Wished Myself a Merry Xmas-with new DVD


i did it i order the 2200 series from CIA. it was $90 for all the workouts in the series on dvd,$5 for shipping. breaking it down it was about 9-10 workouts(if i break up step 'til you drop) they are mostly cardio with some weight segments. i want to save up for the weights workouts from cathe until after xmas when we have finished paying for some more things. if greg's work with CIA is as good as producing cathe videos i could be a customer for life. well just wanted to share,i don't normally get to spends so much on myself at once.

merry christmas


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
Good for you, Kassia!! I can think of no one who deserves it more than you. I'd say you've been a very good girl!

YEAY for Kassia!

I just ordered the slim series on dvd. I couldn't resist as I got an email for a good deal! I hear they are boring but hard and good for freestyle & leaning-out so I've been wanting to give them a try! :)

Merry Christmas to us, Kassia!;)
>YEAY for Kassia!
>I just ordered the slim series on dvd. >Merry Christmas to us, Kassia!;)

merry christmas gals,

i saw a slim series dvd set at target but i really want to see some previews first. that is a problem with some workouts. they look good but you want to see what they are like first b/c you gotten burned so many times. i saw the previews for cia 2200 on collage and i was so greatful. hopefully after xmas i can save enough to get the intensity series on dvd since there is a lot of weight work with that series and cia is mostly cardio


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
Sadly, there aren't any previews of beachbody products. But, slim series is very intense. It's mostly compound movements throughout the entire workout. That's how I started out with it by purchasing a double workout program at target. After that I wanted the whole series. Tone it up is my favorite. I used the discount links on videofitness. Gotta love the internet!

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