Has anyone ever...


received a 2nd ultrasound to determine gender?
I had my 1st 20 week u/s and the baby's legs were crossed so I couldn't find out. With my 1st baby, 9 years ago, I didn't care to know but this time I feel like things are so crucial that if I don't find out, it'll kill me! So I went ahead and scheduled another one after my 29th week but I still need to keep in mind that I may still not be able to find out. The downer of this 2nd scan is that it's NOT covered by my insurance so we've got to fork out $134. But, maybe I'll have more peace of mind once I know exactly to call this baby Quenton or Kierstyna!!
The baby had umbilical cord loops between its legs on my ultrasound, but they found little circles and told me it was a boy. The little circles turned out to be the umbilical cord, so I now have a daughter named Logan. I know ultrasounds are much better than they were in 1984, but sometimes even when they "know" they don't! Take their pronouncements with a grain of salt!
Hi Myra! Lots of luck on your second ultrasound. Although nothing is ever absolutely certain, I think you will have better luck finding out the sex the second time around. Hopefully they will guess the gender correctly, which more times than not this is the case. I like how you spelled Kierstyna :)!

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