Comfort Q for 3rd trimester moms!


I am 21 weeks along with our first. Even though I feel GREAT, lately I find myself concerned about how I will feel toward the end. I worry that when I get SO big, I will be unable to tie my shoes, shave my legs, paint my toenails, or even breathe comfortably!

Please give me honest answers- are you truly comfortable for those last 2 or 3 months? If not, what is the culprit? Breathing? Sleeping? The weight of the belly? I want to know!

I was talking to a 34-week-along colleague yesterday and asked her this same Q. She said she has to walk really slow to prevent getting winded, and seemed pretty uncomfortable in general. But then again, she is a bit heavy and doesn't seem like an "exerciser".
I am 5'4" and WAS 120 but now I'm 137, so I'm fairly small-medium...and my workouts are now twice a week. Please give me advice on how to make the most of this precious time! Thanks

Hi Lisa! First off - congratulations on your pregnancy! I delivered my first baby on 9/14/02 - Olivia Rose.

In regards to your question, here is how my pregnancy went...I had no discomfort physically until the last week (and i was overdue) in which I had swelling and my baby was soooo active I couldn't sleep well. However, at the end of my second trimester I got really back acid reflux and was eating chewable calcium magnesium tablets (my choice over Rolaids or Tums) and sleeping on an incline (propped up pillows). I had a blessedly uneventful pregnancy otherwise. However, had I been uncomfortable I would have used a pool for more comfort, I would have gotten a pregnancy massage, done pre-natal yoga and walked more. Now mind you, I was teaching exercise classes every day but Friday (in addition to my full-time job) so I think that helped me with my comfort level.

I would definitely encourage you to let us know if/when you start getting uncomfortable and I'm sure the wonderful women on this site will help get you through it.

Remember that you are making a baby and while it can be hard work, it is also a miracle.

Take care! jeni
I kept working out right until the end. I found the last 2 or 3 weeks were slightly uncomfortable in that if I had just eaten, it was hard to get my lungs full of air unless I leaned way back and arched my back! However, I could shave my legs, sleep comfortably, all that. No other problems. I gained a total of 35 pounds and was not overweight at all to start with. Also my ankles swelled a bit by the end of each day.

I dug a hole in the sand at the beach for my belly so I could lie on it a couple of times, but I lived in Virginia Beach where that was pretty convenient.
I was able to shave my legs and tie my shoes up until the end. I went for pedicures regularly, so I never tested painting my own toenails!! I didn't get really uncomfortable until the last month, but here are the things that bugged me:

- having to pee all the time (even after I'd just gone) -- lying down made it better
- having a hard time catching my breath after climbing a flight of stairs
- hands, feet and legs swelling up in the last two weeks
- developing carpal tunnel syndrome in the last two weeks (it didn't go away until my baby was almost 3 months old)
- the hot summer! (my daughter was born last Aug. 14 and the 6 weeks leading up to that were pretty rough)

There was nothing disabling, though -- I continued to work out hard until the day before my C-section.
Oh thanks guys! Your honest responses have actually put my mind at ease! I was imagining the entire last trimester to be a panting, aching, suffering time, where you can't sleep comfortably, take a deep breath or reach down! So thanks! For me, the 3rd tri begins in late I still have a while.

Hi! I'm at 28 weeks with my first baby and feeling breathless etc. too. I don't know, obviously, what the last few weeks will feel like but I did want to add that everyone's experience of pregnancy seems so individual! Just listen to your body and rest as it tells you. Pre-pregnancy, I was running, working out, etc. regularly - even running half-marathons. Now I get breathless at the slightest exertion - I think it's because I'm carrying the baby really high and it is pressing against my diaphraghm. That's my theory anyway!!:) I also unfortunately have a job which requires me to commute 4 hours a day too - I am so exhausted from the commute! My fatigue is much higher on work days. So, I do yoga and walking when I am tired and when I have more energy and time, I do my more intense workouts. I have been managing workouts about 4-6 times a week but last week was very fatigued do to insomnia and the commuting - I just slept as much as I could and did yoga.

I am finding everyone will tell you something different about what you should be experiencing, what you should be doing, etc. etc. - the best thing, IMHO, is to just listen to your body! I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well. It's so exciting, isn't it?:)
I just wanted to check in with you to see how you're doing in your last trimester.

I am 32 weeks and have had trouble sleeping the past several nights, due mostly to allergies, I think. I also have not been working out more than 2-3 times a week becuase I've been so tired from not sleeping at night. I've also been retaining a little water but not too much yet. Other than wanting to increase the workout frequency I have been pretty satisifed with this pregnancy overall.
Hi! Thanks for asking! I'm 35 weeks and one day along...and feeling pretty darned good!
For the past few weeks I was exhausted, not sleeping, achey, swollen, etc etc, but THIS week (so far) I feel totally great. Energetic, sleeping soundly (I didn't even get up to use the bathroom this week!), lots of stamina, etc!

I haven't needed to take naps yet. And my breathing is still totally comfortable. I have noticed that I have to eat very small meals now, which is fine, but I can still shave, tie my shoes, and (with some difficulty) paint my toenails.

My workouts have dropped down to one hilly 5 mile powerwalk per week. But I hope to increase that as soon as I get more time during the week.
Oh- one negative is my verrry swollen ankles, feet and hands. I went up a shoe size and can no longer wear my rings :(
Oh well.
I agree, I'm satisfied with my pregnancy too! I think the farther along I get, the less I worry about how much worse it'll get and the more I realize how lucky I am! Keep me posted on how you're doing!

5 weeks to go!!

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