm expected to stop, get out of his way so he can jump off the bed, and refresh his...
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    Stability Ball size?

    Hi, Jenn, I got the 55, which is the right size for me (5'3"), but as Rhonda said, it took a lot of pumping to inflate and I never did succeed in getting it up to the full size. It seemed to stop inflating at around 52cm. That may just be the particular brand I bought (Living Arts), but as a...
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    medicine ball ? that Cathe uses

    No bouncing required, so you don't have to worry about that. In one exercise (I think in Muscle Endurance), she has you squeeze the ball between your hands to work chest -- a child's play ball will work for that, or a volleyball or basketball, or an overripe melon, you just need something with a...
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    Is Rhythmic Step...

    I think Rhythmic Step and Stepworks are probably the all-step tapes most similar to the step sections of Cardio and Weights. There are actually a lot of moves from Stepworks in C&W: the warmup reminds me of the cooldown from Stepworks, and I believe the skip-across-the-step-and-jack move is also...
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    How are you getting on with your medicine balls...

    Hi, Anna, I like mine, but I've also done the workouts without it, and that works pretty well if you're not interested in getting a medicine ball at this time. Most of the exercises can be done with a dumbbell, except the ones where you put the ball between your legs. (You might be able to use...
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    Re: Age--a really cool finding....

    I'm in my late 30s and was also glad to see how many people were my age or older. I work with a lot of under-25s and also teach a college class part time, so I'm not around a lot of people in my own age group, and most of the ones I know aren't too into fitness. (Except one guy I know who can...
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    Let's brag . . . what's you BEST muscle?

    Probably abs are my genetic gift. Sadly, I'm also "bootylicious", so I end up looking like one of those ladies from the 1880s wearing a corset and a bustle. This makes finding (fashionable) pants difficult, even with $$$ of alterations. I also like my arms and shoulders, but I have to work more...
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    What is your "problem muscle"?

    In terms of physical weakness, chest (never gets any stronger) and shoulders, but only with regard to the overhead pressing motion. Front raises, etc., are ok. In terms of appearance, thighs and butt. Although I admit, they might improve more if I were even remotely consistent about training...
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    Stability ball v. modifications?

    I've only done the ball section on PLB once, but on some of the exercises, I noticed a lot of "burn" in my calves when I used the ball. I assume this is because you're using them to maintain your balance. Did anyone else experience this? On most of the exercises it's bearable, but I may go back...
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    Circuit Max v. Cardio + Weights?

    Hi, Jennifer Ann, As the other posters said, you can definitely go heavier with Cardio and Weights. Cathe only does one set of compound exercises per section in this workout (sort of like a warmup set), then two sets of exercises per body part, using just the upper body. There is also a full...