What to eat /drink before/after a workout


What does everyone like to eat or drink before or after a workout? Or do you do both? How long before or after do you eat or drink what you prefer? I want to get everything I can from a workout and thought I would get everyone's opinion. Thanks a lot!!:) :)
I follow BFL so:

cardio: I wait one hour after eating to workout and wait one hour after working out to eat :)
weights: I also wait an hour after eating but I eat right after lifting

I eat 40/40/20 for my meals.

If I work out in the morning or I haven't eaten in a while before my workout, I will either use an energy gel (usually chocolate GU) or raisins about 15 minutes before my workout. They seem to be the only two things that don't make me sick during the workout. Afterwards, I am typically at breakfast or dinner so I just follow with my meal!

BFL = Body For Life
I usually eat w/in an hour of working out, & usually I'll eat just about anything I want b/c I know my metabolism is still up so I can burn it off. Of course I have preferences--my favorite meal is this giant salad from a local Italian restaurant--it's called a Tony salad, full of meats & cheeses w/a special garlic dressing. But the best thing about it is it's zero carbs.
BFL www.bodyforlife.com

3 cardio sessions 20 minutes long High Intensity Interval Training
3 workout sessions again a type of intensity training LB/UB/LB one week and the next UB/LB/UB

40% carbs, 40% protein, 20% fat, altho you don't need to weigh or count. We use palm/fist for measurments.
6 meals plus 2 servings of veggies a day and one cheat day a week

After a mug of coffee, I like to have a small bowl of Nature's Path Flax cereal with soymilk and a Morning Star Farms Breakfast Pattie.
Susan C.M.:D

Came back to add: After lifting with heavy weights, I'll have a low sugar protien shake.
An hour before a workout, I like to eat slow-cooking oatmeal with a scoop of whey protein, 2 tablespoons of wheat germ and a small handful of sliced almonds, or 4 egg whites with a slice of low-fat cheese and a slice of whole wheat bread.

After a workout, I prefer a glass of soy milk with protein powder or some salad with light dressing and a serving of tuna. I used to munch on protein bars, but I'm trying to get away from those. Sometimes I have peanut butter or low-fat cheese with an apple.

Before a workout I drink a very small amount of fruit juice then I workout and after I workout I have a protein/fruit smoothie using Carbsolutions Creamy Vanilla Protein Powder.

So basically I work out on an empty stomach and it works well for me.:)
I absolutely can not eat anything before I workout. I workout in the early am and I get so nauseated if I eat anything before I workout. I do sometimes drink a cup of coffee. And I drink plenty of h2o during.

I have always had something about 30 minutes before a workout, usually fruit or half of a Genisoy bar (like protein bar), except before a long run then I have oatmeal with soymilk, soy protein powder, ground flaxseed, and half of a banana. After all my workouts I have a smoothie with 2 cups assorted fruit, soymilk, soy protein powder, ground flaxseed, as I believe protein helps with muscle recovery and I usually have the smoothie within 30-45 minutes after I have finished....:)...Carole
I work out in the afternoons, so I usually don't eat anything right before unless I'm really hungry and then I'll eat 1/3 or 1/4 of a Trioplex bar or a fat-free/low cal yogurt. Right after my workouts (always w/weights, sometimes w/cardio) I'll have a scoop or 2 of Nectar protein powder (all protein, no fat or carbs) just mixed with water. :)
i workout first thing in the morning.. so i don't eat anything.. however i do drink a bottle of propel during my workout. i eat my normal breakfast (kashi cereal or muffins ususally) once i get to work.
Depends on your workout goal.
If you want to lose weight, stay light like others have suggested. If you are training hard for something, I drink Cytomax.

I mountain climb during the spring, summer and part of fall. I work out for performance (and believe me, I have launched this year doing Cathe workouts) so if I am working out very hard and think I'm going over the top that day I will drink Cytomax. Also, for my sport I have to do that 3 and 4 days in a row, or twice a day during part of my training cycle.

If you have never used it before is the staple for endurance athletes -even Lance Armstrong. We call it Gatorade gone radical. It releases carbs and helps prevent your body from storing lactic acid, which reduces soreness and increases endurance. I drink it only half strength.

If I have had a blowout weight day, I drink some just after I work out. It aids recovery and I can work out the next day. This has helped me train for 3 day mountain climbs where I am going 10 to 13 hours the SECOND day.
Hope this helps - Melissa
You probably wouldn't want to hear what I eat, I'm not too clean, but I never gain weight so here it goes:

I eat 2 to 3 hours before I workout. 2 slices peanut butter toast, oj, and glass of milk. Coffee as well. I never workout over an hour and a half.

Lunch: 1 hour after workout. Gatorade and usually, spinach salad with turkey, cheese and Marie's lowfat dressing, cottage cheese. Or, a Turkey and cheese sandwich on whole wheat with mustard, or tuna salad. Usually a scoop of ice cream with fruit.


Dinner varies: meat, veggies, fruit and milk. I love grilling out. Dessert!!

As you can see I am not a clean eater, but I do eat in moderation and rarely eat any fast food at all. Subs on occasion. Doesn't anyone drink good old fashioned regular milk anymore? I even still buy 1%. I know you clean eaters must be cringing. But it works for me. I don't stress out over the contents of food groups. I eat usually eat in moderation, but I also can over do it. When that happens, I do a longer workout the next day.:D
I workout in the evening. I made sure I had adequate carb intake for breakfast and lunch (I cannot be on a low carb diet if I'm doing Cathe's workout, or I'll pass out :eek: ). I'll have my dinner two hours before my workout, which largely consists of meat and vegetables. Post workout, I'll drink a MyoPro protein shake.

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