Fitnessfreak's January Rotation for January 1, 2009

I did the MM and UBP bis and back from the rotation and 30 minutes of KM, then off to shovel and make a snow fort.

Calorie Burn...snow fort..122 calories
shoveling ...200
snow angel...120...It was alot of snow to move...and we made 3 :eek:
January Fitnessfreak's 1-01-2009 workout check-in

Hi Debbie and Gang!

I'm checking-in this evening! I hope everyone's first day of the new year has gone great.

Today's workout:

Kick Max which kicked my butt! :p I did all of it and the leg conditioning drills in their entirety which is 74 min. Whew!!! Boy, was I a sweaty mess or what?:D Then just to really kick my abs butt, LOL!! I did 8 minutes Perfect abs- Challenging Bootcamp Abs- those are killer, love those!

Thanks for a great workout today, Debbie!

Happy New year and Hugs to all!

hello ladies,
I did not workout today. My whole family and myself included are sick. I did ring in the New Year with my hubby at home drinking Ny quil and a cup of hot tea with lemon and honey. We are all feelig icky. I want to let you know that I'm cheering you all on and i will be back.
MY UB is sore. My chest is still sore from Monday. My right bicep is very sore. Did any one have a suggestion for when I workout my right arm? Or am I doing what I shoud be doing already?


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