Need Help / Skin Burn


Hi all,

I just got a treadmill 2 months ago and am having a lot of fun with it. I typically run 3 times per week for 6.2 miles per run as I am preparing for a 10k in May.

I am finding that my sports bra is rubbing against my very sensitive chest skin under my breasts which is causing what looks and feels like a rug burn. The "burn" starts as red and inflamed and then scabs over within a few days of non-activity. I honestly am afraid that I am going to scar but I don't want to give up my runs.

I have tried loose bras, tighter bras, bandaids under my bra (looks pretty let me tell ya), etc. but to no avail. There has to be a reasonable solution for this. When I weighed 60 pounds more and my sports bras were, ahem, very tight, I never had chafing of any sort. Please help:)
You could try Bodyglide. Putting it on the areas that tend to chafe before you workout. I use Aquaphor myself as my Heart Rate monitor and sports bra tend to chafe sometimes. Makes getting in the shower after your run very joyous... x( You can get Aquaphor in a tube or a tub in about any drug store near where the lotions are kept. It is thick like vaseline but has a healing agent too...:)...
I've had a lot of success using Bodyglide for chafing. I used to use Vaseline, but that didn't last all the way through the workout and also I had to wear ratty t-shirts because the Vaseline stained everything. Haven't had any chafing since I switched to Bodyglide.
Ooooh Ouchie! I know exactly what you are talking about. Body glide will likely help but I no longer have that problem since I started wearing a heart rate monitor. I was so excited to find that side benefit of wearing one.

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